Thank You

Mr. Suelly said,

"Well yes Rayne I am your great- great-grandfather and as for being a spirit or a ghost I would consider myself a spirit."

I asked,

"How did you get down here?"

To this he said,

"Well I was in the Navy and in 1941 I died in the first missing ship case of the Bermuda Triangle."

At this point I am so confused so my great-great grandfather lives at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. I was so confused at this point that all I could communicate were questions as Jacob, Penny, and Sky sat there as I reunited with family I guess.

"So do you cause ships and planes to go missing?"

To this question his response could totally change the way people saw the Bermuda Triangle.

"To tell you the truth yes I do control what happens over the Bermuda Triangle. But before you think I am an evil spirit out for revenge let me explain. I am forced to follow the rules of Gorgons, three monstrous sea spirits known as Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa since the beginning of time they have chosen one person every 77 years to be the keeper of the Bermuda Triangle and during your time you have to crash or sink any plane or ship that goes through the Bermuda Triangle. Or they will kill off your family that is alive and will ever come to be. So since 1941 I have had to follow their rules and all I want is for the public to know that it is not a force that causes the disappearances but an evil set of spirits that only want to hurt others."

"Wow! That's a lot. I am very sorry you have to stay here imprisoned but do you have any idea how to get us home?"

"Well I am not sure how to get you all home but I can get you to the surface."

"Ok how are you going to get us to the surface?"

Since this conversation had started Jacob, Penny, and Sky had just sat there and listened but after a while Jacob had fallen asleep. So since he was sleep Sky told Penny to wake him up because we were about to figure out how to get home. After Penny was given her instructions she got up from her little chair in the corner and walked over to the chair that Jacob was sitting in and started saying,

"Jacy Jacy wake up hurry you peed your pants!"

The last part she said trying to hold back from giggling.


Jacob sheepishly yelled out with a blush creeping across his face. To me it was hilarious and (kinda cute) how much he blushed around me. I knew he really liked me but was I willing to let someone into my heart after what happened with my ex boyfriend was the question I keep asking myself. While I had gotten lost in my own thoughts Jacob realized that he didn't pee his pants and was now tickling Penny to pay for wrongdoings. Once again my thoughts were interrupted by Mr. James Suelly saying something,

"Listen I honestly don't really know how to get y'all home but I can get you to the surface, but I am warning you I don't know where you will end up. But if you jump into the ocean from here the current should take you to the beach, from there you should be able to find a way to wherever you are trying to go."

"Ok so if we jump into the ocean we will end up on a beach somewhere?" I asked.

"Well yes if my predictions are correct."

Out of nowhere Jacob said something that would change the course of everything.

"So Mr. Suelly if we jump in the ocean there's a chance that we don't end up where we are supposed too?"

"Well yes young man I can't tell you if you will make it or not at this point you have to walk by faith my boy. And get your girl home."

The last part Mr. Suelly said with a wink and a smile on his face and as much as he tried to hide it you could see the red on Jacob's face that spread from his ears and continued across is cheeks and nose.

"So I guess we are headed out."

I said kinda out of nowhere. To my comment Jacob, Penny, and Sky all nodded a yes but Mr. Suelly had more to say.

"Nonsense you all are not leaving tonight do you know how rough the sea is at night you all will leave bright and early tomorrow morning. Besides the little girl has already fallen asleep."

In unison we all said,

"Well ok then."

So now it was clear that we were all going to stay here for the night.

"Rayne dear come into my study for a moment I would like to talk to you."

Mr. Suelly said. I responded with.

"Oh um alright."

I followed Mr. Suelly into his study, its walls were covered floor to ceiling in books. It had two nice looking sofa like chairs in the corner nestled in a corner near a small fireplace. He invited me to sit down and i did. He started the conversation.

"That young man is in love with you. And I can tell that you want to feel the same way but there is something inside of you that doesn't want to love him. Please tell me why is it you don't want to love him?"

"Wow your great at reading people because to be honest everyone knows he loves me and I desperately do want to love him but I am so scared that my heart will be broken again…."

My words trailed off as tears began to slowly form in my stormy grey eyes.

"Rayne dear I am very sorry that your heart and trust were betrayed ,but you must learn to move on because if you keep living in the past you will never be able to love anyone again. And you must remember to not look back, for you arent going that way."

Mr. Suelly's words truly moved me and I hadn't thought about it that way before but deep down I was scared to live again, I was scared to trust again, and most of all I was scared to love again.

"I know I need to move on but its so hard my heart is ready but I can't get out of my own head Mr. Suelly."

I said these words still fighting back tears.

"Listen Rayne it's very hard to move on after your heart is broken but if you seal yourself away from love you will never get to see or feel the love of someone who truly wants to love you. And you must also remember that every guy you meet is not going to be like him."

His words truly moved me but I was still a little anxious about opening up my heart again.

"Thank Mr. Suelly."

"Your welcome Rayne and here give this picture to your great great grandfather and tell him that his dad is still looking up at him. And one more thing tell the world the truth about the Bermuda Triangle disappearances."

"Of course I will and again thank you so much."