Chapter 2: The Fusion Dance

One Day Later

After returning to Conton City the hub of the Time Patrol a big city located in the clouds.

Vego said," Yesterday was kinda crazy but the fruit's power finally wore off" Calaba added," Yeah but I wanna be that strong again we really should train more to catch up to Mira. By the way where's Mike?" "He's been meditating at the water fall since we got back, that fight with Mira really got to him." "Oh, I don't blame him, even with how strong he is he was defeated so easily." " Let's go see if Mike wants to train with us."

They went to Mike and they saw him concentrating on nothing but meditating. He was image training which is when you imagine who you are fighting and try to learn how to beat them

Vego said," M-Mike do you want to train with me and Calaba?" Mike opened his eyes slowly and said" If we actually train and be serious yes." " Good we can go train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber then." Calaba said," Alright! Lets go and get stronger!" " Grab onto me and I'll instant transmission to Kami's Lookout."

They teleported to Kami's Lookout a big floating lookout in the sky that was over Korin Tower it was home to Kami or god, the Guardian of Earth and his assistant Popo his real name was Dende. On the lookout there was a door to The Hyperbolic Time Chamber a void of nothing but a building that had beds a shower and food it was seemingly infinite the air was hard to breathe gravity was heavier and one year inside was only a day outside

Vego said," Hey Dende its been awhile." Dende an average height Namekian (a green slug-like man) said." Oh hey Vego I haven't seen you in awhile!" Calaba bowed and said," Hello Kami I'm Calaba good to meet you." " No need to be so formal it's fine to act normally." Mike said nothing as he waited for the training he was promised. "So you're here to go in the Time Chamber I see." " Yeah we are how did you know?" " Well I am the Guardian of Earth I can read your minds. Since you're here to train there are a few warnings before you go in the chamber the temperature changes randomly from -40° to 122° the gravity is 10 times that of Earth and air is very dense there." " Well looks like we'll have to get used to it before we can train." Vego said," I'll get some senzu beans I'll be back soon." Dende brought Calaba and Mike to the door of the chamber " There is enough food for the three of you for about 2 years and there are only two beds so here is a extra mattress and so you don't ruin your uniforms here is some training gear for Calaba a blue tank top and blue baggy pants Mike you get a blue armless jacket with a red shirt and black pants Vego will get a black leather jacket a blue shirt and black pants and you all get these tough black boots and black gloves that weigh 1 ton together I'll send you in with a scouter to measure your growth in the chamber and Vego will return with beans for extra food and healing."

Moments later

Vego returned after Mike and Calaba changed into the training gear

"I got the beans Korin gave me 24 so we have 8 each. I see we have new clothes for the training ALRIGHT sweet I needed to stop wearing this armor its too uncomfortable." Vego changed and realized how heavy the boots and gloves were " About a ton of extra weight for training heh, in ten times gravity this should be fun." Dende said," Don't go in yet... I sense something evil coming, way stronger than you are." "Do you know what it is Dende?" " Pure evil.." Mike interrupted " It could be good training lets fight whatever is coming for us!" Dende yelled," They're here!"

Again it was Mira but this time with two Namekians one with dark green skin wearing yellow and purple and the other with a lighter green skin wearing purple

" That's Lord slug and King Piccolo?!" Calaba said," Are they strong?" " Yes they are Piccolo shouldn't be but they enhanced his power."

Vego checked his scouter and was shocked to see the power levels he seen

Calaba asked," What's the scouter say?!" Vego answered," One is almost a million while the other is around 400 thousand.." Mike said," We need to stay serious! Vego lets take Slug Calaba try to take Piccolo!"

"Right!" They all took off the training weights to fight at full power

Calaba then rushed at Piccolo "I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" Calaba punched Piccolo right in the face but he didn't even flinch " W-What this is gonna be bad.." Piccolo grabbed her by the arm then shot a beam from his mouth hitting Calaba " Ugh ouch.. alright pull myself together KAIOKEN!" Piccolo said," Your efforts are useless you won't win!" " I've been told that before but I'm still here!" Calaba put her hands together charging a move and began teleporting all over the place " KA ME HA ME" " I've seen this move before it won't help you!" " Do you wanna bet? KAIOKEN TIMES 4!" Calaba appeared infront of Piccolo " HAAA!!" Piccolo blocked the move with ease "TIMES 5!!!" Piccolo still took it but it managed to hurt him a little " Huff huff that took a lot outta me...." Calaba began to glow red again " KA ME HA ME ...." Calaba thought to herself " It didn't do much to him so maybe I can trick him" she appeared in front of Piccolo with her hands on her head " SOLAR FLARE!!!" A bright light blinded Piccolo " Okay now!" Calaba put two fingers on her forehead then began charging all her energy into it.

Vego said," That's smart Calaba!" Mike yelled," VEGO PAY ATTENTION!" Slug hit Vego knocking him to the ground " Guess I deserved that one.." Vego teleported to Mike and grabbed his shoulder Mike said," Time will freeze!" Time stopped freezing everyone except himself and Vego "Glad I learned how to make it not freeze people touching me." " Yeah me too now lets get this bastard FINAL KA ME HA ME." Mike shot a small ki blast from his hand " Gigantic" Both said "HAAAAAA, EXPLOSION" Time resumed and when it did Slug was hit with everything. The dust cleared and one of Slug's arms and both his legs were gone

"Yeah we hit him!" Slug said," Ugh.. DAMN YOU BASTARDS!! HOW DARE YOU DAMAGE ME! But it doesn't matter, HAAAAAAAA!!" Slugs missing body parts regenerated like it never happened "What! You can regenerate?!" Dende said" Yes all Namekians can regenerate limbs except the heart and head." " Wish we would've known that before!"

Calaba was still charging the move while Piccolo began to see again "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!!!" A beam shot to Piccolo drilling through his stomach " AHH THIS IS NOTHING... UGH HAAAAA." He spit out blood and regenerated his wound " You'll pay for that! EVIL EXPLOSION." Calaba was hit she fell to her knees. Piccolo then grabbed her by the neck choking her then kept punching her in the face multiple times then threw her to the ground. Calaba stood up Piccolo said," So you think you can still fight?" Calaba said," I guess the only way to win is to almost die.. KAIOKEN TIMES TEN!!!" Calaba hit Piccolo in the face then knocked him up in the air " KAIOKEN ... Ngh.. TIMES 20!!!!" She shot herself through Piccolo's chest " N-NOO D-DAMN IT ALL! NOT AGAIN!" Piccolo coughed out more blood and fell to the ground "Heheh can't regenerate that huh..." Calaba fell to the ground and couldn't move a muscle.

Slug kicked Mike away then shot him with an eye beam Mike fell to the ground Vego said," Mike catch it's a senzu!" Mike took and ate the bean " NOW GIVE CALABA THE OTHER!" Mike rushed to Calaba and she ate the bean " I have a plan guys Mike I need you to distract him for a minute." "Ok I'll try.. KAIOKEN!" Mike rushed to Slug again

"Calaba follow me." They both went around a building so Slug couldn't see them "Now you know the Fusion dance right?" " No I've heard of it but I don't know how to do it." "Oh no, well you have to be in complete synchronization with the movements, breath and even power which we're close enough in." Vego demonstrated the dance " You stand far apart then Handle your arms in the opposite direction step in on your toes turn your arms clockwise to me. While doing this you have to take 3 small steps towards me lift your knees in the air turn your knees toward me point your fingertips to me and touch each others fingers to make the Fusion dance complete."

Dende said," I'll help if I can to watch if you fail." They tried to perform the dance "FU SION HA!" The fusion was failed instead of strong it was slow and fat Dende said," Your breathing was way off Wait 30 minutes and try again!"

Mike said," Looks like they failed ... HAAAA KAIOKEN TIMES 10!!" Slug plowed through Mike knocking him over....

30 minutes past

They tried once again to fail again and they got a skinny failed fusion that couldn't even move..

"Calaba your finger slipped try again."

Mike punched Slug and Slug smiled and said," Haha that all you got?"

30 more minutes past

"FU SION HA!" This time it worked it was a correct fusion with a power that was unbelievable

"WOAH! your power was added then multiplied tens of times its amazing! Now go and beat Slug to the ground." ? Said," In a second I need a name hmmm... I know Cago!... No no that doesn't work... Hmm yeah I got it Velaba the fusion of Vego and Calaba."

Slug was holding Mike by the neck about to kill him but then Velaba teleported in and grabbed Slug by the antae " What do you think your doing Slug? Its time I show you what happens when you mess with me KAIOKEN." They swung him around like a ragdoll he couldn't do anything about it " TIME FOR REVENGE!!" They threw Slug in the air kicked him down to the ground then teleported and kicked him crushing him into the lookout " How's that Slug?! Having fun yet?" " How are you so much stronger!!!" Slug's body began to grow he was 10 stories tall when he stopped growing " HOWS THIS HAAAAA." Slug charged a beam from his mouth but before he could fire it Velaba went down his throat and shot out Slugs stomach "AH YOU PUNY PEST!" They then hit Slug in the forehead with a powerful strike he shrunk back down to normal size "Its time I end this and make sure you don't regenerate KAIOKEN TIMES 2! FINAL GALICK KAMEHAME HAAAAA!" The beam instantly destroyed Slug leaving nothing of him behind..

Mira said," If I wanted to I could just destroy you all right now but I enjoy the show so I have another challenge for you he's not strong but he's immortal so see what you can do weaklings."

Mira summoned Garlick jr a small, turquoise alien with pointy ears and green spots above his head.

Garlic jr said," Hehehe you can't defeat someone that can't be hurt Hahaha!" Velaba said," Maybe but that doesn't mean I can't win. BIG BANG ATTACK!" The blast hit Garlic jr but it did nothing to him "Huh so you weren't lying.." "Indeed and you can't do anything about it Hahaha." Garlic jr grew bigger and his power increased he then punched Velaba in the face " You maybe immortal but you're weak and can't hurt me either." "Maybe but you can run out of power and get tired." Mike thought to himself " I know what I can do it might be hard to pull off though." He talked to Velaba telepathically " Hey I have a move to trap him but a need to go to Roshi's for something first I'll be back soon." "Ok hurry"

Velaba grabbed Garlic jr and threw him from the lookout " Can't fly huh? Have a nice trip!" Velaba jumped from the lookout following him " HAAA!!" They smashed into Garlic jr into the earth " KAMEHAME HAAA!" Still not effective to Garlic in damage but it knocked him far into the ground

Mike teleported back to Velaba " Hey I'm back! I got what I needed too.. where's Garlic jr at?" " In the ground right there." Garlic jr jumped up out of the ground " You still think you can win? Hahaha!" Mike sat a jar infront of him with a seal on it Velaba said," SOLAR FLARE!!" " AHH my eyes I can't see!" Mike said," Time will freeze..." Time froze to Mike's command " EVIL CONTAINMENT WAVE!" The wave hit Garlic jr then Time resumed the wave swirled taking Garlic jr into it "HA" Mike threw the wave towards the container but he missed " OH NO!" Garlic jr was tired from the wave "huff huff what was that.." Mike fell to his knees " That's all the ki I had left..." Mike fell "Heh guess I failed." Garlic jr said," I'M TIRED OF THESE GAMES!! HAAAA!" Garlic jr opened a void called the dead zone " Why would you open this its literally one of the only things that could beat you..." " I-I don't know WHY DID I DO THAT." "Too late to stop it now." Velaba punched Garlic jr in the face then kicked him in the gut and knocked him into the dead zone "WHY DID I OPEN THE ONLY THING THAT COULD DEFEAT ME I'M SO DUMB!! NOOOO!!!" He disappeared and so did the dead zone " Its over I've won!" Velaba gave Mike a senzu bean

Mira said," Good job you survived see you soon." Velaba said," One day we will.." Velaba unfused into Vego and Calaba, they both said," ONE DAY WE WILL DEFEAT YOU MIRA!!"

Dende said," Good job guys you did well and now you can finally go train in The Room of Spirit and Time." Mike said," Yes and we will all get stronger. Right guys!." Both said," RIGHT!."