
This story isn't like most stories, but then again it sort of is in a way. But uh, sorry I'm rambling this is my story believe it or not these events actually happened. My name is Rayne Suelly, I am 20 years old, and I am a History Major but I also take a few classes in astronomy at École des Ponts Paristech in Paris, France. My story all started on a normal flight back home to see my mom, dad, and twin sister in Miami. I was flying back home to see my family of course, but mainly my sister because I had just been left by my first real boyfriend and I desperately needed to talk to her in person. Right before he left me he murmured out these final words that through his thick French accent made them hard to understand or maybe it was because I didn't want to hear them.

"It's not like I don't love you I do really it's just that with both of our studies I just don't think we have time for a relationship right now. And I am sorry, but I am leaving you…"

Those words still haunt me to this day. I thought to myself I can't dwell on the past, I have to focus on now and what's important now is that one I am listening to my favorite song and two I am flying home to see my family after 2 years of studying abroad. As I peered out at the beautiful open ocean I thought of its beauty until I was interrupted by the sound of the plane rattling. As quickly as it started it stopped, and we heard the pilot up on the overhead,

"Attention passengers do not be alarmed we just hit a bit of turbulence as we are entering the colliding wind currents of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean."

To this I was relieved but there was a guy sitting next to me who looked a little tense to say the least so to make sure that he was ok I asked him,

"Hey are you ok and what's your name by the way? Oh, and by the way my name is Rayne."

He quickly glanced over at me with his messy, curly hair on his face and said,

"My name is Jacob and yeah I'm fine."

I glanced back over at him and asked,

"Are you sure you are okay because you seem a little tense."

As, if he wasn't expecting my question he sheepishly stuttered out,"

"Why are you afraid of heights and flying?"

"Well, um, I have been scared of flying ever since I watched the movie United 93 and well-being afraid of heights I have been afraid of heights since I was 8 when I fell off of the top of the playground at school and broke my arm."

"Hey at least you have a great explanation on why you are afraid of flying and heights."

"Oh and not to mention when I was 14 we moved towns in the middle of freshman year. So I had to move schools in the middle of the year and I did not for some reason want people to find out that I was scared of heights. So long story short somehow it got out that I was afraid of heights and this group of guys that liked to taught anyone and everyone and in particular me found me one day at lunch blindfolded me, and somehow got me all the way up to the high dive which mind you is 33 feet in the air. And that day there was a water safety class that all freshmen had to take. And well when they unblindfolded me I went into a state of fear and shock. My immediate reaction was to run the opposite way but the kids who had gotten me the way up there just stood there and taunted things at me like,

"Come on ,Jacob, just jump! Or are you too chicken to?"

They just stood there and laughed at me and tauntingly told me things like,

"What are you scared Jacob?" and "Look guys we got him to cry!"

They laughed and yelled taunting things at me until they started walking closer to me forcing me to walk backwards until they got so close to the edge that one of them just said,

"Go on Jacob it's time for you to face your fears."

And before I knew it I was standing right on the edge of the high dive with 4 boys that were about what felt like a million times bigger than me standing over me laughing at me and pointing until one of them said just said,

"Have fun Jacob, oh we're sorry we forgot that you are afraid of heights."

And with those final words they pushed me over the edge. I screamed like I was a 5-year old little girl and fell into the water in front of the whole freshman class. Let's just say I was the laughing stalk of that school for the rest of the school year."

"Wow! I am sorry that that happened to you Jacob."

"Well it's fine, they are just memories. So tell me Rayne why are you headed to Miami?"

To be honest I didn't really want to answer his question because why I was going to Miami was a bit um personal, but hey I was here, and he was willing to listen, so I went for it.

"Well I am going to Miami because I have been studying abroad in Paris, and I am from Miami so my family is there. And I am going to see my twin sister because I have a lot to tell her."

"Oh ,well ,that's cool. Where do you study in Paris?"

Ok I know I said I was going to tell him but I just couldn't tell him about my entire love life I just met this guy. Suddenly I realized that I had gotten lost in thought and left him sitting there until I looked into his big green eyes and before I was able to answer his question we suddenly dropped what felt like a million feet from the sky. As we were falling Jacob let out the girliest scream I had ever heard in my life and I couldn't help but laugh. We seemed to have come to a stop as the pilot announced,

"Attention passengers we have entered The Bermuda Triangle, and we hit some slig-"

He was interrupted by a feeling of what felt like time had stopped and suddenly as I glanced at my phone it had gone haywire it was 12 then 2 then 4 then all of a sudden everything went black.