How Do We Get Home?

As soon as I finished Jacob blurted out,

"Wow your pretty when you ramble! Did I just say that out loud? I um uh I am uh s-sorry I-I sorry y-you are pretty all the time not just when you ramble! Ugh! I am sorry this is awkward, no I am awkward sorry."

By the time Jacob had finished rambling he was a bright shade of red and all could do was laugh. I don't know why and how he made me laugh but he did.

"Well thanks Jacob someone finally appreciates my rambling."

I guess I had figured out how to make Jacob shut up because the moment I said that all he could say was,

"Y- your w-welcome."

"Ok we have to find our way to the airport and find a flight to Paris that is flight 1204."

Everyone in unison said,

"Ok then let's go."

Luckily all of us were from Miami and Mont was laid out exactly the same so as Miami natives we had no problem locating the airport. We walked for some time until we reached the airport and walked inside. We looked at the scheduled flights and I read them aloud,

"Fairplay (Fairfield,CA) 1636,

Marbleburn (Montgomery, AL) 3637,

Lightwitch (Louisville, KY) 2648,

Westwyvern (Washington D.C) 7475,

Pernelle (Paris, FR) 1204. There it is ,I guess Paris is now called Pernelle."

"Ok so we just get on this flight and we end up back in Miami right?"

Jacob asked.

"Yeah I think so if my theory is correct yes if not I am not sure what will happen."

I hadn't thought about what would happen if we didn't make it back would we be stuck here forever I can't do that to Jacob and his family. Just the thought of hurting him and his family took a jab at my heart and before I knew it was holding back tears until I thought about never seeing my family again… That was the last blow my heart could take and before I knew it was crying softly into my hands in the middle of the airport. I just kept crying until I felt a set of arms wrap around me and they gave me a feeling of such comfort and security yet the tears didn't stop they just kept coming. I didn't even know whose arms where around me but at this point I didn't care I couldn't think about putting 3 other peoples lives at risk for a theory that I wasn't even sure would work. Before I knew it my legs had came out from under me and I was on the ground crying with a random set of arms around me until someone spoke.