Prologue: A Story Of The Past

Demigra said," Damn you! Damn you!! NOOOOO!" Johan said," Demigra it's over you have no tricks left so no chance.. KA ME HA ME HAAA!" "GUUOOOOOO I WON'T LOSE! DIE YOU MAGGOT!!"

Johan thought about his past the voice he remembered when Shenron said,"Someone summons you from a land far far away. Brave Warrior come fourth!." everyone relies on him to win, it echoed in his mind "Don't give up." and it gave him strength his eyes turned green and his hair turned golden Johan screamed, "I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY MY WORLD!!" "N-NOO IMPOSSIBLE!! I AM A GOD I'VE BECOME A GOD!" " No you are a demon and you've failed. HAAA!"

Johan had saved Toki Toki and returned to the City.

After defeating Demigra Johan went on to start a family with the love of his life, a fellow patroller named Cassie and son named Radic they ended up getting married and life was calm and peaceful

Cassie had gotten pregnant one year after they were married the child was a girl which they named Calaba and life continued, Johan was announced as second in command of the Time Patrol and Cassie retired to take care of her children.

Johan was called to a mission it was an old foe, Mira which had been in hiding for many years.

Johan said," MIRA! I knew you would return I guess it's time I end this once and for all." Johan transformed into Super Saiyan. Mira said," You may think transforming will help but I will kill you." "Then bring it Mira!"

The two fought it out and Mira had the upper hand until Johan pushed farther and went Super Saiyan 2. Mira said," So Maybe I underestimated you but no matter." while Mira talked Johan teleported to him and elbowed him in the gut and powered up to his max " KA ME HA ME HAAA!!" Johan disintegrated Mira leaving nothing left that he could see Towa interupted," NO MY MIRA!!" "It's over Towa surrender!" "Hmph never." Towa opened a rift under Johan sucking him into it to never be released and float in nothingness forever.

One year later

A call came in that Towa had returned...

Cassie rushed at Towa hoping to get a sneaky hit on her but she dodged " You you killed Johan and you'll pay for that.." tears rolled down Cassie's face " You'll pay!!" she powered up " KAIOKEN TIMES 20!!" Towa said," You may hope to win but it's already over, Mira." Mira came from no where and stabbed through Cassie's heart with a ki blade " Its over, before it even began." Cassie coughed blood," How-w Johan killed you ngh...." Towa said," There was a cell remaining and I repaired Mira from there and he's stronger than ever before." Cassie fell to the ground and took her last breath.

A few hours later

Trunks took Cassie's body back to the city they held a funeral for her. Trunks made a promise to keep Calaba and Johan jr. safe and to raise them as true kind hearted warriors and to make them strong.