Where Are We?

I hadn't realised it but had talked through the night and it was now morning. I gathered my things and the rest of the crew we said goodbye to Mr. Suelly and thanked him for his help.

"Ok so we just jump in this wall of water?"

I asked.

Jacob responded with

"Well yeah I guess and there is no time like the present."

Jacob threw himself into the wall of water and disappeared within seconds. Next came Penny and Sky and finally me I ran into the wall of water with al my strength and before I knew it I was underwater looking back at the beach that I had landed in until it became blurry to look at. Before I knew it I could see the light of day and the surface so I began to fight the current until I found myself on the surface of the ocean. When I came to the surface I saw Sky, Penny, and Jacob bobbing on the surface of the water swimming towards the shore which was about 20 or so feet away. As they began to swim to the shore I quickly followed after then, swimming as hard as I could. After about 7 minutes of swimming I dragged myself and my bag ont0 the sandy beach that was warm to the touch of my cold skin. After a few minutes of laying in the warm sand I finally gathered the strength to pick myself off of the ground, dust all of that pesky sand, and look for the others. I quickly saw Jacob, I mean he's kinda easy to spot he's like 6'3. I walked over to him, his mom, and Penny who like I was a few moments ago were dusting themselves off.

I came over and asked,

"So I guess you all made it through okay?"

Jacob answered with,

"Yeah we seem to be here in one piece….."

He stopped talking mid sentence and just pointed at the city ahead of us. We were so concerned in having made it here in one piece that we had forgotten to look at our surroundings. We turned around and found ourselves peering out at city that looked nothing like the city I knew as home it looked like a city from all of those futuristic movies the buildings were nothing like I remembered instead of the brightly colored, Latin inspired beachside buildings I was used to they were replaced with skyscrapers that were made of pure steel that I swear were miles higher than anything I had ever seen in my life. I looked at Jacob and asked,

"Where are we and what year is it?"