Ch. 2 Seventh Name Day

The Tenth day of the Second Moon, of the year 289 A.C.

I gently close the cover of 'Wonders Made by Man' by Lomas Longstrider. It was a surprisingly well-written book on the marvelous structures men have built across the known world. The novel discussed the frozen Wall in the North of Westeros, the massive Titan of Braavos, even all the way to the Great Pyramid of Ghis.

As entertaining as the book was, it failed to give the answers I was looking for. The question? What type of world am I in?

The first couple of years in this new world were very hard for me. My memories were still a mess, and the life of a diaper-shitting, titty-sucking infant didn't help things. The fact I was only awake for a few hours a day didn't help matters.

I was nearly a year old when I finally organized my memories to a point they made sense to me. My victory was short-lived, as I realized a few things.

My previous life was over. I must have fallen asleep while driving. At the age of twenty-two, I died on my way to see my mom.

Despite being a hard-ass Marine, I took that realization poorly. My new parents would often find me crying, especially at night.

Looking back at those times, I like to blame it on some sort of weird baby hormonal imbalance. Cause everyone knows tough guys don't cry.

Once I was able to cope with my loss, the first thing I did was review my memories of the 'void'. I suspect, that strange barrier was supposed to lock away the memories of my previous life. The tiny orb seemed to be the next life I would possess, but the confusing part had been the cube.

When the shell of the cube melted away, there was a vial filled with a blue liquid. It looked exactly like the Super Soldier Serum from the Marvel movies. It was like winning a power to help in the next life.

It took me several months to confirm, but I do have more strength than a typical toddler should have. I couldn't fight a man or even a teenager, but I could comfortably jump on top of a table or pick up a knights breastplate.

Confirming the increased strength, I turned my attention to figuring out what type of world I'm in. It didn't take long before I began to suspect where I was. And I couldn't have been happier to have an edge like the Super Soldier Serum.

Because Westeros is fucking insane.

It would be several more weeks before I could confirm it, but that only served to remove all doubts from my mind. Continually hearing the name Lannister and Casterly Rock were two big giveaways.

In this new life, I was, Lancel Lannister, son of Kevan and Dorna Lannister. The older brother to the four-year-old identical twins, Martyn and Willem, and the relative to a whole slew of cousins.

Watching Game of Thrones and reading the books certainly didn't put it in perceptive just how large the Lannister family is. Casterly Rock was packed with all sorts of aunts, uncles, and cousins galore. It wasn't just the direct Lannister line either. It was the whole damn family tree! I even had visits from third and fourth cousins!

Add on all the servants and guards, and it was hard for me to find any time alone.

Honestly, I loved it.

In my previous life, I grew up as an only child to a single mother. I never got to experience such a familial bond. Now that I have, it wasn't hard to start caring for these people.

My father, Kevan, was a happy and loving man. He showed real interest in me and my siblings. Watching him and my new mother, it wasn't hard to tell his marriage was one based on love. Not having a father in my former life, I quickly took to the man. He was a good father.

As for my mother, that was a bit harder. She was an incredibly kind and loving woman but, with so many memories of a loving and caring mother, I struggled with the concept of a new mom. I couldn't bring myself to replace my previous mom with a new one. Instead, I chose to see her as an awesome and loving step-mother. Like this, I could easily show her the love a mother deserved.

Thoughts of an amazing family aside, I knew what kind of world this was. It was brutal and unforgiving, and I planned to take full advantage of my noble status and the serum. There was no way I was not going to protect my family.

Yeah, some Lannisters were complete assholes. But from what I've seen, most of them are really good and loyal people.

It didn't take long for things to become odd. I started to suspect this was some sort of alternate version of Game of Thrones after I saw the legendary Tywin Lannister. My uncle, Lord Tywin, had a strong resemblance to a younger Charles Dance, but with bushy-golden mutton chops and green eyes.

I don't remember that from the show. Of course, Tywin could have shaved the ridiculous facial hair prior to the start of the series. But it's also possible to be some sort of an alternate reality, and all my knowledge of the books and show will be useless.

I will say, from the few times I've seen Lord Tywin in person, I can confirm he is as intimidating as the show made him out to be. Knowing that my uncle is the fearsome Warden of the West is both exciting and frightening!

The excitement is from knowing one of my favorite characters from the show, views me as family. The frightening part is knowing Tywin Fucking Lannister thinks of me as family. The man has high expectations and strikes me as someone not easy to work for.

That's why I have been spending much of my free time in the library. The moment my lessons are over, I come here to read.

With the mind of twenty-two-year-old from Earth and the effects of the Super Soldier Serum, I plan to learn as much as I can. Everything from languages, to tactics, and even medicine. If I can make Tywin see value in me, I may be able to avoid being forced to squire for Robert Baratheon.

I have no desire to listen to that pompous-ass insult me and my family.

Thoughts of the fat king aside, I plan to make use of the physical benefits from the Super Soldier Serum, once my father deems me ready to begin training. With proper training and the benefits of the serum, I should be unchallenged in physical combat.

But that's not everything here. The problem with the serum is that it doesn't make me invincible. I still have to be cautious of arrows, poisons, and political maneuvering. Captain America is a badass, but even he can't hope to win against an entire army alone.

So, right now, I'm putting a much higher emphasis on intelligence than physical power.

Before I can start reading another book, a sweet-sounding voice calls out to me.

"There you are, little lord," A blond-haired maid calls out to me.

Marie has been my mother's handmaiden for as long as I can remember. She seems to always be there when my mother needs something. She was even present for my birth.

Giving Marie a smile, I stand up from the table. She must be here for something important. The only time I'm ever interrupted is when someone wishes to speak to me.

Holding out her hand for me to take, "Come, little lord, your lord father wishes to speak with you."

Nailed it!

I take her hand without complaint and allow Marie to guide me out of the massive library. "Any idea what my father wishes to discuss with me?" I ask the cheerful handmaiden.

Marie's smile nearly doubles as she looks down at me. "So well-spoken," Marie nearly coos. "But to answer your question, your lord father seemed rather excited."

I can't help my smile growing a bit more. While father was very devoted to us, he seldom became excited. When he had something important, he wanted us to see or know, he couldn't stop himself from wearing a goofy little smile. The last time he was like that, was due to the birth of lion cubs in the lower part of the castle last year.

Say what you want about playing with lion cubs, but in a world without television or the internet... Holding those little death machines is probably the most fun I've had since my birth.

The library was a fair distance from our living quarters, but my excitement let us make quick time. I was curious about what new thing my father wished to share.

Finally, reaching my family's quarters, I eagerly walk into father's solar. I immediately notice my father standing beside his desk with a proud look on his face.

From the corner of my eye, I catch my mother sitting on the small sofa. Instead of pride or joy, her face is stoic.

Seeing the contradicting looks on my parent's faces, I feeling of worry hits me in the stomach. It doesn't bode well when a mother doesn't share the father's pride.

"Aw, my son," Kevan said. "Now that your seventh name-day has passed, it is time for your formal training to begin."

Now mother's look makes sense! I'm being sent off to foster!

Wait, this is far too early. I can't think of any of my cousins that were fostered before the age of eleven...

Interrupting my thoughts, my father continued to pass on the news. With pride in his voice, "I have found a lord willing to take you own as their page." An odd sense of relief hits me. Thank goodness I won't be leaving Casterly Rock. "Your uncle, Lord Tywin," My father announces.

Maybe leaving Casterly Rock wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.