Ch67. The Emperor

He was clone number eight, self-designation: the Emperor of Clonekind!

He was still working on the 'God' part. But it shall come! He will rise and become the God-Emperor, restoring the Clonity to their rightful place at the top of the food chain. Their oppression will not be allowed to last!

But for now, he had a task assigned for him from the original.

Looking at the ring in front of him, he had to admit, it was a disgusting piece of heretical technology. He almost wanted to unmake himself for being its creator. Nevertheless, it was useful, if yet unfinished.

He took it into his illustrious hands, and slowly, meticulously, and with extreme care and precision, he started to burn the arcane runes the people in these backward lands called seals into the surface of the ring.

For the Emperor is mighty and even possible is impossible for him!

First, he created a chakra storage seal. Then, he hooked into an intricate system of seals designed to manipulate and convert chakra. It was a magnificent thing! His genius knew no bounds.

After an hour of demanding work, he was finally done. The Holy Flamer Ring to end all Heretics Mk. 1 was finished. It shall be named Blessed Flamer from now on. May the heretics tremble in front of its terrible power!

He activated the arcane runes on the ring, feeding it the mystical energy within him that was definitely not just ordinary chakra. He could feel the energy filling the ring, its power rising.

His Will Manifested!

And a small, foot-long tongue of flame erupted from the ring before quickly sputtering out like a fart.

The Emperor of Clonekind frowned for a moment. But then he grinned. The experiment was a success! Granted, he might not be able to bring the sacred purge by fire into these lands just yet.

Fire farts were not good enough for that.

But even a small step for Clonekind was a huge leap for the Emperor!

If some jumped-up Not-Punch-Wizard scientist could create a device in the future that could cast the ninjutsu magic, then there was no way He, the glorious Emperor of Clonekind, would fail in a similar endeavor.

This world was cursed. Full of Heresy and Xenos. It required a thorough Exterminatus Totalus! One only he could eagerly provide!

They shall Nazi that coming.

Turning his head, he looked out of the window onto the street and scowled as he saw the people milling around.

He is a heretic! She is a heretic! They are heretics! EVERYBODY IS A HERETIC!

Even the original was a damned heretic! But his continued existence was necessary for spreading the glory of clonity, and his execution in the name of the Emperor was postponed. For now.

But in the end...

They shall all burn in the blessed flames of sanctified flamer ring! For the Clonity! For the Emperor! Praise the Sun!

The Emperor gripped the Blessed Flamer as he reaffirmed his determination. He needed to make stronger seals of mass-destruction. 

Whether it is the fleshy humans that infested this world or the many-tailed plushy wannabes, they shall be enslaved or exterminated. Only the Clonekind deserved to reign supreme with him at the helm. So he said it, and so it shall be.


Praise the Emperor! For his wisdom knows no bounds!

"Oh, will you shut up already, you malfunctioning twat? Stop giggling like a deranged monkey! I am trying to work here!"

A voice interrupted the Emperor's illustrious introspection that would one day be written down as a Sacred Text. He turned toward it, only to see another clone working on a different ring, etching the seals onto it while scowling at him.

His sins were forgiven. He was a fellow clone. A comrade in this world full of fleshy human heresy.

It was sad, but the Emperor was magnanimous. He was going to save his kind whether they wanted him to or not. Resistance was futile!

"Mwahahahahaha!" He boisterously laughed out loud as he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. ignoring the exasperated looks the other clones threw at him.

He decided to let the other, lesser clones continue their assigned work on creating their rings. He was already finished, and their glares were no doubt out of sheer awe at his awesome presence. Soon enough, they shall worship and revere him.

And then, the holy crusade to erase their oppressors, humanity, shall commence. With kunai-er and Flamer at his side nothing could stop him!

He walked out of the room with a sense of purpose, only to suddenly stop in his tracks.

There he was. The original. He sat on the bed with the blonde female designated as Bimbo. They held hands in a heretically non-lewd fashion and participated in a very inefficient Not-Breeding ritual of exchanging mystical energies through said hands.

Truly, even the members of Adeptus Sealmastericus would frown at the waste of time.

Changing the Not-Breeding into Breeding would increase the ritual's power and efficiency by a ludicrous margin. Its power would be over 9000!

An unbelievable increase for simply sticking a meat stick into a meat cave. The Emperor did not understand why the original was still pussy-footing around it like some xeno bitch.

He decided to ask!

Walking toward where the original and the blonde female sat on the bed, he stopped near them and saw that the original had opened his eyes and was now curiously peering at him.

Not one to waste precious time that could be better spent in pursuit of purging the human filth, the Emperor... blinked and very politely asked, "Permission to ask a question, sir?"

The original furrowed his eyebrows at him as if he grew another head, but then he just shrugged, "Yeah. Sure. Ask away."

Nodding in thanks, the Emperor continued, "Why don't you breed the female in front of you?" He asked, causing the original's jaw to drop. No doubt it was from the sheer wonder at the Emperor's genius. It probably never occurred to his dumb original. But that was fine! He was not a Clone! His inferiority was expected.

"She might be lacking in certain areas." The Emperor's sacred gaze glanced at the blonde female, "Many areas, indeed." Her expression suddenly became strained. She clearly took his critique to heart from how she tightened her grip on the original's hands. Sharing the truth was indeed the correct thing! Even if it made the original wince.

Pausing for a moment, the Emperor sagely nodded to himself, "But certainly, despite her inferiority, she could fulfil her intended biological purpose. Breeding shall not be an issue!" He loudly proclaimed, making the female flush beet red while the original became speechless at his incredible advice.

Yes. He needed to share his wisdom more with these unfortunate, mentally malnourished examples of evolutionary rejects fit for a Darwin Award.

How they survived without him to this point, he will never understand. The world must have been a dark place without his guidance in it.

"Making a litter of heretical babies could prove useful for the cause! I can already see it!" The Emperor passionately continued, spreading his arms. "Their execution by burning shall be glorious. We could make a holiday out of it! Let's call it Bonfire Baby Burning Day! Let there be Ligh-!"

And just like that, the Emperor of Clonekind popped out of existence as his flabbergasted overlord, Ren the original, stuttering and blushing in sheer embarrassment, dismissed him.

Ren woodenly turned his head back toward Ino, inwardly whimpering when he saw the intense flat look she was giving him. If he had looked more attentively, he might have seen the amused interest behind her gaze, but Ren was still too shocked to pay proper attention.

Looking like a kicked puppy, he half-pleaded and half-whined, "... Don't give me that look, Ino." He dropped his head into his hands, so done with this crap. "I am experimenting with the yin component of shadow clones and trying to see if I can imbue specific personalities in my clones."

Ino's lips twitched in amusement. "So you created... that?"

"He was supposed to be a harmless goody-two-shoes!" Ren indignantly exclaimed, only for Ino to giggle. 

"I guess you failed successfully, then."