Are You Okay???

As we walked through the airport I thought about all of the things that had happened and how much I have grown as a person,but I was also excited about all of the beautiful change that had happened from when I started this crazy journey to now. I mean this journey wasn't for the faint of heart but I am glad that this was a part of my journey because without it I may still be a closed book nevering opening herself up for the world to read because she was afraid of being hurt. My mind was full of thoughts until they were interrupted by a loud,

"HEY give it back!!"

Jacob had yelled at his little sister because somehow she had gotten a hold of his phone even though she was significantly shorter than him.

"Ooh Jacy you want Rayne's number! Hahaha! Do you like her Jacy? Hahaha."

You had to love Penny because was adorable but her favorite hobby seemed to be embarrassing her brother and she was pretty good at it because the moment she started reading stuff off his phone he started going red again and then ran after her. Catching her very quickly because he was 20 and she was 7. Through all of her giggling Jacob managed out a,

"Penny I told you stop taking my phone."

"But Jacy I was trying to help you."

Then he started to whisper something in her ear until,


So Penny basically let me and the entire airport know that Jacob wanted to be my boyfriend and hey I wasn't opposed to it but he could've just asked. I mean it's always a pleasure to watch Jacob become a tomato but hey he still could have asked I mean it's obvious him and I like each other it's no secret.

Needless to say after Penny made her um announcement Jacob went crimson red and just turned to me and back at Penny. I honestly felt kinda bad for the guy, although I did find it quite amusing resulting in me pretty much dying of laughter, you could tell he was very embarrassed, like more than he was before in the times his sister messed with him. After that he got his phone back from his sister he just walked up away from Penny and I. I just kinda got a feeling that something wasn't right because even when he was embarrassed he just kinda stayed and endured it then laughed it off not walk away. I made my decision I ran after him which was a little hard because one the people in the airport and two he walked like really fast. Eventually after a lot of people dodging and relentless sprinting I caught up to him and he was just walking with a straight face and light tears falling from his eyes. I was very worried , I had never seen Jacob cry like that.

"Hey are you ok?"