Did It Work?

I woke up just like I did the first this happened to me. I was a little lightheaded and dizzy but instead of waking up on some weird beach that was somehow underwater yet dry and had air on it I was still in my plane seat with my seatbelt on and my hand clasped in between Jacob's. Shortly after I woke up Jacob began to flutter his emerald green eyes open and the first thing he muttered out was,

"Where are we?"

To that I answered with,

"We are still in the plane Jacob."

"What how are we here aren't we supposed to be on some weird beach thing that is somehow underwater yet dry."

"I am not sure Jacob but look at the pamphlet in the seat pocket it says Air France which means we are on the same flight we were on one day ago! Jacob it worked!"

"What how how are we back on the same flight as before? Does that mean that we successfully altered space and time?"

"Jacob I do think that we have officially become time travelers."

"Wait so are we going to tell our crazy story to the world or will we just keep it as our little secret?"

"I say that we tell the world I mean what do we have to lose."

"Ok Rayne how are we going to do thi-"

Jacobs sentence was interrupted by the pilot going overhead and informing us of this.

"Attention passengers we are beginning our descent and will be landing in beautiful Miami, Florida in about 15 minutes."

This information was what felt like the greatest news of my life. For the first time since this crazy trip started I was sure of something, I was sure that in 15 minutes we would land in the Miami that I knew and loved not some robotic modern city that was nothing like the Miami I knew.

After the 15 minute descent we landed on the tarmac. Finally I was going to be home and get to see my sister and family but I guess I had much more of a story to tell them now but I glanced at my watch and it said something strange it read Friday 13th ,2018 but I was sure that today was the fourteenth because yesterday we passed the night at the bottom of the ocean. To make sure that I wasn't insane I asked the lady sitting in front of me,

"Um excuse me but do you know the date ma'am?"

She looked at me in a puzzled expression seeming like she didnt understand me but then it dawned on me that she didn't speak English. So I figured since she was on a flight from Paris that she spoke french so I asked her,

"Tu ne parles pas anglais? Si vous ne parlez pas français?"

Which translates to "Do you not speak English? If you don't do you speak French?" and yes if you were wondering I do speak English and French fluently but I am also learning both Latin and Spanish.

To my response, in French ,she responded to me in French,

"Non, je ne parle pas anglais mais je parle français et qu'est-ce que vous aviez besoin cher?"

This phrase means "No I do not speak English but I do speak French and what was it you needed dear?" To this I continued to talk to her in French.

"Ok connaissez-vous la date du jour?"

This means "Ok do you know today's date?"

Her response would determine and even change what we thought were the laws of time and space .

"Oh oui, la date du jour est le vendredi 13 et nous sommes en 2018 à 15h05."

This translates to "Oh yes I do, today's date is Friday the 13th and it is the year 2018 at 3:05 pm."

I was beyond astonished and confused but through my confusion I was able to mumble a thank you,

"Je vous remercie."

That means thank you in French.

After I thanked her I was still in a state of shock and confusion had time stopped when we left this time period or had time went backwards when we came back or did time just stand still for us or was it a dream or were we the first time travelers. I was so lost in thought and just utterly confused on how and what was happening. My train of what felt like endless thoughts was abruptly interrupted by a voice asking me a question.

"You speak English and French too Rayne?"

Wait Jacob spoke French too.

"Wait you speak French too?"

"Well yeah I speak French my dad is French but the more important question is how do you know French?"

"Well French was the language I took in highschool and after living in Paris for two years I kinda just picked up the language."

"That's really cool."

I decided that I wanted to get one more blush out of Jacob before we had to leave the confinement of our seats and that's what I did.

"Jacob do you want to know something?"

"Sure tell me something I don't know."

Jacob confidently stated in his rarely used confident tone. I turned to look into his big emerald green eyes and whispered,

"Tu es mon amour."

The look on Jacob's face was priceless he went completely pale then within the span of 2 seconds he was completely crimson red all over his face, I am talking he was red from his ears all the way across his entire face. Honestly it was kinda cute that he blushed and it showed that really cared because "Tu es mon amour" means "you are my love" in French. I couldn't help but feel like I was falling or had fallen in love with Jacob because to tell you the truth I had fallen in love with him, he was so sweet and kind and the best definition of a gentle giant that you could ever think of. As usual I had lost myself in thought until I felt a little poke in my are from behind and it was little Penny.

"Um Rayne did you break my brother and it's time to go the crew says that it's our zones turn to unload."

"No I don't think I broke your brother Penny, I just think I just gave him the shock of his life and alright."

No I hadn't broken Jacob just gave him the shock of his life and now I had to figure out how to get him to get up because there way no way that I was going to be able to get past his 6'3 self legs.

"Um Jacob are you going to get up or not because we have to get off of this flight?"

He just gave me this shocked and kinda dazed expression and just kinda got up slowly unclenching his hand from mine and getting his bag out of the overhead compartment. After he got his stuff he also got my backpack out of the compartment and gave it to me with kinda shy simile. All I did in response to his smile was I mouthed to him "You Dork" and to that he just gave me this kinda smirk and kind of a shy smile thing he does.

After our little interaction we got our things and walked out of the plane and on the way out Jacob hit his head on the plane and Penny and I laughed although Jacob was not amused.