What Year Is It?

He looked at me with those big green eyes of his and simply stated,

"I have no idea."

I was so confused but I knew I had to figure out where in the world we were.

"Come on guys lets go ask that man over there."

"Um excuse me sir can you tell us where exactly we are and today's date."

The man said,

"Um well we are in Edgewater which is a neighborhood of Mont, Florida and today is 6/14/3018."

"Wait what! Did you just say that it was the year 3018! When we left Paris it was June 13th ,2018! We are a thousand years in the future! Ahhh!"

I was beyond confused, scared, or any other word that describes a state of being confused. Ok Rayne chill its ok you only traveled 1,000 years in the future you can figure out how to get home just breathe and think.

"Ugh I can't think!"

I suddenly screamed out. The man kinda just walked away probably assuming that I was out of my mind and Jacob looked at me in my eyes and said,

"Just relax Rayne I am sure that we will find a way to get home."

I don't know why those eyes of his were so comforting but they were and I liked that about them.

"Your right we can figure this out because for every problem there is a solution right?"

He responded with the most innocent response a person could ask for all while having a tint of pink on his ears.

"Of course all problems have solutions. S-some just have more comp-plex solutions."

The last part he kinda sheepishly stuttered out but nevertheless it was adorable and comforting. Well I guess now we had to put our heads together and figure out a way to get back home. I thought about our problem and tried to connect the dots between my extensive knowledge of history, astronomy, and astrology and then it clicked.

"Ok this is going to sound crazy but I think that I know how we get home."

All at once they said,


"Ok so for us to get home we must enter the warp of time that we left and to do that we must get on a flight to Paris because if my theory is correct when we were in a time warp which is an area of space not bound to the rules of space and time at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle we got stuck in that time warp. To get out of this time warp we must rebalance time and to do that we have to get on a plane today because right now Pluto is in retrograde which means that the rules of time are slightly altered. This only should work because when Christopher Columbus sailed through the Bermuda Triangle on Monday, September 17, 1492 he experienced the first recorded warp in space and time which is why when he returned back to Spain his log book was a day off. But for this to work we must be on flight 0124 because the 0 represents transformational change, 1 because it represents a single entity known as the spirit that controls the Bermuda Triangle, 2 because it represents balance and we need to restore the balance between space and time, and 4 because 4 is 4th dimension which means it is represents time as an illusion. That's how I think we get home."