Where Am I?

I woke up a little dazed from blacking out, as I slowly began to stand myself up things started to get a little clearer and a little less blurry. Soon after I felt that I was okay, I realized that I was on a beach somewhere but it wasn't like a normal beach. I was on a dry, sandy beach, with oxygen because I was breathing ,but somehow I was able to see the ocean flowing upward almost as if I was underwater. I was thoroughly confused about how I was on dry land and could breathe yet saw fish and other sea creatures just swimming about. I decided to ignore my surroundings because wherever I was I needed to look for others and I began to call out,

"Hello!! Hello is anyone there!!!"

I waited a few moments for a response until I heard a small voice yelling,

"Hello is there anyone there?"

Suddenly the silhouette of a small child came into view and I began to walk to it. As the child and I came closer together I realized that this was a little girl she ran up to me crying and through her tears she murmured,

"My mom, I-I-I can't find her."

I looked down at this little girl no older than 6 or 7 who was now grabbing my leg and begging me to help her. I crouched down to her level and asked,

" What's your name honey?"

She replied through her tears with,

"My name is Penelope but my mom calls me Penny, and I am 7."

I told her,

"Hello Penny! My name is Rayne and yes I'll help you try to find your mom but right now we have to look for other people in this beach like place."

Penny looked at me right in my eyes and asked me this,

"Ok Miss Rayne but do you think my mom is here?"

She asked me this with tears in her eyes. I couldn't lie to this little girl but honestly I couldn't tell this little girl so sweet and innocent that her mom may not be on this beach. So I contemplated on what to say to her until I decided on this,

"Penny I am sure we will find your mom we just need to look around she has to be around here somewhere."

Penny looked at me and through her fading tears said,

"O-Ok thank you, Miss Rayne."

Now I was tasked with looking for survivors and hopefully finding this little girl's mom. I began to call out for others who may hear me and after many cries for help I heard a voice that was oddly familiar I called out,

"Hello is anyone there?"

To my surprise I heard a male voice calling out in the distance crying out,

"Hello who's there?"

I called back to this male figure this phrase,

"Hello, yes I see you can you come closer?"

As the figure approached it clicked it was Jacob and a woman walking behind him but something was wrong he didn't look okay he looked almost hurt. Out of nowhere Penny began to run up to the woman and started yelling,


The moment Penny started yelling the woman began to run towards Penny yelling,

"Penny! Penny ,dear! Oh my lord! I am so happy your okay your brother and I have been looking all over for you."

I was confused, so wait Jacob is Penny's older brother. Due to the fact that I was completely at a loss of words I blurted out,

"Wait so Penny your older brother is Jacob and that's your mom?"

Penny walked over to me and said,

"Yes this is my brother Jacy and my mom's name is Sky."

After that Penny's mom came running up to me and embracing me in a hug and started spewing out many questions and thank yous,

"Oh my lord thank you so much for looking after my little Penny I don't know what I would do if I lost her. Oh, by the way, my name is Sky. What's your name dear? You are so beautiful! You have to tell me how old you are."

"Oh um you're welcome it was nothing. Penny sort of found me and my name is Rayne, and I am 20 years old."

"How amazing is that my little Jacy is 20 as well!" I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Jacob's mom calls him Jacy. I know I shouldn't be laughing but I couldn't help it I couldn't help that calling him Jacy instead of Jacob was super cute.

"MOM! I told you not to call me that outside of the house!"

Jacob suddenly whisper yelled at his mom.

"I am sorry honey I forgot"

Personally I found this extremely adorable but apparently Jacob did not because with every moment that passed his face grew redder and redder. All of a sudden,

"Jacy you're bleeding!!"

Penny yelled out.

"I told you don't call me Jacy outside of the house Penelope! And yes I am fully aware that I am bleeding."

"I'm sorry but how are we going to fix you?"

Penny said through growing tears.

I can't believe I was fully ignoring the fact that Jacob was bleeding from his left arm this whole time. Great job Rayne, great job. I stared at Jacob before quickly I stammered out,

"Uh are you okay because if you are bleeding I have a first aid kit inside of my backpack and I could bandage you up if you want. Of course that's if you want me to I could give you the kit or your mom whatever is comfortable for you."

I was beginning to lose myself in my thoughts when I was interrupted by a voice, it was Jacob,

"Ugh yeah you c-can do it if y-you want to."

As the words slipped out of his mouth the blush grew wider and redder across his face. I thought to myself wait does he like me, nah he can't like me, we just met. After my cognitive thoughts with myself I looked over at Jacob and said,

"Ok let me get my stuff out of my bag."

I went to open my bag and get out my first aid kit when the unthinkable happened: