I Can’t Do This....

"Rayne its ok."

It was Jacob. He had his arms around me and I burst out into another ramble through tears.

"Jacob I can't risk your family's lives for a plan I am not sure will work I can't just-just let you guys come with me on this experiment. It will hurt my soul if you or your mom or Penny got hurt. I couldn't bare the thought of hurting your family and I want you ,your mom, and sister will stay here. I will go and if it works I will figure out how to come back I will risk my life and if I don't make it back stay here and live in the future, okay?"

"Rayne I am not letting you risk your life for mine. You don't deserve to risk your life for me. If anything I should risk my life I mean you are so smart it would be a crime to let a mind like yours leave this world before reaching its full potential. Look Rayne I am in love with you so if you go down with the ship or plane to be more precise I'm going with you."

"Your in love with me? Why? I am nothing special just the girl from Miami with big dreams."

"Rayne you are more than special your miraculous. You are beautiful and smart yet charismatic along have an excellent sense of humor. I can't begin to understand how you view yourself as ordinary you're like a star in the sky you hide under the cover of looking like everyone else but if people dared to dive into those beautiful gray eyes of yours they would see the person I have had the privilege of getting to know. So I am asking you right here right now Rayne and I am trying my best to not turn red in the face but w-will you go out with me when we get back to present day Miami."

I can't believe that Jacob just asked me out I know what I want to say but do I is the question I still technically meet him yesterday. I made my decision.

"Sure I will go on a date with you Jacy."

With me calling him Jacy his face went from flushing pink to crimson red in about 2 milliseconds. He just stuttered out a cool and with that we were on our way to the check in for our flight. Oh, and I should probably mention Penny and Sky had left to go get something to eat after Jacob wrapped his arms around me but since then they come back to check in for the flight with us. I walked up to what I thought was a lady behind the flight desk but no I was wrong, it was a weird robotic voice.

"Hello my name is Casey how may I help you/"

"Um can we purchase 4 tickets for the flight from Mont to Pernelle?"

"Of course that will $2028. Cash or credit?"

So I guess flying is still just as expensive as it was 1,000 years ago.

"Um cash please."

I gave her my $507 and Sky gave them her credit card which was in the pocket of her pants from when we crashed. If you are wondering, yes 1,000 years from now we'll still use the same currency.

We got our tickets and were directed to go through security. After we had gotten through security we walked to our gate to await our destinies.

After what felt like years of waiting our flight was finally called and I couldn't help but feel anxious about getting on this flight because I didn't know what was going to happen I didn't know if we would make it back to our time period, I didn't know if we were going to ever make it back to the place we call home and that is what gave me so much anxiety. We got on the plane and just like on our way there Jacob sat by me and I sat on the window because the window seat makes his anxiety worse. You could tell that he was already beginning to get nervous because I could see it in his eyes ,they almost got greener if that's a thing. I looked at him,