Chapter 4: Frieza Invades!

??? said," This city is now ours, fight if you want but there's nothing you can do!" Vego said, " We'll see about that!" ???? Said," Time for you to die filthy monkeys!" Calaba said," You think we're weak but we won't lose to you!" Calaba and Vego transformed into Super Saiyans " You gotta know what this form is Frieza you were killed by it!" Frieza said," Maybe I was but I'm a lot stronger now!" Frieza said," Brother are you ready to kill them?" Cooler said," Let's go!" Cooler moved so fast Calaba and Vego couldn't react to him

Cooler kicked them both to they ground

Frieza then attacked Mike but he dodged using his time stopping ability

Frieza said," W-What! How could you dodge me?" " It's a special ability I have I can stop time"

Through a speaker in the city the Supreme Kai of Time started talking


A bunch of Patrollers came out and started fighting The Frieza and Cooler force

But a few of the strongest helped Vego Calaba and Mike fight Frieza and Cooler themselves.

??? " We're here to help you guys seems like they're really strong." Vego said," Alright thanks but who are you?" ??? Said," Well My name is Deiota and-" ??? Said," And I'm Rhymeza whats up my super patrollers." " You interrupted me." " Go on finish what you were saying." " And this is Rhymeza -" ??? Said," H-Hey I'm Alec..." ??? Said," And I'm Joku nice to meet you" " Ight I'm done you really just gonna interrupt me." ??? Said," Sup I'm Cabby lets take these guys out." Vego said,"Alright what can y'all do against an army?" Cooler said," If you were strong we'd have a problem but you have no chance because you're all weaklings." "ALRIGHT LETS GO!" They all rushed to attack but their efforts were useless it was completely ineffective.

Calaba said," Alright lets do this! GALICK GUN!" Vego said," FINAL KAMEHAMEHA HA!" Mike put his hands together then pointed and slashed his fingers across the air said," DIMENSION RAY!" Deiota said," FINAL FLASH!" Rhymeza pointed his finger at Frieza and said," Ready for my next attack? EMPERORS DEATH BEAM!" Cabby said," BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!" Joku said," SUPER MILKY CANNON!" Alec said," SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!"

All the beams fired and hit Frieza and Cooler at once it seemed to hurt them a little but not enough

Mike said," Calaba Vego Fuse again we're gonna need it now!" Cabby said," Deiota Rhyme Alec go get Cooler me Joku and Mike will take Frieza." Cabby concentrated hard and his hair began to stand and it turned golden Mike said," Am I the only one who cant transform?!" Joku then transformed into Super Saiyan as well " Looks like it Mike."

Deiota threw off his hat and closed his eyes and powered up " THIS IS MY FULL BOWERRR!" His hair turned golden and he attacked Cooler hitting him in the face Rhymeza said," Guess I'll go into my Final Form if everyone's going all out" Rhymeza's head grew and he got taller and now had spikes on him "Hehehe haven't done this since last time I fought Deiota feels good to be at my best again" Rhymeza rushed to Cooler and kicked him away Cooler said," You really think this is enough?! No I have even more power and you will die for underestimating me. HAAAAA!" Cooler's muscles grew and he got much taller and his head grew a crown like shape " What do you think of this? Hahaha it's over now time patrollers!."

Calaba and Vego said together "FU-SION-HA." Their bodies combined and they were fused " It's time for you to die!"

Frieza said," Brother! We need to take out the fusion NOW! NYAAAAA!!" Frieza then transformed just like Cooler did

Cooler said," Brother let's attack full power, HAAA!" Cooler put his hand up and a giant ball of fire appeared then Frieza put up his finger and another ball of fire appeared and they combined into an even bigger ball of fire They both said," EAT THIS!!!" The ball hurled towards Velaba as she... Cabby said " Actually narrator dude you can't assume gender like that it's a fusion of a boy and girl..." Well valid point but I'M THE NARRATOR not you so if you want you can do my job or just go back to what you were doing " Nah nah whatever dude do your job" Yeah that's what I thought now where was I Ahem. The ball hurled towards Velaba as THEY pushed against it with all their might "HAAAAAAA! I-I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY MY WORLD!!!!"

Their hair spiked up and turned golden " Heh I know how this will end I'm not quite strong enough to beat your combined attack like this..." They pushed as hard as they could and managed to stop it " Goodbye my friends.."

Velaba smiled and grabbed the ball of energy and absorbed it and exploded so that the city could be saved and that no one else would have to die but that didn't go according to plan

Mike was enraged to see his friends die right in front of him " N-NO IF I WASN'T SO WEAK I COULD'VE HELPED!!! GUH NNRGH"A tear went down Mike's face as he watched the others fight while he knew he couldn't help

Cooler grabbed Alec by the throat choking him " So now it's your turn hehehe" he pointed his finger at Alec's chest and shot a beam through his heart. Alec coughed and blood ran down his mouth " I guess it's all over there's nothing more we can do..." Cooler dropped him to the ground and he died

At the same time Frieza was holding Joku by the neck with his tail and punching him in the gut " ALL YOU WORMS WILL SUFFER AHAHAHAHA" Deiota rushed to Frieza and tried to punch him but Frieza caught his fist and squeezed as his finger nails stabbed into his hand " So you want to die too?" Deiota said," No" he smirked " Because you feel right into my trap" Rhymeza shot a beam at Frieza it was a direct hit but it did nothing " You really don't realize just how dead you are do you?" Frieza broke Deiota's arm and dropped him and dropped the almost dead Joku who was being choked to death

Frieza flew slowly towards Rhymeza who was in shock and couldn't move and Frieza grabbed him with his tail " Now it's your turn you traitor your one of us!" Frieza then punched Rhymeza in the face multiple times over and over

While that happened Cooler was fighting Cabby who was slightly holding his own but was quickly losing ground Cabby proceeded to blast a Galick Gun at Cooler but he dodged it appeared behind Cabby and kicked him to the ground Cabby fell out of Super Saiyan and barely had any energy left but stood tall and wouldn't back down

Mike said," NRGH....THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!! HAAAAAAA!!" Mike was furious, some of his veins popping out and his hair was standing up from all his energy.

Mike smirked looked up and his eyes had turned completely white in his rage then his power sky rocketed it was overwhelming his hair turned a light green color. He was now the Legendary Super Saiyan.

Frieza looked over let loose of Rhymeza " T-That's no normal Super Saiyan he's out for more than winning he's out for blood and he wants us to suffer he's lost it." Mike rushed to Cooler even though he was guarding Mike pumbled him knocking through his guard "I'll make you pay YOU WILL SUFFER AND I'LL COVER THIS CITY IN YOUR BLOOD!" Mike grabbed Coolers tail swung him around threw him and then rushed him again and ripped his tail clean off then he kicked Cooler in the ribs and they crushed in breaking multiple ribs " HAHAHA HAHAHAHA YOU... YOU THINK WHAT YOU DID WAS BAD YOU THINK WHATS HAPPENED SO FAR IS BAD? HAHAHA!" Mike then grabbed Coolers arm snapping it and putting it to his back and pulled it to the side as far as possible crushing every bone in his arm then punched through his stomach and blood sprayed everywhere then he grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the ground flattening his head in then exploding his body for the last measure

Then Mike rushed towards Frieza grabbing his leg and slammed him on the ground and swung him from right to left back to the ground each time Frieza screamed" Mercy I beg of you give me mercy!" "YOU THINK A DEVIL LIKE MYSELF SHOULD GRANT YOU MERCY?! HAHAHA YOU DON'T DESERVE MERCY!" Mike grabbed Frieza and head butted him crushing his skull then threw him by his tail into the sky and roared as a beam shot from his mouth destroying Frieza "HAHAHA I MADE YOU WORMS SUFFER FOR WHAT YOU DID HAHAHA!!!"

Then he looked over to Frieza's army and threw a ki blast at it "HEHEHE!" The ki blast exploded leaving nothing behind the attack was over but Mike was still enraged he looked over to Rhymeza Deiota Joku and Cabby laughed and then went to attack but stopped himself he struggled to control himself and barely could but then heard a voice " Hey Mike stop.. you did good but you lost control you didn't have to make them suffer like that and you cant hurt our friends listen to me Mike it's Calaba I'm talking to you from King Kai's planet control your anger I know your strong enough to just let go you can use the dragon balls remember?"

Mike fell to his knees untransforming " Calaba, Vego I'm sorry I-I couldn't save you!" Mike had tears running down his face " YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO FEEL THAT PAIN!" Vego said " Mike it's ok it wasn't your fault but we had to save the city anyways like Calaba said just use the dragon balls but for awhile we want to stay King Kai said he would have some special training for us some training Goku went through so it's bound to make us stronger so till then just be ready for us to come back but make sure to get stronger!" " I will and I'll learn to control this power for you guys!"

And so they parted ways for the time being and the city was completely restored but now more modernized with the latest equipment

Vego and Calaba trained in other world as Mike went back to his home Universe, Universe 6 to train with the Legendary Assassin Hit