A Dimension Gate Opens?! Part 1

Oxford, St helen's passage

Terry wants to save that woman, but Xerus talked all of a sudden.

"[Master i think there is going to be an accident here.]" While hearing what Xerus said Terry wants to know the exact explanation what kind of accident that will happen. "Oh? What is it?"

"[There will be a dimension that will open one hour from now and more accurately it will happen around here. And the threat they give according to earth threat level it could be level 5 or higher.]"

While saying that Terry asked one more time with shock on his face "Level 5?! And maybe higher?! Isn't that the highest level?!

And according to our history only one time that happened and that's 2 centuries ago! Is this real Xerus?"

"[I'm 99% sure master, not only i could detect what level the threat is , i could also know where the gate will be open. And it should be around here.]"

Terry can't think any other plan he suddenly grab the woman's hand and the woman could not even react at that time. "H-hey what are you doing! Why am i flying like in an airplane? Wait what happened?! Why are so fast? No it wasn't me that fast but him!"

The woman absolutely shocked after what have done fortunately she has a strong mental, if not she will pass out because of sudden shocked.

Terry then said with a gente voice "You only need to be silent and I'll explain it to you later when we were safe."

It only takes terry 6 seconds from st.helen's passage to Garford Abingdon, the distance between those places was 7km and he only needs 6 seconds for Terry to arrived. Maybe if he doesn't bring the woman he could arrive in an instant.

There's only 59 minutes and 54 seconds until the gates finally opens.

"Xerus does this place safe enough?" Said Terry with a solemn face

"[For now you're safe, if there's no sudden accident.]"

Terry the looked at the woman with a flustered face and finally he explains it to her. "Uhh so it was like this...."

The woman hears the explanation that Terry gave and of course she doesn't believe it "is that true?! But when i think about it doesn't make any sense!, And what was that speed?! Are you still a human?"

The woman talked so fast that Terry don't know what should he do.

"I will tell you more when the time fits, oh yeah we still yet to introduce ourselves, my name is Terry Flint you can just call me Terry from now on!"

Terry introduce himself with a smile.

"Uhh hi Terry i know this is an awkward introduction but forget it! My name is Valerie Rogue. You can call me Valerie as well. And what are we gonna do Terry? Call a police?"

"Are you kidding me? We are facing a threat that exceed level 5 and we are going to call the police? What we're facing could threaten this world or even this galaxy i should say."

Valerie then silent herself with fears, because she don't know what to do.

"Huft, Alright do you have someone that you love? Or anything else? If you have then we should save them I'll lend you a hand."

Valerie then shook her head " i-i don't have any family left, i lived in an orphanage. Do you remember why that two guys bullied me? They were asking me to pay the money i borrow, and i don't have any money for now."

Terry looked at Valerie with a sympath look "Well let's just forget about that problem, they will die miserably later. Alright there's still 55 minutes left before the gate opens i will give you something so that you can protect yourself." And that Terry asked Xerus if he can give his cultivation technique to her "Xerus can i give my cultivation technique manual to her?"

"[ I suggest you buy it on the market that i provide master, it's not because i don't trust miss Valerie, it's because the potential of your technique is too powerful."

Terry then nodded "We have that function? Then how do i buy it?"

"[Say 'open market' in your mind, it should open automatically. And oh yeah i forgot to tell you that you already have a million coins."

Terry do as Xerus says and it's true it automatically opens and he has the 1 million coins, he then search for cultivation technique suitable for women.

"What the heck?! So expensive! Even the cheapest is at 250k and you can't impart them? The impart able costs 300k?! Well whatever it's a critical time right now."

Terry the bought the entire manual for 300k coins he feel the pinched because that's a lot of money. Terry the looked at Valerie then pointing a finger at her forehead.

"W-what are you doing? Don't do anything weird in this situation!" Terry then stopped his hand and says "You just need to stay still, i will give you a cultivation technique for you to survive, well it depends on you that you will succeed or not."

Valerie then nodded and stay still, Terry already impart the cultivation technique to her. And suddenly Valerie give an utter shock "What is this inside my head? There's a lot of information surging in my mind." After that Valerie start the cultivation process in crossed legged state.

10 minutes passed

Valerie started to open her eyes "What is this feeling? I felt more powerful! 100 more times to be exact! Maybe i can punch a huge boulder and turn it into pieces!"

Terry then nodded in satisfaction "Great you succeed, now punch me with all of your might! Remember do it with your strongest technique!"

Valerie was hesitant "are you sure? Don't blame me if you die." Terry then laughed

"Haha it's to early for you to even tickles me! Now do it now I'm going to calculate your power and compare it."

Valerie then release her punch with all her might 'BANG' Terry feels the power surging inside his body and then fades away.

"Heh not bad, Xerus start calculate!"

"[According to my calculation her power is similar to Hulk when he goes mad and uses his full power.]"

Then Terry told Valerie what her power similar to "Great your power is similar to hulk that went mad and uses his full power."

Valerie looked at Terry with a surprised face "H-how? You didn't even moved! That's cheating!" Terry then laughed "Hahaha, well it's because I'm more powerful than you! Don't worry you'll be as powerful as me when you reach a certain level. Well when you reach my level I'll be much more powerful than you hehe." With a smug face Terry teased Valerie

"Shut up! I'll work hard and beat you to death and you'll ask for mercy!"

"Haha I'm waiting for that! Well let's put that aside for now, i need to meet and save my friend at china."

Valerie was a little angry at him because he teased her and then she remembered that they were still in a critical time. "So how do we ho there? By an airplane? But there's only 40 minutes left before the gate opens."

Terry then grab Valerie's hand and says "What else than fly directly to there?"

Valerie wants to break free from Terry but she can't and she felt helpless and let he do what he do.

Terry started to fly and go straight to China.

2 minutes passed

Terry and Valerie arrived at Sanghai one of the prosperous place on China.

Sanghai, Jiading district

Terry and Valerie landed near the Sport center on Jiading district at 5p.m. Terry call his friend named Xiao Xinya, Xinya is a college student at Jiaotong Unversity, she is 21 years old, Xinya knows Terry via internet when they both coincidentally met on an online games, they become a good friend after that.

Terru called Xinya with a serious face he hoped that she answer it quickly, because there's not much time left.

"Come on Xinya pick up the damn phone.. ah finally! Hey Xinya i hope that i dont disturbed you, well if not give me your location I'm at Sanghai right now with my friend. There's something i need to talk to you.." after Terry talked Xinya through phone for 1 minute, he then received the location. Terry wanted to explain it about the gate, the reason he wanted to help her it's because she doesn't have any family , and she grew up in a orphanage. Even though Xinya has a relative her relative doesn't care about her and that's the reason Terry wanted to save Xinya.