An Ad That Changes My Life

Terry is playing a browser game called Fr* and when he loses an ad pop out and says

"[What is the most thing that you wanted.]"

"Damn it! i lost again, what is this ad?! who still uses this kind of ad template like this? is it somebody who made this is a noob on marketing? Haha, just report this ad for in appropriate ad. What i can't report nor click an X ? Well there's no other way.

Terry clicked the ad and the ad kept saying

"[What is the most thing that you wanted? Write it on this box.]"

Terry think for a while and start writing with a disbelief on his face. "Hmm, what do i want? Maybe a God's power?, and a system that assist you all the time I've always wanted that power, what else? hmm, maybe a cultivation technique that suits me the most with an infinite potential. Haha why am i thinking that this would be real?"

"Wish is being in process 10% 40% 70% 100% . Process done. Congratulations your wish has been granted.

Choose your God's power

God of fire

God of Water

God of Lightning

God of Darkness

God of Light

God of Power

God of Speed.....100+ Choices]"

"Huh? What is this? is this even real?! am i dreaming?" Terry couldn't believe what just happened so he pinched his cheek. "Damn it, it hurts. It's real! i can't believe it. well what should i choose? God of Light? hmm not interested, God of Darkness seems powerful but i can only choose one only, wait what is this? God of Everything?! Who doesn't wants the power of God of Everything? Well I'm choosing that."

"[Begin to process 12% 48% 80% 97% 100%. Congratulations you earned the power Of the God of Everything, because you didn't have enough power you could only choose 3 God's power."]

Terry was puzzled because he can only choose 3 God's power "What? why is that? Can you explain to me?" Suddenly there's another voice ringing in his head "[Sorry master, because my level is too low you can only choose 3 God's power for now."]

Terry was surprised "Who are you? are you the system that i have wished for?"

The system said with a flat sound "[Yes master sorry for talking all of the sudden.]"

"Well can i upgrade you in the future and have more God's power?" Terry asks "[Yes you can upgrade me and have more God's power.]"

Terry nodded with satisfaction "Then I'm choosing this God of Everything, 3 God's power huh? What am i going to choose? System no, i will call you Xerus from now on. What should i choose for the God's power?"

"[It's a blessing to be named master thank you. About the 3 God's power i think you should choose The God of Will, The God of all Wish and The God of Power. The reason for you to choose The God of Will because you need a strong Willpower to protect your mental, and The God of all Wish because you can wish for your self for an infinite amount of wish and with that you can see people's fate and you'll be a wise person wiser than anyone else, and lastly The God of Power because you need power and strength to protect yourself from any physical threats. Because you choose The God of Everything you can have all the power of Gods in this existence.]" Terry think what Xerus says was true because he never trains his body nor his mental, and the power of wish... that's just too powerful!

"Alright I'll do what you recommend to me. I choose The God of Will, The God of All Wish and The God of Power!"

With a different sound of system, the sound ringing inside of Terry's head

"[Congratulations you have earned the power of Will grade SSS, the power of Wish Grade SSS, and the power of great strength and speed grade SSS. Because you choose the three supreme Gods you we gift you the power to travel to other dimensions.]"

Once again the same system rang in his mind "Congratulations for obtaining a supreme cultivation technique , this technique is created just for you, you can name it by yourself.]"

Once again Terry was surprised because not only he obtained the God's power he also obtained a cultivation technique that created just for him and it's a supreme technique for god sake!

"I can't believe i will be a cultivator like xianxia novel and with God's power now! What should i name it though? Hmm maybe Terry supreme technique? Yeah that's good!"

(That's not not even good!)

Soon Terry starting to sit crossed leg to start cultivating.

10 minutes passed

Terry finally opened his eyes. "What is this feeling? I feel more powerful about 10 million times powerful! What kind of technique is this? Is it because i have the God's blood race? Or is it because this technique is just too powerful? I don't know!. Xerus check my status now."

"Terry Flint

Race : Human, God (Will, Wish, Power)

Talent: immeasurable

Power: 230.817.900.000

Agility : 134.817.081.000

Vitality : 203.717.993.000

Dexterity: 200.713.742.000

Stamina : 197.017.716.000

Luck: 918.736.183

Skill :

• Wishing Grade SSS

• Absolute power Grade SSS

• Strong will Grade SSS

• Anti illusion Grade SSS

Special Skill:

• Dimension Bracelet (unbreakable)

Qualification :As strong as ant universe (high grade)

Terry looked at his status with disbelief, he never knew that he will be this powerful, while he looked at his status he saw 'Qualification' it says as strong as ant universe (high grade) he doesn't know what it meant so he asks Xerus.

"Xerus what does it mean I'm as strong as ant universe and it's a high grade, I'm not mad or something but is there more powerful being in the universe? More powerful than me?"

"[Yes master, there is more powerful being stronger than you, and it's far too much because not only from this universe but other universes, you need not to know for now master, you only need to become more powerful than ever.]"

Terry hears Xerus's explanation with utter shock because he never knew there's other living being in this universe and also there's a lot of universes. "And is the system who gave me this power also one of the beings Xerus?"

"[It seems so because i couldn't see how strong the system that gave you power, i only know that the system is much more stronger than i am." Now Terry understand what it means to become more powerful.

8 days passed since Terry got overpowered by an ad, he casually walking around in UK. Ever since he has the speed that nobody could see he could go anywhere he wants he even cheated to get an $87 million dollars lottery. Terry walking around in Oxford near the Oxford university, he sees a woman who looked 21 years old gets bullied. Terry then comes to the woman.

"Hey you two jerks! Stop bullying that woman will ya?!"

The two men looked at Terry and then Shouted with an angry face. "Shut the fuck up! Mind your own business!"

Terry looked at the woman and coincidentally the woman is a student at Oxford university.

"Hey there miss, are you alright? Do you need my help? Said Terry with smile on his face.

The woman then looked at Terry with a relief and panic "Uh I-i'm okay, i have business with them" answered the woman

Terry looked at the woman once again and the shifted his head to see the two mans.

"They looked like an evil guys, i can only tell just by looking at these guy's eyes. Well don't worry about it miss you'll be fine now."

While saying that Xerus talk all of a sudden and the full of himself from Terry became worsen and worsen on his face.