Chapter 1: The First Mission

Present Day

Trunks said,"And that's the story of your parents, of how they saved everything including Toki Toki City so that it could grow into what Conton is today and that's why we leave a statue of them in the center of town. So make them proud and be like them and you'll be a successful patroller." Trunks gave Calaba a badge " You are now a Time Patroller." Calaba smiled, put the badge on her armor and said," I will make them proud and I'll make you proud too Mister Trunks!"

One day later

Trunks said," For your first mission I need you to check on an anomaly that happened during the time that Planet Vegeta was destroyed." Calaba who was now 8 was a fairly short girl with long spiky black hair in a ponytail with bright wide eyes she wore battle armor with the Time Patroller symbol on the left side of the chest that was dark blue white and black the shoulder pads stuck out fairly far with a tight dark blue long sleeve shirt under it white gloves and boots with a blue scouter (a type of communicator with a glass piece that covered one eye to read power levels) her power level was now around 10,000 Calaba said ," Ok what's the problem?" Trunks said," Frieza was meant to destroy the Planet killing the saiyans except a few that escaped, but something has went wrong some unknown person stopped Frieza, killing the Frieza force and taking Bardock your job is to stop them. I'll send you back 10 minutes before this happened don't be spotted or history will be ruined even more." Calaba said," Ok then I got it."

Moments later...

Zarbon a human like alien with green skin and hair said," Lord Frieza we received word that Bardock's crew was eliminated." Frieza a lizard dinosaur, like alien with horns said," Very good our plan will continue forth we will eradicate the filthy saiyan race." 

Something crashed into the side of the spaceship blowing up an engine

Frieza said," What the hell, Zarbon what was that?!" " I'm not sure Lord Frieza I will go investigate."

Trunks said," Calaba go check it out see who or what caused the explosion." "R-Right I will." 

Calaba watched a figure outside of the ship attempting to take Bardock, one of the strongest saiyans 

??? Said," Bardock you have a very high power level for your time and you are standing up to someone like Frieza you could be a valuable asset to us either come easy or be forced." "For whatever you want I won't help you! I'm trying to save my race and my planet and most importantly, my son and my wife." " That's too bad then but this isn't an option you will come with me." "HOW ABOUT YOU MAKE ME! NNHAAAAAAA!" Bardock charged a blast in his hand and launched it at the figure but it fazed through his body then the man appeared behind Bardock and said," Too slow now its my turn" he then hit Bardock with an uppercut knocking him out. Calaba rushed at the man but he was too fast for her to hit.

"A Time Patroller huh? Always getting in our business." Trunks said," I recognize him that's Mira, Calaba he's too strong you need to run NOW!" Mira was a tall pale android hybrid with blue skin and white hair, having a line on both cheeks that goes from the eyes until his jaw that was created by Towa a demon Woman with a slender frame with long white hair, light blue skin, and purple eyes. The left side of her hair is longer than the other and hangs in front of her chest. She has a golden infinity sign shaped hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head, she also has a staff that helps her control time and distort it.

Calaba said," Why should I run I don't understand how strong is he?" "He is millions of times stronger than you, you must run." 

Mira interfered," I won't waste my time fighting a weakling like her anyways. Towa summon Turles."

Turles has long spiky black messy looking hair his skin is a dark but pale he has black eyes he has a tail which is accustomed to full blooded saiyans and some hybrids. " So you wanna fight little one, well I hope you're ready to die then, hahaha!" " I won't go down easy! Don't look down on me because my age." " Don't make me laugh I'll destroy you!" "We'll see about that." 

Calaba's Struggle Against Turles

Calaba and Turles rushed towards each other clashing they were fairly even in power 

"HAA" Calaba's aura turned red leaving a red glow on her. Calaba rushed again but this time much faster "KAIOKEN!!!" "Kaio what?" she hit him in the face then smiled and said," HOWS THAT!!" " I didn't expect that heh maybe you aren't so bad." "Ya see kaioken increases my power and speed so I'm a lot stronger now go ahead check your scouter." 

Turles activates his scouter and looks at Calaba "W-What Its almost 15,000!! That's good for a little girl but I haven't even tried yet." Turles punched Calaba in the gut making her stagger then knocks her to the ground "HAAAA, METEOR BURST!" A giant purple ball of ki appears in front of Turles "Oh no, KAIOKEN TIMES 3!" Calaba dodges it in the last second then says "If you wanna try something like that you'll have to be faster." "… there is one down side of kaioken.. that is it destroys your body if you don't train yourself well." " So what your saying is that you can't win hahaha!" "Not quite I just have to be fast about it. KAIOKEN ATTACK HAAAAAA!" Calaba jolted forward faster than Turles could see, she punched him hard to knock him away then rushed him by head-butting him in the gut then vanishing behind him and knocking him down to the ground " GALICK….. GUN!!!!" it landed crushing through Turles' armor "AAHHHH DAMN IT!!" Mira said," Hmph maybe this will help ,TURLES catch." "W-What wait heh hahaha the fruit of the tree of might so you really want her dead do you muahaha, now its time to die!!!" Turles ate part of the fruit and his power grew tremendously "HAHAHA HAHA check your scouter see what yours says about me." Calaba checked her scouter "W-What I-impossible its over 300,000!" Turles teleported in front of Calaba and grabbed her arm and snapped it "AAAAAAHHHHHHH,M-MY….. ARM!" " You see you might as well give up." Turles knocked her down and stepped on her rips and crushed them "AAAAAAAHHH." Calaba thought to herself "what will I do I can't beat him like this what will I do.." 

Vego to the Rescue

???,"CALABA!!! OH NO." ????," Time will stop…" Time stopped and the stranger saved Calaba "Resume" time resumed Turles said "What the where… you how did you do that" " I froze time, and so I will again.. Freeze" Time stopped again " This is my power HAAAA DADADADADADA HAAAA… Time will Resume" Time resumed and Turles was hit with the powerful string of attacks then was knocked away "Hmph is that all" Mira said," That's a problem for him. YOU THE ONE THAT STOPS TIME fight me instead." " Time Dimension." A crack appeared infront of the stranger bringing both him and Mira in another dimension " In here time is slowed so I can end this faster" " Impressive but your time freeze won't work as well on me" " I don't need to mess with time to beat you but I have somewhere to go."

??? Said," Calaba are you okay??" "I -I am now heh its good see you Vego." "Looks like I got here just in time. Here eat this it's a senzu bean it'll heal your injuries." Calaba ate the bean her bones cracked and went back into place then she jumped up feeling better than ever, She also got a zenkai boost which happens when saiyans heal from a battle the closer to death they were the stronger the boost is. " Turles ready for round two?" "What how did you get up?!" Vego a young boy around 8 with dark brown spiky hair and black eyes wearing a white blue and black battle suit with no shoulder pads with baggy pants and white gloves and boots said," A senzu bean healed her." "Who are you, you little runt?" "I'm Vego and for hurting my friend, I'm going to make you pay." "I want to see you try to hurt me." "Don't worry this will hurt, FINAL" "Oh so your going all out from the start HHAAAAA." " FLASH!!!" Turles deflected the beam wothout any effort "Hahaha is that all?" "W-what, no way no one can just deflect the Final Flash!" "Wow, never heard that one before, now lets see if you can deflect this, METEOR BURST!" The beam hit Vego, he was gone.

"It seems like I killed him! What a weakling!!" Calaba said," Its time for round two Turles you'll pay for that!" "That's what your friend just said but he's dead now isn't he! Hahaha" "You don't realize it do you?" "Realize what?" "How much my power grew from the zenkai. Check your scouter!" "15 thousand 18 thousand… 20 thousand!!! HOW?" "Its still not enough though…" "You realize your failure huh?" "Yeah but do you realize your mistake." " What's that?" " You'll find out , KAIOKEN!" " Again?!" Calaba smirks and says "TIMES 10!!!" King Kai said to Calaba through his mind "Calaba you know not to go beyond times 3 or you could die!" "Its either this or die to him." "But you know about the plan right?!" " It might not work and I've figured if I can use Times 20 that'll make us even in power so I'm only half his strength right now." Elder Kai butted in" But you know you could die!" "Don't worry old man I got this." 

 Turles said," Your strong but I'm still stronger" " But I'm faster, just then you didn't realize hehe, I took your fruit!" King Kai said," That was your plan?!" "Hehe yep! And it worked." "So Turles you ate one bite of the fruit and your power increased to 300,000 and you had about the same power as me so that means if I eat one bite it'll increase to the same." Calaba ate part of the fruit " I feel the power its amazing! But that fruit is nasty. HEY VEGO I know you escaped come eat part of the fruit." Vego teleported to Calaba and said "Heh so you knew huh." "Yep and take a bite its nasty but it really does boost your power a lot." Vego took a bite of the fruit "So this is the fruit of the tree of might you really messed up letting us get this ya know." Vego went to eat another piece but was stopped elder kai said " if you eat more your body could explode from the power increase do not eat anymore." " Vego said ,"Um ok, now Calaba ready to beat him down?" " Lets go!" Calaba rushed in and punched Turles then kicked him to Vego then he attacked him with a powerful onslaught of attacks "HAA." With a powerful kick Vego knocked Turles to the sky then Vego and Calaba teleported to him then punched him to the ground Vego said," FINAL KAMEHAME" Calaba said," FINAL SHINE" Both said ,"HAAAAA. ATTACK!!!!" The beams combined as it went towards Turles he said," N-NO DAMN IT!!!AAHH!!" The beams hit Turles first where his armor was broke then shooting through his stomach leading to destroying his body.

Calaba said," We did it Vego!" Vego said," Yeah, but we need to help Mike now."

Moments Earlier 

Mike a boy about the age of 10 who had black messed up hair that was never brushed he wears a red and black long sleeve shirt with a black mask that covered his mouth he said," So you wanted to challenge me, attack." Mira said," Ok I will." Mira went to hit Mike but he appeared behind him "Ya see you can't do much against my time skip and I can only do it for less than a second ." "You say I can't counter it but you can't seem to attack." " You'd be wrong then… freeze." Mike hit Mira in his vital areas like his neck and heart " Time resume" Mira fell to his knee and spit blood "Tch don't get cocky I figured how to counter your attack." " Oh?" Mike froze time again and tried to attack Mira but he had a ki shield up "Oh so he did figure it out surprising time to get serious I guess" Time resumed " Worked didn't it? Now I'm guessing you have limit right? That you'll get tired." " Right I do but it won't matter it'll be over by then." "Right, it will." Mike went to stop time again but Mira punched him in the face stopping him "Noticed when you get ready to attack you clinch your fist so its easy to read you that's not even all I noticed I also noticed your not very fast." "Right maybe I should take my training weights off." "Your what!?" Mike took off a undershirt wristbands and shoes with a total weight of about 455 Kilos "Now I feel nice and light." "That's about half a ton not bad for a child." Mike stopped time and landed his elbow in Mira's gut "Did I flinch that time?" "Just caught me off guard heh it'll be nice to see you stronger one day." "What does that mean?!" "It means I'm using less than 1% of my power right now about 0.0000001% to be exact you do remember I'm part android, infinite power." Towa said," Mira its time to go we don't have time for them" "Right…Towa." Mira punched Mike in the gut breaking the crack in the Dimension and knocking him out "Next time I'll kill you remember that."

Vego said"There's Mike right there, hurry!" Calaba said" Mike are you okay?!" Mike mumbled something "Its fine don't talk here's a senzu bean." Mike chewed the bean and swallowed slowly Mike said "He was so much stronger how… he was using less than 1% of his power." "Its okay Mike we'll get him next time as a team!" Vego put out his hand then Calaba did too Mike just looked for a second then laughed and put his fist in "Right!" "Now till then lets go back to Conton I'm getting hungry!" said Calaba They then used Instant Transmission to return.