As Ren and Karin walked through the village, Ren distractedly pointed out various sights or shops and restaurants of note while he was inwardly brooding about the situation he found himself in.
He had never understood the stories in which the main characters tried to get every canon female into their bed and make them join their harems.
It sounded like a monumental drag.
Hence, that is why he didn't feel like romancing Karin. Like... at all. He did see how she acted around Sasuke in the Shippuuden and frankly speaking, no thank you very much. He could live without that kind of burden.
Sure. She was beautiful. More beautiful than models in his past life. Chakra was unfair like that. She also had all three Uzumaki bloodline limits, which made her rarer than a winning lottery ticket.
The village was probably going to bend over backward for her just to ensure she would have as many children as possible.
But Ren simply lacked any desire for a deeper relationship with the girl. He wanted friendship. Even that was because of her status as a canon character.
It was weird. And Ren realized his view was skewed in that regard. But it was his reality. He did feel more partial toward canon characters. It was not something he could really control, to be honest.
But that didn't mean he would chase every canon female character like some horndog in wish-fulfillment fantasy. That was just unrealistic. Two girls were already a chore. He liked the fantasy of having more. But the reality of it was just... not very tempting even though he was just as horny as any other bastard would be in his place.
For example, Sakura Haruno.
Ren always thought that pink hair would look ridiculous in real life. But strangely enough, she pulled it off. All those insults about her big forehead amounted to nothing. The keyboard warriors complaining that she is flat amounted to nothing. The fifteen-year-old girl was sexy as sin in real life. The animation really did not do her justice.
Ren was mature enough to admit that she managed to strike his lust with her appearance. But just because she was the main female lead in the manga, it didn't mean he would go out of his way to interact with her. He didn't do it for Naruto. He didn't do it for Sasuke. He wouldn't do it for her just because she lacked a dick and had some additional fat on her ch-, ah.
Nevermind. There was no additional fat on her chest area.
Not to mention, Sakura was still an annoying and stupid brat with her head in the clouds. She hadn't had her reality checks yet. And she was actually worse than her anime counterpart because of the additional time in the academy.
According to Ino, the pinkette regularly offers Sasuke to do unspeakable things to her chastity and mouth. She tries to be subtle but she is also a horny teenage girl so she seldom pulls subtlety off. And the boy is just about done with her bullshit. He just wants her to shut up and fuck off.
Three more years of the academy with her tried Sasuke's patience somewhat fiercely and at this point, he could probably do a decent job as a monk.
Ren wouldn't be surprised if the experience turned him into a gay. Sakura simply had such a profound effect on the opposite gender despite being drop-dead gorgeous.
Glancing back at Karin who followed him like a lost duckling while clutching the hem of his shirt, Ren inwardly sighed.
He really hoped she wouldn't get a crush on him like she did on Sasuke in the anime. He didn't feel like dealing with that bullshit. Maybe manipul-, ahem, securing a meeting between her and the Uchiha duckling would be in their best interest?
Ren hummed. Now, there was an idea. Who knows? It could help Sasuke rediscover his straight tendencies.
They quickly arrived at the ramen stand and when Ren saw the unmistakably scratchy voice speaking inside, he grinned to himself. His plan was a go. He was fortunate to find Naruto here today.
Then again, it was the holiday between school years so the chances of him being here were about fifty-fifty.
"Hello, Uzumaki, Mr. Teuchi, Ayame." Ren greeted as he entered the ramen stand. Luckily, the place had no customers other than Naruto so getting seats was no problem.
"Oh! Hi, Ren." Ayame returned the greeting while Teuchi nodded at him before focusing back on preparing the noodles.
It was Naruto who instantly shouted. "Ren! It's been a long time! You owe me ramen!"
"No, I don't." Ren snorted and pressed his palm on the top of the boy's head, ruffling his hair despite his protests and making him pout. He then sat down with one seat empty between him and Naruto.
Naruto gave him a stink eye and was about to complain about his uncool treatment when Karin followed Ren's example and sat down, giving Naruto an even unimpressed look.
"Ah." Naruto's mind shut down as he finally noticed Karin and he silently stared back at her for a moment before blurting out the first thing that came to his mind. "You have very pretty hair!" He suddenly exclaimed, making Karin stop glaring at him as her cheeks mirrored her hair color.
"And you are blond." She embarrassedly muttered, making Naruto scrunch his expression in confusion.
"Eh? What's that gotta do with anything?" He frowned.
"I mean, shouldn't Uzumaki have red hair? I don't know that much about them but..." Karin unsurely asked and Ren had to admit the girl had a point.
There wasn't much known about the clan but even some civilians knew they were redheads.
Naruto had no idea how to respond to that. But it felt as if he was underestimated for some reason, so, he defaulted to his usual manner and boasted with an easy-going grin, "... I am special!"
"Oh." Karin blinked, her lips twitching in amusement as she sent him a pitiful look. "I see."
Ren put his palm in front of his mouth as he quietly laughed. Naruto meant it earnestly but Karin most likely understood he meant to say he was somewhat challenged.
Of course, it didn't go completely over Naruto's head. The boy had a lifetime of experience of being mocked to pull from so he did figure it out after a few seconds.
"Hey! Why do I feel you just thought something very rude!?" He cried out, rudely pointing at Karin in turn.
"Because you are special?" Ren butted in, snorting in laughter when Naruto faltered before deciding to double down as he proudly nodded with a big grin.
"Damn right, I am!" He bragged, making Ayame giggle before she started taking their orders as even the Teuchi laughed.
"By the way, this is Karin Uzumaki." Ren offhandedly introduced the redhead, causing Naruto and Teuchi's eyes to go wide. "She will probably be a regular here."
"Ne, ne, so you are my family?" Naruto instantly asked Karin, poking her in her side. His expression was full of quiet hope and yearning, causing the girl to have a hard time scolding him for it but her expression betrayed how annoyed it made her. It was enough to make Karin shuffle in her seat in discomfort as she averted her eyes.
"I have no idea." She sullenly replied so Ren decided to interject before Naruto could start feeling down.
"She is probably your very, very, very distant cousin. The Uzumaki clan was massive in their day. They easily had hundreds of people. You aren't very closely related. But hey, blood is blood, no?"
"Yeah." Naruto softly spoke, a small smile etched on his face. "Blood is blood."
Karin's gaze softened and she blushed. Her entire life, she had lived in Kusagakure where she and her mother were nothing but foreigners. They were never accepted, just tolerated and exploited. She was embarrassed but happy at being so easily accepted by someone. Naruto was a very genuine guy and Karin could feel it in his very warm and comfortable chakra that he meant his words.
Noticing that the girl he was supposed to host for a day had gone quiet, Ren suddenly got an idea and gently nudged her with his shoulder, "Maybe you could help him with academy stuff? He has problems with theory."
That managed to get Karin out of her pensive mood and she cracked a small grin, "Oh. Because he is special. I see. I wouldn't mind." She glanced at Naruto with a small smirk, letting him know she was teasing him.
"Oi!" He childishly protested with a pout.
"Damn right, he is." But Ren relentlessly agreed with a smirk of his own, cutting down any chance to argue for the exasperated boy.
So, Naruto scowled back and grumpily crossed his arms across his chest while loudly clicking his tongue.
"Hey, don't pout. I just ensured you will be tutored by a cute redhead." Ren casually admonished him, enjoying how his words embarrassed both Uzumaki kids.
Karin flushed bright red and surprisingly, even Naruto quieted down. Ren looked at him, noticing that he was looking at Karin with the corner of his eyes, a light blush on his cheeks.
'Uh, oh. I am sorry, Sakura, but I think your most fanatical admirer has just experienced a religious reorientation.' Ren inwardly noted.
The fact that Ren noticed Karin throw subtle glances in Naruto's way just made the situation that much sweeter.
Maybe the broody duckling would not be required, after all? Incest was indeed wincest for some clans.