The End

WARNING FOR ALL READERS:"This is a 10,000 word chapter,proceed at your own desire,originally this wasn't even supposed to be more than 15 chapters long since I marked it as a really short story but it was fun while it lasted,I'm so happy for writing 10,000 words....Please Proceed" For all those who liked my book,thank you very much,for all those who left,sorry for not being able to met your expectations,and for new people,I can only say welcome.


Luna watched with great interest as the rest of the sins fought with chandler,she was feeling a bit guilty,but she also knew that this would get them stronger than ever,she watched as they felt relieved when chandler was down,and when she saw the look of gaining hope then losing it in a matter of seconds on their faces,she almost couldn't hold herself back from stopping chandler.As the quite bystander she is,she watched as the sins escaped and gloxinia and drole fought with chandler,the moment they were about to die,she used her magic and healed all their wounds


Luna:"don't talk for now,i-i'm so sorry"

Drole:"it's alright,it's not your fault"

Luna:"but it is,i had enough power to stop it but i did nothing,i have to fix things"

Gloxinia:"it's alright we don't blame you,and besides you healed us,that's enough of an apology"

Luna:"no,it's not,because i could have stopped the whole thing from happening instead of just healing you"

Drole:"that aside,we forgive you and that's all that matters,but what did you do about chandler"

Luna:"o-oh,i just stopped time,so he's frozen unless i want to unleash him"

Gloxinia:"you froze time?"

Luna:"although you're asking me that,you don't seem very surprised"

Drole:"well i'm with gloxinia on this one"


Gloxinia:"compared to stopping time,you being able to tame zeldris and estarossa, plus ,making them get along with each other surprises me more"

Drole:"yep,and sometimes you take things out of nowhere"

Gloxinia:"on top of that,the biggest reason is that,you are stronger than the demon king,you have a bloodline of the god race and demon race and yet you don't get overwhelmed or even killed by the power"

Luna:"i guess that's true,anyway let's leave"

Luna created an illusion for chandler to make him see gloxinia and drole as dead,then she sent gloxinia and drole into the fairy kings forest,but instead of red hair,gloxinia had black hair,and purple eyes,and his wings became invisible,while drole turned to the size and height of a human with his hair becoming sliver and his eyes becoming red,he also no longer had that scar.

She input information in their brain about what she had done,from this moment on gloxinia and drole didn't exist,only ciel(gloxinia),and sebastian(drole).Following along with the events,she watched meliodas wakeup,talk to his group,and start heading to where zeldris is currently at,she froze time then,and went to zeldris and estarossa's side while looking extremely gloomy

She quickly arrived at zeldris and estarossa's location,and of course she woke up estarossa who was currently sleeping instead of being actually hurt like in the show

Estarossa:"what's wrong,you look gloomy"

Zeldris:"did someone offend you,just give me the name and i'll make sure to bring them here and deal with them"

Luna:"no,after watching meliodas wake up,and listening to what he said,i realized that i made a mistake"

Estarossa:"meliodas is up?"

Zeldris:"you made a mistake?"

Luna:"yes,meliodas is up and i made a mistake"

Zeldris:"even if you made a mistake we will still love you,and will help you fix it to the best of our abilities"

Estarossa:"i'm with zeldris,no matter what,we'll face it with you"

Luna:"no,only i can fix this mistake"

Estarossa:"so,what do you plan to do"

Luna:"i plan to kill the demon king"

Zeldris:"our father !!!,WHAT,are you crazy"

Estarossa:"calm down zeldris,we need to hear her reason first,and she wouldn't do anything without being sure of it''

Luna:"thank you estarossa,and zeldris,would you hate me if i killed your father?"

Zeldris:"no,but what if you get hurt in the process"

Luna:"don't worry,i might not know a lot of things,but one thing i'm absolutely positive in is that fact that i can kill your father and remain unharmed"

Estarossa:"as long as you're safe,but we will go with you and this is not up for discussion"

Zeldris:"but why did you suddenly feel the need to,after all you could have done it sooner or waited for a while longer"

Luna:"After listening to meliodas's words and watching the two of them surfer even though i could fix it,i realized that i had been taking this world too lightly"

Estarossa:"this world?"

Luna:"yes,i guess you could say that power blinded me,before you can ask questions let me say all that i want to first"

Zeldris:"okay,we won't interfere till you're done"

Estarossa:"sure,we'll be quite"

Luna:"from the moment i came to this world i was excited to see one of my favorites shows in real life,i never once felt a sense of danger,and although i fully believed that this world was real and so were my affections for you guys,somewhere deep down in my heart,i still viewed it as a show with me being a bystander,i never felt a sense of danger,if i came here weak,and had to surfer to become stronger or stay alive,i would have long ago wiped those expectations from my heart and ended it once and for all,only today did i truly realized that meliodas and elizabeth are suffering so much

I could have ended all their pains,but the expectation in my heart didn't allow it,in the original story,estarossa was in love with elizabeth,and zeldris had a vampire lover,because of these two reasons,you guys agreed to join forces to eliminate the demon king,of course ludociel and the other two archangels showed up and things got more complicated,but because i exist,you guys have no reason to agree and help meliodas and the goddess race might win if such a situation occurs

I didn't want to interfere and just went along with everything bedsides when it came to you two,no one had to go through all this pain,it could have ended in a very simple second if i wanted it to,now i plan to make it right,my very existence changed this world,so i will continue to do so,i'll change somethings right now,and change the others after ludociel takes over margret's body,you guys can ask questions now"

Zeldris:"i don't have a lover,you're the only one i love"

Estarossa:"i'll never be in love with that goddess,beside she already got my brother,not every girl can be like you and have two men love her and agree to both stay with her,usually one person wins and the other loses,sometimes the other person loses not only the girl,but their life as well"

Luna:"you guys don't have questions such as 'what do you mean by this world',or anything similar"

Zeldris:"i don't know about estarossa,but i don't, from the moment i saw you and taught you were human,there always seemed to be something unique about you,and if you come from another world,it all makes sense,besides we went to a different world before with you as well"

Estarossa:"i don't have any other questions either,your existence itself defy's nature,so i wouldn't be that surprised if there were other worlds out there,with our world being one,after all although humans,giants,faires,gods,and demons were the five races,zeldris and i did encounter strange creatures once who went by the name of vampires,they were stronger than humans,and some fairies,but weaker than the the other three races,and they also needed blood to survive,more specifically human blood"

Luna:"i guess that explains a lot,but i'm going to unfreeze time,and when meliodas comes,tell him that you agree to help him in collecting the rest of the ten commandments so everything can be set in motion,I would rather we not do this and i just wreck the future i know,but i want ludociel and the other two arch-angels to be drawn out so everything will be over once and for all"

Zeldris:"right,be careful"

Estarossa:"do what you must,but promise not to go to purgatory on your own"

Luna:"don't worry,i can at least promise you this much,see you soon"

Luna didn't immediately unfreeze time,she paused the time for zeldris,and estarossa,then she went to the place where meliodas and elizabeth are at,and unfroze them

Meliodas:"WHAT,Who are you"

Luna:"ah right,every time i met you guys i made sure to erase my existence from your memories"

Elizabeth:"what are you"

Luna:"who or what i am isn't important,all that matters is that i need to fix my mistake"

Meliodas:"why isn't chandler moving"

Luna:"oh that,because i froze the time of this ea...i mean this world *i can't really call it earth*"

Elizabeth:"you froze time?"


Meliodas:"how did you do it"

Luna:"that is not important,i came here to apologize for keeping you waiting for so long,very soon everything will be resolved"

Meliodas:"what do you mean by that?"

Luna:"you'll find out,go talk with estarossa and zeldris like you had planned,they will agree to help you,and as for defeating your father,i'll be the one to do that,but that would be tomorrow after ludociel takes over the body of margret,i'm sorry i made you guys surfer for so long when i could have stopped it sooner,or even before it was cast"

Meliodas:"what do you mean?"

Elizabeth:"are you saying that you could lift our curse"

Luna:"yes,i could lift your curse,but it's easier to kill the demon king and besides he deserves it since he has no love in him"

Meliodas:"wait,earlier you said something about ludociel?"

Luna:"yes,he'll be taking over margrets body soon in exchange for rescuing gill"

Elizabeth:"i will not let him do that,it's my sister"

Luna:"don't worry elizabeth,it will only be for a few moments then i'll extract his spirit while keeping your sister perfectly safe,now to guaranty that,i will need you guys to separate,don't worry meliodas,it's only for one day"

Meliodas:"no,she stays with me,besides you don't expect us to just believe you for no reason"

Luna:"i know that you're only saying this because i mentioned the separation of elizabeth and you,after all you see me as someone you can't defeat even though you have your guard up,although my words sounded crazy,except for a little bafflement,you believed me when i said i could kill your father,from the moment i showed up without you sensing me,you knew i was similar if not stronger than your father"

Meliodas:"that might be right,but elizabeth isn't leaving anywhere without me"

Elizabeth:"could you give me a reason as to why i had to leave"

Luna:"it's because after you heard meliodas's plan of absorbing the other commandments and becoming demon king,you shot him with a beam of ray and escaped to join the rest of the sins"

Elizabeth:"WHAT,meliodas...was that your plan"


Elizabeth:"your silence is the only answer i need,if that's the case then i guess we'll be separated after this"

Meliodas:"no,i will continue with my plan,besides we can't be absolutely positive that she'll be able to defeat my father"

Luna:"that's a lie meliodas,because since the very beginning although i'm not in my full form,you've been feeling suppressed,you think i'll be able to defeat your father because my bloodline is stronger than his,and elizabeth thinks i'll be able to defeat your father because my bloodline is stronger than that of her mothers,am i wrong?"

They both knew she wasn't lying,then they caught on to what she said

Meliodas:"did you just say you have a stronger bloodline than the supreme goddess"

Elizabeth:"did you just say you had stronger bloodline than the demon king"

Luna:"there's no need for you two to be so surprised,yes it's exactly what you're thinking,i have the bloodline of both the goddess and demon race"

Meliodas:"but that's impossible"

Elizabeth:"how is that possible,i can feel that you are not lying to us"

Luna:"it doesn't matter,all that matters is that i can defeat your father,and everyone can be happy again"

Meliodas:"not everyone,what about ban"

Elizabeth:"meliodas is right,if melascuela truly dies then elaine's soul would disappear"

Luna:"don't worry,melascuela might be the one who summoned eliane,but i'm the one holding the control over her soul,since i said everyone would be happy,i mean everyone,i can even bring back gowther's lover and make everyone happy as a bonus for my behavior"

Elizabeth:"what,are you like melascuela who can retrieve souls from the dead"

Meliodas:"...that can't be it,because is that's the case she can only summon people with resentment,and nadja didn't have any regrets left"

Luna:"meliodas is right,if she did she would have also appeared and melascuela would have used her against gowther."

Meliodas:"fine,we agree to separate,but by this time tomorrow,i should be able to hold elizabeth in my arms"

Luna:"don't worry about it,the only thing i'm waiting for is the three arch-angels,after they awake,i'll take all of you with me to end your father"

Meliodas:"this is what you promised"

Luna:"yes,this is what i promised"

Elizabeth:"okay,we'll do it"

Luna:"great,after i unfreeze time you can get going"

Then luna unfroze time and teleported to the boar hat right in front of them,leaving a stunned meliodas and elizabeth,but they soon snapped out of their daze,and meliodas flew elizabeth with him till they reached where zeldris and estarossa are,then he dropped her off and elizabeth was on her way,this time chandler didn't try anything because he and cusack were confused as to why their young masters were getting along nicely.

Luna was now in the middle of the sins,who were on guard against her sudden appearance

Luna:"i mean no harm"

Ban who just came down

Ban:"so who's the hot chick"

Eliane who felt luna's presence

Eliane:"ban,don't be rude"

Luna:"it's quite alright eliane,thank you for the compliment ban,and merlin,your magic would do me no harm so it's best not to waste it"

Merlin:"who,or what are you?"

Escanor:"i feel my body being pressured which is quite weird"

King:"what are you doing here,and how did you show up suddenly"

Diane:"if your a demon and here for captain,i'll have you know that he already left"

Luna:"those questions are of no importance,and ban you can keep your guard down,i would also suggest to not use fox hunt,after all as you are now my power would kill you immediately,and i can't be sure of your survival even if you are immortal"

Eliane:"ban,clam down"

Ban:"how do you expect me to calm down,especially after what she said"

Escanor(back to a wimp):"why are you so trusting of her lady eliane"

Eliane:"i'm not quite sure,but i know she means us no harm"

Merlin:"i have to agree with eliane on this one,if she wanted to kill us,she could have done so long ago"

Diane:"I'm with the girls,i don't feel any malicious intent from her"

King:"it doesn't mean we should let our guard down,merlin what's her power level?"


Hawk:"i-i can't see it"

Ban:"what do you mean you can't see it master"

Hawk:"i mean i can't see her power level,it's as though she doesn't have any,as if she doesn't exist"

Ban:"now that you mention it,if she weren't right in front of me,i wouldn't notice her at all"

Merlin:"Mhm,even now,i can't feel her existence,it's as if she isn't real,if she didn't appear if front of us personally,she could have killed anyone of us or taken the captain away yet we would feel nothing"

Luna:"now that we got that out of the way,you guys should keep heading to canterlot and rescue the liones citizens,elizabeth will meet you there and fill you in on the situation,you don't need to go to purgatory anymore ban"

Eliane:"you planned to go to purgatory!!!"


Luna:"all matters aside"{SNAP}

Before anyone could register what had happened,they saw gowther appear in luna's hands

King:"you,you....put gowther down"

Merlin:"calm down king,she doesn't plan to harm him"

Diane:"how can you be so calm lady merlin"

Escanor:"i sense no malice,but how did she make gowther appear so suddenly"

Luna:"don't worry,if i truly wanted to kill any of you here,i wouldn't need to go through this much trouble"

Then luna snapped for the second time and the gang watched in amazement as they saw the symbol for the absolute order come out of gowther's chest,and saw him wake up

Gowther:"w-what happened,did merlin fix me?,and where's chandler"

Everyone else:"gowther,you're awake"

Gowther realized that he seemed to be held up by something,so he turned around,and when he did,he came face to face with luna

Luna:"well hello gowther,ask them the questions later,for now there's one more thing i have to do"

Luna put down the confused gowther,and with a third snap,eliane showed up in her arms

Ban:"Eliane,damn you bastard,let eliane go"

Merlin:"calm down ban"

Luna:"cool off ban,i won't harm her,if anything i'm helping her"

Ban:"and how do you plan to do that,huh?"

Luna:"quite rude,but i understand where your anger comes from,all i want to do is restore her soul"

Merlin:"restore her soul?,that should be impossible"

Luna:"not entirely"

Ban:"w-what do you mean by restore her soul"

Luan:"it's exactly as you're thinking ban,i mean make her fully alive again and free from melascuela's control,of course there's a price"

Ban:"what is it,i'll do anything,besides hurt the captain"

Luna:"now why would i have you do that,the price is your life"

Ban:"my life?"

Eliane:"what,if ban has to die for me to live then i refuse"

Luna:"wow there,calm down,i didn't word it correctly"

Merlin:"then could you please reword it correctly and not give us a hard time this time"

Luna:"sure,what i meant was that your lives would be connected,which also indirectly makes eliane immortal"

Ban:"oh,well then go ahead,even if i have to surfer through some pain,i'm cool with it"

Merlin:"wait ban,it can't be as easy as suffering some pain"

Luna:"you're right merlin,as always"

Ban:"well then,what more is there to it"

Luna:"everytime you die,eliane will have a slight headache for about an hour or so,it depends on how painfully you died,of course there's a good side to this,if you die because you were protecting her,then she won't have a headache"

Ban:"....t-that's it?"

Luna:"(tilting her head)yeah,that's it,what more could there be to it,and you don't have to surfer any a matter of fact,i'm done"


Luna:"while explaining to ban,i have been casting the magic that connects their lives and i just finished"

Merlin:"but i felt nothing"

King:"i didn't feel an influx in magic energy"

Diane:"no vibrations either"


Eliane:"i was being held by you,yet i didn't feel a thing"

Luna:"well enough about that,in a few moments,ludociel should be taking over margrets body"

Merlin,King,and Diane:"LUDOCIEL!!!"


Escanor:"who's ludociel?''



Luna:"oh,no one important"

Merlin:''if by no one important you mean the leader of the four arch-angles,then you must be real crazy"

Luna:"wow,being called crazy by a person who tricked the demon king and supreme deity,what an honor,though it was fun to watch"

Merlin:"you were there?"

Luna:"of course"







Luna:"oh,looks like you guys are confused,here let me just show you"

When luna said that,a holographic screen of water showed up behind her and played the scene where merlin tricks the demon king and supreme deity to give her their blessing,the rest of the tem was left with hanging jaws when the water screen disappeared

Ban:"wow,remind me not to make a deal with you merlin"

Escanor:"you are so marvelous,as expected of lady merlin"

Diane:"wow,merlin got blessed by the two beings while captain and elizabeth got cursed"

King:"i wish i was there to see it"

Eliane:"big sis merlin,you're so cool"

gowther:"oh,so you're the child with enormous mana that i heard about before"

Merlin:"that matter aside,what do you mean ludociel"

Luna:"in exchange for saving gill,margret will be controlled by ludociel,and of course with him being a little wrong in the head,he'll want to restart the holy war and kill of all demons just like in the past king and eliane witnessed"

Merlin:"what,such an important matter,we need to take care of it and fast"

Luna:"don't worry,i need him to do so,that way i can end everything once and for all,besides he isn't the only one"


Luna:"right,besides ludociel,the other two archangels are also going to get revived,technically they already have been"



Luna:"calm down,geez"

Merlin:"besides you,i'm positive no one else would be able to keep their calm on such an important matter"

Luna:"you seem pretty calm to me"

Merlin:"i just show my surprise inwards that's all."


Ban:"wait,what about the fourth archangel?"

Diane:"speaking of,we didn't meet him when we were doing through our trial,or did we king?"

King:"no,i'm quite positive we didn't meet him,speaking of,who is he"

Luna:"oh,yeah that would be estarossa"

All but merlin:"HUH???"

Luna:"you don't seem surprised merlin"

Merlin:"well after meeting you,the world doesn't quite seem to make any sense,so i didn't bother to think about what you're saying,or going to say"

Luna:"oh,i taught you already knew about it or something"

Diane:"Wait,WHAT!!!,y-y-you're telling me that estarossa is an archangel"


King:"(mumbling)this makes no sense,he's a commandment,but then i guess this girl in front of us is even more abnormal"

Merlin:"so back to the matter at hand"

Luna:"right,you guys just need to go to camelot,meet arthur,and stay there for now, tomorrow will be the death day of the demon king.Oh,by the way i paused time while i was talking to you guys,so i'm going to unfreeze it now"

Everyone:"YOU DID WHAT?"

Luna:"(covering her ears)geez,you don't have to be so loud about it,i simply paused time,it's not like i did anything excessive"

Merlin:"right..right,mhm,pausing time is so normal,you did it without us noticing,right,it's totally normal,and in no way excessive at all"

Luna:"thank you for understanding,and i'll pretend i didn't hear your sarcasm"

Everyone else was too shocked to speak,even gowther,and no offense,but he is a doll.

Diane:"right...anyway,how did estarossa become the fourth archangel"

Luna:"oh you know,things happened here and there,well you could say he's not the full archangel"

King:"w-what do you mean?"

Luna:"well his body and everything,but his power, is that of archangel mael"


Luna:"yes,archangel mael's power was obviously not that of the current estarossa's,his power is actually here"

Merlin:"you don't mean..."

Luna:"yep,it's exactly as you're thinking"

Eliane:"who are you guys talking about?"

Luna:"oh right,that would be escanor over here,the original archangel mael's power was that of sunshine"

Escanor:"t-then how come i have it"

Luna:"oh,well after he became estarossa,his power wasn't compatible anymore,and pretty much just floated around for nearly 3,000 years before you were born"

Merlin:"you make it sound as though you could have kept it if you wanted"

Luna:"of course,my existence in itself is impossible,so that is not as surprising,besides i was present when escanor was fighting with galand,and i already tested the power of sunshine to my hearts content,i must say,it's such a pity though"

Ban:"tch,a pity for what"

Eliane:"watch your tone ban"

Luna:"it's alright,i did indeed say some mind blowing things,so it's understandable if he isn't in the brightest mood right now"

Merlin:"i don't think any of use besides eliane is in the 'right' mood"

Luna:"anyway,it's such a pity because escanor is human,if he belong to any of the other four races,his power would be able to show it's full capability,one of them being the ability to stay in that form all the time"

Merlin:"what did you truly come here for"

Luna:"what do you mean,i mentioned it when i first got here"

Merlin:"i don't think you did,and even if that was the case,you can't expect us to remember after all you've told and showed us so far"

Luna:"oh,well it's nothing important.."

Merlin:"WAIT,before you move on,can you define 'nothing important' for me"

Luna:"(tilting her head)why?,i never took you for the dumb one merlin"

Merlin:"well excuse me,last time you said it was nothing important,it was about ludociel who is apparently 'nothing important' so i thought i would ask before hand"

Luna:"right~,well this time it's truly nothing important,don't worry"


Luna:"you know,it's just a simple matter of me killing the demon king,and making sure the supreme goddess stays sealed forever,or just kill her too"


Merlin:"nothing important,she says,if this isn't important,i don't know what else is"

Luna:"but it truly is nothing important,it's just a matter of killing one person and sealing another,or maybe killing both"



Escanor:"i'm positive that only you could talk about killing two of the most powerful beings and be so nonchalant about it"

Luna:"i don't see the big problem here,just sneaking behind someone and chopping of their head,so simple"

Merlin:"i'm sorry while you're at it,you might as well just define simple for me,i think my three world views have been wrong all this time"

Luna:"what do you mean merlin,you never had normal world views,if you did,you wouldn't have been able to trick two supreme beings,i mean like why are you guys acting so surprised,it's just a simple matter of killing someone"

Merlin:"right,just a 'simple matter',it's 'nothing important'...i really wish i could hit you right now"

Everyone else but Luna:"i agree"

Luna:"Ookayy,well let's just get this over with,i'll be going to see ludociel and how he takes over margret's body,besides that i'll see you guys tomorrow so we can end things once and for all"

Before they could say anything else,luna had already left and was heading towards the direction of margret.

Ban:"you know what,merlin i'm sorry"


Ban:"i always taught besides captain,you would have been the weirdest person i've ever met,but now,i doubt even the fact that i'm immortal,what is she anyways"

Merlin:"no need to apologize,i understand your point of view,i've never met anyone so abnormal before,and i guess she forgot to tell us what she is,but for some reason i fell as though that's for the better"

King:"hm? why do you say so"

Merlin:"(sigh)i feel like her existence could be the most surprising out of all the things she told us,if we asked for all i know,she could say she's the daughter of the demon king and supreme deity,as such she would be half goddess,half demon...nah,that's impossible,no matter how abnormal she is"

Everyone else:"if that was the case,then the world might as well just go crazy instead"

{people outside the fourth wall who wish to break it and tell merlin :"hey,sometimes the things you think are most impossible,is actually the answer,besides the sentence about her parents"}

They all started heading to camelot,and hawk's mom who felt luna's presence when she was leaving simply taught:"so she decided to take action,i guess we are in for some storms,but after that the whole world should be peaceful"

With Luna

Luna:"oh there's margret...i don't want to do it anymore,but guess it'll be fine, i only need ludociel to gather up the other's by tomorrow morning so everything can be over once and for all"

In front of luna as margret walking ahead as she taught of gill

Margret:"oh gill,i hope you're alright,i want to see you so bad"

Luna then watched as the events followed,margret heard ludociel's voice,agreed and whatnot,the only thing that was different was that this time,zeldris didn't have to make a deal with merlin,of course like canon,he stopped the attacks of the demons,but he wasn't here and didn't have to fight with ludociel.

The moment elizabeth and ludociel were about to make the agreement,luna showed up,she showed up with her wings because she didn't want too many questions asked

Ludociel:"WHAT,WHO ARE YOU?!!!"

The other two archangels were also on guard,especially when they realized that from her pose luna seems to have been here for a while but they didn't sense her at all.Everyone else who was present at the meeting was also shocked,especially dreyfus and hendrickson

Luna:"who i am is of no importance,i just want to know if you plan to peacefully leave her body,or if i should take it from you?"

Ludociel:"she agreed of her own free will,besides of you forcefully extract my soul,she'll be hurt as well"

Luna:"we'll see about that"

Before ludociel could ask what she meant,luna was right in front of her(him),luna put her hand on ludociel's forehead,and before anyone could react,they saw a white ball coming out of margret's head

Elizabeth:"what is that?"

Luna:"it's just the soul of ludociel"

Everyone:"WHAT,HIS SOUL?"

Luna:"yes,his soul,i don't see what the big deal is,now that i've dealt with him,i think it's time for you guys to be dealt with"

Luna extracted the souls of the other two archangels,but unlike with margret who was weakly lying in the arms of gill,the two bodies didn't react

Elizabeth:"what happened to the original holders of those bodies?"

Luna:"these were their natural incarnations,so there were no humans souls in them,their souls were just in a sleep state till ludociel awakened,well now that we've dealt with this,we just need to go to the others"

Luna flew to the highest point in the sky,and spread her wings as far as she can,It was quite a spectacular sight to see,especially for the normal people

Person A:"what's happening are the demons attacking again"

Person B:"I see gold,I see white,and I see black...I feel blind"

Person C:"I see nothing,I am blind"

KId A:"I feel blind now"

Kid B:"is there a party"

Adults:"hurry up and go inside hurry,hurry"

While some were panicking,some were calm,and others were...let's just say they were not in their right state of mind

Before they could do anything,all the humans suddenly fainted,and an invisible light seemed to have carried them all to their homes,of course as the magic stone erased their memories and replaced them with those of the demons being defeated,they wouldn't remember any of this when they woke up

Most of the weaker people of other races also fainted,there was only a handful of people who didn't faint but together they didn't amount to more than a hundred

Merlin:"I guess everything is about to begin"

The moment they felt luna's power,zeldris,estarossa,meliodas,chandler and cusack hurried to appear at the place where they felt the strong magic power

...(in the fairy king's forest)

Ciel(gloxinia):"seems like lady luna decided to take action"

Sebastian(drole):"It would appear so,hey gloxinia,does my new height make my eyes look big"

Ciel:"I told you to call me ciel,and no,no they don't"

Sebastian:"hmph,you're no fun ciel~,there,happy?"

Ciel:"yes,very much so"

Sebastian:"can I get a reward then,can I?,can I?"

Ciel:"if I say yes,would you stop"

Sebastian:"It depends on the reward"

Ciel"I'll allow you to speak of any nonsense for a full day"

Sebastian:"tempting,but how about,you allow me to hug you for a full day"

Ciel:"absolutely not"

Sebastian:"I promise I won't speak too much...please~"

Ciel"hmm...If you can promise to keep down the talking then sure"


Gerheade:"...." nevermind,I was going to ask brother what's going on,but I received my answer from their conversation,and now I'm being fed some do food even though oslo is the only dog here(sign~) now I want a lover

Oslo who was by her feat seemed to have guessed her thoughts and went to rub itself against her feet

Gerheade:"at least I have you oslo"

Ciel:"you have no idea who he is do you gerheade"

Gerheade:"who are you talking about?"

Ciel:"he he,nevermind,(mumbling) I guess I can ask lady luna to turn him into human and let them be happy"

...(with everyone else)

Everyone was looking at the spectacular sight in front of them with their mouths ajar

Hendrickson:"w-what did I just see"

Dreyfus:"don't be too surprised"

Hendrickson:"you know who she is?"

Dreyfus:"from some of fraudrin's remaining memories,she should be half goddess half demon"

Hendrickson:"WHAT,that's impossible"

Merlin:"Imma just pretend I heard nothing" From the moment she showed up with her wings,I've given up everything I know,looks like I have to rearrange my thoughts and views of the world once again.

The rest of the sins felt their minds go in over drive and lost the ability to think

At this time the five people arrived(zeldris,meliodas,estarossa,chandler,and cusack)

Zeldris:"why are you letting out such magic power lilith?"

Luna:"I did say it's time to put my plans in motion,so i'm about to do just that"

Estarossa:"what exactly are you about to do?"

Luna:"nothing much"

Meliodas:"what exactly is her definition of nothing much?"



Sins:"who knows?"

Estarossa and zeldris felt their mouth's twitching when they heard her typical 'nothing much'

Zeldris:"well what exactly is this 'nothing much' you're about to do"

Luna:"I'm opening up purgatory,to grab both the demon king and the emotions belonging to meliodas"

The people below who could hear their conversation loud and clear felt their mouths twitching at her nonchalant attitude

Merlin:"you know,I'm just going to give up on thinking"

rest of the Sins:"we did that from the moment she showed up"

Holy nights who managed to stay awake:"I suddenly feel like those who managed to go to sleep are very lucky"

Batra:"...I think i'm going to go on a vacation after this"

Everyone else:"we all need one"

Luna:"alright,stand back guys"

The five in the air with luna then flew down to join the rest

Luna's hair started glowing as she chanted out some weird sounding words which formed to sentences and started creating a portal,of course like how they sound,the words were unreadable even to merlin who pretty much knows everything

The words all mixed and mingled and formed a large vortex above them,everyone was tense waiting for something huge to fall out of the vortex which covers everything only for a rushing ball of light to fall out of the vortex

Hendrickson:"what,that's it,no...nothing?"

Luna:"you guys are too excited,..meliodas,catch"


Meliodas didn't quite have the time to be confused before that ball of light started heading at him in a speed similar to that of light's

Elizabeth:"what exactly in in sir meliodas's hands"

Luna:"oh,it's just his emotions"


Just his emotions she says

Meliodas:"wow,i'm literally in control of my emotions right now"

Luna:"careful,emotions are fragile,you just need to put it close to your heart and absorb it"

Meliodas did as told and put the glaring light ball close to his chest,everyone awake watched in interest as the ball slowly sank into meliodas's chest which in turn made him glow for a few seconds before returning back to how he looked like,with the exceptions of his height being similar to that of when he's in his demon form

Everyone but zeldris and estarossa were looking at the spectacle going on with meliodas,zeldris and estarossa were instead attracted by the massive amount of power they felt coming from the opened vortex,If the arrival of meliodas's emotions was like a rushing tide,then the current feeling was as though standing in the middle of a raging magma

Everyone else soon felt the humongous amount of power coming from the vortex which made them all turn their gazes to the vortex,the rest of the awake holy knights felt their body freeze and their bloods run cold at the mere pressure of whatever was coming out of the vortex...Everything was now tense and everyone looked ready to battle with their lives on the line,perhaps the only calm person at this moment was luna,and maybe zeldris and estarossa who weren't as dumb folded as the others

What the holy knights didn't know is that they were only able to stay awake in such pressure due to them having been exposed to luna's wings,if not,the best outcome for them at this moment would have been to faint,as for if they would wake up after they faint...who knows,if they did then they could consider it as the luck of a lifetime

They of course would be fairing of better if they'd been exposed to luna's power since she is after all stronger than the demon king,but it can't really be guaranteed that they'd come out of luna's power alive,usually she can exert her full pressure on someone while making sure they stay alive,but she's currently focused on the demon king

Finally after what seems to be hours of tension which was actually only a few seconds of tension,a huge gigantic figure started appearing at the entrance of the vortex,everyone including zeldris and estarossa watched in awe and shock as the figure kept shrinking while coming down from the vortex

You have to know,the demon king is so much more larger than drole and he was technically the largest giant,and yet as though being forcefully shrunk,the figure kept shrinking until he was only about twice as big as drole,which is of course still a really large height

Demon King:"WHAT,WHERE AM I"

Luna:"jeez,calm down(taking her hands of her ears)can you not yell like a madman"

Everyone underneath suddenly felt their jaws slacking at the sight of the demon king,and they felt their brains explode when they heard his booming voice,only for them to be rendered speechless by the way luna spoke to the demon king

Demon King:"who are you,more specifically what are you"

Luna:"you really are meliodas's dad,he asked me something similar when we first met"

Meliodas rolled his eyes *any supernatural being would wonder what you are when they can't feel your existence even though you're right in front of them alright,not everyone is like zeldris and estarossa okay,leave me out of this,I'm still trying to recover from shock

Demon King:"how did you summon me here,and with my body"

Luna:"meh~,I chanted some words and boom,here you are"

The demon king was rendered as speechless as the others below who were listening to their conversation

Demon King:"is she always like this?"

Of course he was talking to no one in particular

Zeldris/Estarossa:"yes,yes she is"

Luna:"any ways,are you going to take their curse of them,or am I going to have to kill you"

Demon King:" and who exactly are you to command me"

Luna:"your father"

Demon King:"WHAT?"

Luna:"he he,my bad,(mumbling) technically I ain't wrong (speaking)any ways,are you going to do it or not"

Demon King:"I have no reason to listen to you,and also I wasn't the only one who cast the spells on them so I can't remove it on my own"

Luna:"so,what i'm hearing is a no?"

Demon king:"you can take it that way if that's what you want"

Luna:"alright then,by the way,you gathering your power is useless it won't do anything to me"

The people below came to their senses when she said that,on top of the demon king's head you could see a massive ball of darkness that's only getting bigger as they speak,although it didn't have as much affect as luna's demon wings do,Any one who looks at that ball would still think that only destruction could happen if such a large amount of power was allowed to grace the earth

Demon king:"you should have stopped me earlier then"

As he said this,he threw down the huge ball of destruction towards luna



Luna:"that's all you have,honestly as the demon king I thought you'd be more powerful"

As she said so,luna stretched out her wings,The two large majestic wings of different colors and auras stretched as far as one could see,and caught the huge ball of destruction as though it was nothing but an ordinary ball being held in someone's hands

Demon King:"H-HOW!?"

Luna:"who knows,..thank you for the present but I'd like to return it"

Saying so luna threw back the massive ball of destruction towards the demon king,of course as it was his own power,the demon king didn't get hurt much by it,he only moved three steps backwards due to the impact of the massive ball

Demon King:"what are you?"

Luna:"Can't you already feel it and even see it,or are you just retarded"

Demon King:"you can't possibly be both a demon and a goddess,so what are you?"

Luna:"But I am both a demon and a goddess(mumbling)besides elizabeth and meliodas's kid in the future will also be both (speaking)So I guess you are mentally retarded,but then again I guess a person who can curse their own child with such a cruel curse can't be of sane mind either"

Demon King:"for some reason I feel as though you could be considered more ...crazier than I am"

Luna:"I might be crazy,but it's only for specific actions,I'm not crazy enough to harm my own child like you did"

Demon king:"why am I even talking to you"

Luna:"honestly I have no idea,but it's most likely to buy tie,like you did when you first arrived,but if you plan to use the same move you used before,then I can only say good luck"

Demon King:"(mouth twitching)I'm not stupid enough to use a move that didn't work the first time"

Before luna could speak,the demon king raised his hand and a dark ray of light flashed by heading straight for the people beneath them

Luna Immediately took off and easily blocked the ray,one of her wings hit it like you would a tennis ball and sent it straight back to the demon king who was unable to react in time causing a bit of blood to leak from his mouth due to the backlash

Luna:"I wanted to play for a bit more,but you just decided to attack the people I care about,that was a bad move,and your last move"

Before the demon king could answer or anyone could register what just occurred,luna teleported right in front of the demon king and punched him in the face,You have to know that with her two bloodlines,her body naturally has to be strong in order to withstand both bloodlines without blowing up or feeling bloated

So like saitama from one punch man,the demon king was sent flying after one punch,The other's were worried,because with how massive the demon king was,his body would destroy the land if he were to fall on it,but their worries vanished and were instead replaced by awe when they saw the demon king hit what seemed to be a barrier and bounce back instead of hitting the ground

Meliodas:"when did she set up a barrier"

Estarossa:"(sigh~)knowing her,it was probably when she was summoning the demon king"

Diane:"but none of us felt anything?"

Merlin:"do you really think we can use common sense to evaluate her?"

Diane:"I guess you're right"

Zeldris:"she's about to make another move"

They all looked up again to see a massive ball of an even more humongous shape than the one made by the demon king earlier,and besides size,the other difference between the two balls was that the first one was dark and filled with despair,but this one was golden,with a majestic feel to it

It was a ball that neither brought hope or despair,for it to bring one or the other it would have to depend on which side of the ball you're on,For the people below,all they felt was warmth and safety and any one injured was currently being healed in a golden light,but if you were on the other side like the demon king was,all you'd feel was despair on it's highest level,you feel as though you're just a puny ant at the foot of a human waiting for your faith to be decided because you just can't escape even if you wanted to

Demon King:"w-what have you done to me,why can't I move!?"

Luna:"I bounded you in your place,you can't move from that spot even if you use all your magic power"

Demon King:"Are you really planning on killing me,o matter what I could still be considered the father of zeldris and meliodas"

Luna:"yea,what a great father you were,before the betrayal zeldris saw meliodas as more of a father figure than you his actual father,and the only person meliodas cares about is elizabeth,with how they were treated under your care,you can't even be qualified to call yourself a father"

Luna *It's like a person selling their child for profit,then later going back to that same child who has now become successful claiming that the have the right due to being their dad"

Demon King:"but if it wasn't for me,they would have never met you"

Luna:"If it wasn't for you,they would be in peace,as for me,with or without your interference I would have showed up anyways"

Luna *Now it's like a cliche where the parents say 'well if I didn't sell you,would you have become who you are today',I mean technically they're not wrong,but just the fact that they think this way makes them wrong*

Luna:"Now,let's end this"

Luna then sent the massive golden ball towards the demon king,everyone's mouth's were agaped as they watched the demon king desinerate into nothing but dust particles


Zeldris:".....It would appear so"

Besides estarossa who gave a small hum to confirm the thoughts of the two people,everyone else seemed to have lost the ability to speak and were just standing there in a dumb-folded manner

Merlin:" is over now?"

Estarossa:"that seems to be the case"

Diane:"how are you and zeldris so calm"

Zeldris:"we have our reasons"

estarossa/zeldris *we can't just tell them that we went to another world right,if we did we might just destroy their world view"

The group who already had their world views destroyed:"..."

Luna:"alright,now we just need to deal with elizabeth's part of the curse"

Before they could understand what she meant,the seal of the goddess that used to bind the other's showed up in luna's hands in a split second

Estarossa:"what's that for?"

Luna:"well the goddess sacrificed herself to create the seal,so I just need to undo the sacrifice"


Luna:"what a bleak response"

Meliodas:"we're done responding to your...weird acts alright,if i react anymore I might as well have a heart attack and die"

Luna:"you have seven hearts,if anything only one of them would be destroyed"

Meliodas:"with how much of a surprise I'm currently receiving,I might as well be considered half dead,because I assure you,if I could lose a heart for being overwhelmed with surprise,if I wasn't dead,I'd definitely have already lost more than four of my hearts"

The demons to the sides couldn't help but agree with meliodas,while the rest of the people were glad that they were trained enough to ignore minor things such as heart attacks,though they all felt as though they received one when they saw her next actions

They all looked in awe as luna seemed to have reversed the time on the demon seal,they watched as it slowly turned brand new,and started taking the form of a 'human' they watched as that creatures arms,legs and other body parts slowly formed and watched as what seemed to be a veil hid her appearance from them,then they finally felt slack jawed as the wings on her back finally took form,if what they felt was dred and pressure facing the demon king,they felt safe but under majestic pressure when facing this new being

Meliodas:"Is that the supreme goddess?"



Supreme deity:"who are you,and what am i doing here?"

Luna:"oh come on,you can't say something like you got amnesia right"

Supreme deity:"amnesia?"

Luna:"yeah,I mean if you have amnesia,how am I supposed to take revenge on a person who doesn't even know what they did"

Zeldris:"seriously...that's you reason"

Luna:"what else?"

Estarossa:"nevermind us,just continue what you're doing,we're just going to continue being back ground characters here"


Supreme deity:"I don't have amnesia,I just want to know what I'm doing here"

Luna:"Oh,I reversed your seal which in turn lead to you being brought back,I must say,your plan was amazing"

Supreme deity:"what plan"

Luna:"And I thought goddesses don't lie"

Supreme deity:"that was never a rule"

Luna:"I guess so,but i'm talking about your plan of revival once the seal gets broken,this whole time the demon king pretty much thought he won since although his power got reduced he was still alive while you weren't,but in actuality you were just bidding your time while patiently waiting to be released"

Meliodas:"wait so you're saying that the seal could have possibly broken on it's own one day without interruption"

Luna:"yes,she was just gaining back her lost power all this time,so even without interference she could have been revived on day when her full power was regained"


Luna:"yep,though it makes sense if you think about it"

merlin:"how so?"

Luna:"the original gowther pretty much expanded all his power in order to control the thoughts of both her and the demon king leading to their choices,if not do you really think the supreme deity would personally sacrifice herself to seal up the demons"

Diane:"if she had no other option,then yes"

Luna:"exactly,IF she had no other option,but she had an option of sacrificing other goddess race people to create a seal,although it would require a lot of people,at least she'd be alive so why would she choose to sacrifice herself"

Elizabeth:"maybe because she's a good person?"

Luna:"even you're not quite certain of what you're saying,and besides,would a good person really join her mortal enemy all in the prospect of cursing a fated couple,especially when one of the people in that fated couple is her own daughter"

Elizabeth:"(mumbling)I guess not"


Luna then focused her attention back on the supreme deity who was busy acting as though she didn't exist

Luna:"although you're a bit smarter than the demon king,your plan of escape won't work,and your attacks are pretty useless"

Supreme deity:"what happened to the demon king"

Luna:"oh,that guy...he died"

Supreme deity:"HE WHAT!?"

Luna:"(covering her ears)geez,I said he died,died alright,why are you so surprised,also even if you're shocked can you keep your voice down,no matter what you are a goddess, your screaming isn't exactly normal,it can pierce people's ears alright "

The people who were watching the current events simply decided to ignore luna's choice of words because they were already done being surprised due to the fear that too much surprise wouldn't be good for them or their hearts no matter how strong they currently are

supreme deity:"w..who killed him?"

Luna:"If your voice wasn't laced with excitement I would think the demon king was your lover or something"

Supreme deity:"that would never happen,but who killed him"

Luna:"I did,so now you should understand why all your attempts are futile"

Supreme deity:"YOU killed him?"

Luna:"Of course,I'm pretty positive you felt his lingering aura when you first came,but due to not seeing him or any casualties lead to you thinking that you were mistakened"

Supreme deity:"y-you really killed him"

Luna:"of course I did,and I'll do the same to you if you can't take back the curse on meliodas and elizabeth"

Supreme deity:"I really can't,we cast that spell when we were both in our best conditions since eternal life is going against the natural laws,so firstly I can't revert it even if I wanted to,especially in this condition,and secondly even if I was in my best condition it would require both of us to remove the curse,but now he's dead so that doesn't matter anymore"

Luna:"so you're telling me that you can't do it"

Supreme deity:"exactly,how about you don't kill me,I could give you benefits,even more than I gave that cursed child over there"

She said while pointing to merlin

Luna:"first of all there's nothing you can give me that I don't have or that I don't have a way to gain,second of all you just called my friend a cursed child which is already enough of a reason for me to dislike you,and thirdly,you still have to atone for your sins"

Before the supreme deity could answer,she found herself bound by golden ropes

Supreme deity:"w-what are these...w-why can't I move"

Luna:"it doesn't matter what they are"

She then turned towards the group who had now sat down enjoying snacks while they watched the fight which was also projected on a hologram by the magic stone in case they got tired of raising their heads to watch the fight

Luna felt her mouth twitch when she looked at the situation below,but she got over it and asked her question

Luna:"hey merlin,would you be interested in a test subject?"

Merlin:"who is it?"

Luna:"how 'bout the supreme deity"

Merlin:"sounds tempting,but i'd still like to keep my life and we're not all like you who can easily contend against her"

Luna:"no worries,I've bounded her,and her powers have pretty much been lost so she's of no treat to you"

Merlin:"If that's the case then I'd love to have her as my test subject"

Luna:"Oh,if you want I can also revive the demon king or make a clone of him for you to do tests on as well"

Merlin:"(mouth twitching)no thank you,once i'm done with the supreme deity and if i feel like it,I'll ask you for the demon king"

Luna:"Oh,alright then"

And with that the faith of the supreme deity was decided like that,the people listening to their conversation felt their hearts go numb at the exchange between merlin and luna

Luna:"well,now it's time to fix everything"

Everyone watched with their mouths wide open as they saw luna go to the highest point of the sky,right in front of the moon while shining,they watched as luna's closed eyes opened with a golden shine

Luna's whole person shone a golden light as she fixed everything,she even brought back the original gowther along with nadja and the supposedly dead zaratras,she also even brought back the lady who helped escanor,ROSA,to life,now every sin was with their loved one and the world finally achieved what can never be obtained in real life "world peace",of course it wasn't complete world piece as there were still greddy people in existence,but no one had to struggle hard for anything anymore

Luna:"now that this is over,how 'bout I take you guys into my space"

Besides the some of the commandments who had already been in her space before,the rest were pretty confused,very soon though,the sins,commandments,and their respective lovers were transported to another place so beautiful they were at a lost for words.

And they pretty much lived happily ever after