New world(3)

The trio have now been in this world for a month,of course the time flow between this world and the seven deadly sins world is completely different so not as much time had passed in that world as it has for this world

Estarossa:"finally completed,now we just have to imbue some magic into it and let it float"

Zeldris:"yep,this actually took two weeks shorter than I thought it would"

Luna:"you look down on me then,any ways how about we go recruit some people from all three realms,especially the lower realm that was mainly ignored by the author"

Zeldris:"do you believe there'd be hidden talents"

Estarossa:"it is possible,after all the author doesn't go into that realm much"

Luna:"and usually the places author's ignore have a higher chance of coming up with something abnormal due to the imagination of readers"

Zeldris:"true,even places that the author fully focuses on can be altered depending on the person yet alone places not spoken of much"

Estarossa:"that's true,though most don't come into manifestation,at least not in the original world"

Luna *Me who altered the main plot of the seven deadly sins...meh,they don't need to know,besides let's treat this as a parallel world since I don't exist in the original anime*

The trio on this side of the world kept on completely wrecking this world's plot by producing many new powerful people from the lower plant which was overshadowed by the author,as thy did so,the illusion magic stone kept everything in check with the seven deadly sins,it even created a clone of zeldris and estarossa once it realized their involvement in the continuation of the plot.These are the things that have occurred so far

1. while taking care of meliodas,elizabeth meets zaratras who was thought to have been dead for the longest time at the hands of hendrickson and dreyfus,this lead to elizabeth being shown light on some of the past between her and meliodas

2. after the cloned estarossa paralyzes ban along with the rest of the holy knights,escanor and him have a fight then estarossa supposedly loses and goes into a deep sleep,it might be a good thing that luna took them to a new world at this time,because the current estarossa who has been influenced by her powers might not actually lose to escanor,the only chance escanor has of defeating this new estarossa is when he's in his one minute of invisibility

3. merlin who was put under the recently cloned galand's commandment of truth appears in her original form at the time when the situation in liones is the most dire and pretty much turns the situation around,at this time meliodas also pretty much 'awakens'

4. The newly awakened meliodas is currently being controlled by his demonic side,and fraudrin who wants to avenge the demon clan for meliodas's betrayal three thousand years ago fights meliodas and of course loses,although he just gets transported in una's space instead of dying,the act of fraudrin dying leads to meliodas's conflicting feelings about how he felt so good killing fraudrin even though it wasn't a good thing.

5. Now that meliodas was awake,the present sins started to actively take back liones from the hands of the demons which begins by their interception of a demon carriage carrying human prisoners,while the five sins;meliodas,ban,escanor,gowther,and merlin were actively fighting against the demons,king and diane were in the fairy kings forest

6. King and diane encounter drole(former giant king) and gloxinia(former 1st fairy king) after their arrival at the fairy king's forest which leads to them being transported to the past three thousand years ago.if they didn't make the right choices,they would be forever stuck there,but if they didn't make the right choices,they would gain more power

7. King and diane's transportation leads to light being shed on what happened three thousand years ago as they met the then meliodas who was fighting with stigma against the demon clan,and a newly strong elizabeth with wings showing her belonging to the goddess clan

8. The two go through many new adventures and trills as they personally encounter what the original drole and gloxinia went through,this also allowed king to know the fact that gerheade is the sister of gloxinia and the reason gloxinia went over to the demon side,they also met the original gowther while they were on this trip which allowed diane to gain back her lost memories

9. The meeting with the original gowther also allows diane to know of the now gowther's loss of his heart,king's inability to kill gerheade's supposed lover allowed him to be transported back in the real world wing newly sprouted wings leaving diane to still be in that world,of course she also came soon after when she ran away from zeldris instead of joining the demon side like drole did or dying like a true giant warrior which also lead to a boost in her powers along with her recovered memories.

10. The sins are now united and in search for gowther's heart,which in turn sheds light to gowther's past of meeting nadja and explaining the reason for his lost of heart

11. After they solved the problem with gowther,diane mentions of the past she saw and the fact that there was also another elizabeth by meliodas's side three thousand years ago,this leads to elizabeth asking about it only to be met with meliodas's denial of course the truth still gets revealed when elizabeth uses her powers to sure merlin of the curse the cloned zeldris puts on her

12. The sudden change in elizabeth leads to the rest of the sins being lead in to the truth about the matter of the curse that has been placed on both meliodas and elizabeth by the supreme deity and the demon king which leads to ban feeling bad about his earlier outburst of doing everything to save eliane while claiming that meliodas would never understand the feeling of losing his loved one twice

13. On their way to free camelot which was now under the control of the cloned zeldris,meliodas sheds light to his and elizabeth's past,while on their way,meliodas gets trapped by the darkness set by the commandments leading to his inability to join the battle with the rest of the sins making them have to improvise along with the reappearance of diane due to the cloned melascuela taking form

14. The sins fight against the snake form of melascuela with a surprising burst of strength from eliane due to her love for ban which lead to her sprouting wings,of course 'melascuela' loses and gets captured by merlin,while the sins now have to face what seems to be unkillable undead which were fueled by the power of meliodas's fury,while meliodas gains back the power he had when he was with the commandments in order to break through the darkness prison

15. The price in order for meliodas to break through was a lost of his emotions,which then added to the problems of the sins as they now had to face a new more powerful but cruel meliodas,with the help of perfect cube and the power brought by noon,escanor uses his one minute invisibility to defeat the new meliodas knocking him unconscious in the process,under elizabeth's claims,the sins brought meliodas along with them on their way.

16. The cloned zeldris stills receives an order from the demon king to kill the sins and capture meliodas,along with the arrival of cusack(zeldris's teacher)and chandler(meliodas's teacher)

17.Chandler has now arrived in front of the sins to take back his 'young master', meliodas which lead to a fight with their lives on the line for the sins against the strong chandler

The moment chandler and cusack arrived,luna,zeldris,and estarossa had already finished making trouble in this world

Luna:"well,it's time to go back"

Zeldris:"yeah,this was fun,we should do this some more"

Estarossa:"Indeed,I even feel much stronger than meliodas now"

Luna:"yeah,we all learned a lot from this adventure,we should be on our way now"

Female lead of this world:"wait!!"

Luna:"what do you want now"

Ling rou:"I've always been curious,you guys aren't from this world are you"

Luna:"wow congratulations,should I give you a noble prize for being so smart"

Ling rou:"I knew it,you really aren't from this world,If I had doubts before,it got cleared up when you said noble prize"

Luna:"wow~,good for you,so is that all,cause we need to leave"

Ling rou:"where are you from,I was from India before I came here"

Luna:"we could be from different centuries for all you know,besides I'm the only one here who understands what you're talking about,haven't you kept having the feeling of familiarity with them"

She said while pointing to zeldris and estarossa

Ling rou:"yeah,they look like I used can't be right?"

Luna:"I don't know,take a guess,we have to leave now"

Before lu rou could get back to her sense or estarossa and zeldris could comprehend what they were talking about,luna quickly made a portal that sucked the three of them in before any more words could be said

When they got transported,the magic stone implanted memories of what had been happening to this point to the heads of zeldris and estarossa since luna could just scan the world to find ou there was no need to inform her.

Zeldris:"looks like a lot happened while we were away"

Estarossa:"wow,I can't believe my clone lost,looks like this escanor is more powerful than we thought"

Luna:"does it even matter,if you guys still had thoughts of revenge before,after this 'trip' you guys have already abandoned all thoughts of it"

Zeldris:"that might be the case,but it doesn't hurt to be prepared"

Luna:"well you guys go do what you have to,I'll go watch a show since chandler is currently taking them on,I wonder how much they've improved"

Zeldris:"alright,see you later"

Estarossa:"well,a nap doesn't sound too bad at this time"

After they each gave luna a steamy kiss,they headed of to their needed directions.while luna went to the sight of the sins fight with chandler