
"Does it look like I am okay Rayne?"

To be honest, no he didn't look okay but I knew he wasn't going to tell me anything so I had to start the conversation so I grabbed his hand and pulled him into an empty gate waiting area and asked.

"Jacob what is wrong please tell me?"

"I don't know Rayne okay, what you don't get is that I know why you were laughing back there it's because the answer is no you wouldn't want to be my girlfriend because you don't want to be with a cowardly, shy, and awkward person like me and that's okay but please don't toil with my feelings!"

"Jacob first I don't want to toil with your feelings because mine have been toiled with before and I know how that feels. And second if you wanted to be my boyfriend you could have just asked because to tell you the truth I was hoping that you would ask."

There it is the thing I have wanted to tell him since the moment I met him and his electric green eyes.

"Wait really you would have said yes and not laughed in my face?"

"Of course I would have said yes you are so cute and kind and the most gentle of giants why would I say no."

"Wow you really think so things of me?"

"Of course I do I told you ,you are "mon amour" meaning my love. But enough of this you have to meet my family if you are going to be my boyfriend Jacy."

"Oh um okay s-sure."

I still found it hilarious that everytime I called him Jacy he started stuttering, but really I had to introduce him to my family because I thought I was going home to give me family one kind of news turns out I would give them a whole other type of news I had to give them.

"Well what are we still doing here we have to go find your mom and Penny."

"Oh yeah my mom texted me and said that her and Penny just stayed in the area we left them so we can just walk back over there and I can meet this family you've talked so much about."

"Ok cool lets go."

After that we walked back to the area where we had left Penny and Sky with our hands clasped together.

When we finally came back to Penny and Sky we all walked to collect our suitcases and head for the arrivals area to meet my family.

We walked and talked about our adventures on this journey and needless to say we would all be keeping in touch. We were walking and talking until I heard a voice all too familiar,