Chapter 5: Other World

Five days past

Vego and Calaba were on Grand Kai's planet fighting with other warriors intending to get stronger.

Everyone was fighting except one strange man with long red hair a black jacket and red under shirt he was very tall and looked like he was in his late 20's he was just leaning against a wall watching the fights cut loose.

Calaba and Vego were fighting each other Calaba said," Hey Vego doesn't that guy over there seem kinda weird to you?" " Yeah and I can tell he's strong but he isn't fighting. Let's go talk to him!" " Ok but this might be a bad idea..." 

They walked over to the strange man and said," Hey what are you doing alone over here?" The man said," Watching the fights, now what do you want from me?!" " We just wondered if you wanted to spar?" " No go away you're annoying." " What's your problem dude we haven't done anything!" " I said GO AWAY!" The man's power sky rocketed and Vego and Calaba jumped back and got in fighting stances " So you want to annoy me? Fine I'll shut you up." The man jumped towards Vego and knocked him away Vego jumped back up powered up and went Super Saiyan " I don't know why you want to fight but fine… FINAL KAMEHAME HAA!!" The man spit fire back against the beam and pushed it away " What was that? The best you can do?" " You haven't seen anything yet heh." He smirked and taunted Vego " Then bring it!" Vego teleported behind him and kicked but the man vanished and appeared behind Vego and hit him in the back of the head but Vego didn't flinch and turned around Vego said " What is that it? Hehehe." Vego charged ki into his hand and it was glowing bright with energy and he punched him with a powerful punch that knocked him to the ground and charged a beam in one hand and shot it and it hit the man " How was that huh?" " Not bad for a kid." He stood up and spit some blood out of his mouth

 " Sorry for overreacting. My names Sieno." Vego untransformed put his hands behind his head in a relaxed way and said " It's fine hehe. I'm Vego and this is Calaba." " Hey Sieno. So what were you actually doing here?" " I was like I said watching but I was kind of shadow training imaging I was fighting and I seen flaws in your fighting but when we fought for real I couldn't seem to keep up with you." " Yeah that was because Super Saiyan without transforming you would've knocked me around like I was nothing but with transforming you can't stand a chance!" Sieno smiled and said " Maybe but I've always found a way to win a fight." Grand Kai came from his palace " You who were just fighting there!" " Uh oh we done it now.." " Yeah maybe we shouldn't have done that." " Come you will receive my training you are very strong, oh yeah." " Oh that was… unexpected." 

So Vego Calaba and their new friend Sieno went and trained with the Grand Kai 

While Mike in Universe 6 was fighting Cabba a very strong fighter

Cabba said," GALICK GUN!!" Mike's muscles tensed " Time will stop." Time froze and Mike walked to Cabba and punched him in the gut time resumed the blow didn't seem to hurt Cabba too badly but he was struck in a vital area 

Hit interrupted the fight " You can't stop time long can you? I'll help you learn to do it longer I'll help you improve and get faster." "Alright I'm ready let's go!" "Before we start we don't completely stop time I slow it down for a tenth of a second so it is possible to counter but you have to be much faster and I'm faster than you so you'll have to improve as of now I'd say you slow it down for about a thirteenth of a second." " That's not a lot of time even at its best.." " No but if you completely master it there's no telling how long you could do it." Hit demonstrated the time skip to show Mike how to do it a little better 

While everyone was training, Trunks wished Calaba and Vego back to life however they stayed to train in other world for awhile 

Sieno Calaba and Vego were training in a special room in Grand Kai's palace that had high gravity and they had weights on that were 40 tons.

Calaba asked," So Sieno what's your story like why are you here?" "Well I'm a demon that was sent to Earth and I protected it and I come to other world anytime and I'd say I'm about 27 years old now or to your years I'm about um 270 so about 10 of your years is one of mine." " Your how old!?" " Well give or take a few months but 270 years old." Grand Kai said," I want to see your Super Saiyan form I've heard about, use it will you?" Vego and Calaba both transformed into Super Saiyan "So you are very strong but there is a form even further beyond. Power up to your max use anger that you have stored up. Calaba your mother and father were killed by Mira and you want revenge right?" Calaba gritted her teeth " I'll say you do use that and imagine that he is here." A tear came down Calaba's face I will become stronger she thought "I WILL!" Calaba practiced even more and went full power and tried to power up "Ngh Ugh….. HAAAAAA!" Her hair spiked up even more than normal Super Saiyan and she had electricity around her "So is this it? To give further beyond Super Saiyan?" " Yeah it is your now a Super Saiyan 2. Now it's your turn Vego think of your pain what makes you angry think of how your dad left you that pisses you off right!? Use it and be stronger just like your friend here don't be left behind." Vego started charging his power and he did his best "HAAAA!" Vego's hair spiked even more like Calaba's and he kept charging his hair started to grow longer but he fell to his knees out of the form "Huff huff… did I do it?" Grand Kai said," Uh-Uh you did not but for a second you went further than Super Saiyan 2." " What do you mean like a stronger form?" Calaba said," A form beyond going beyond Super Saiyan." " Sounds like a challenge ready to get stronger guys!?" Calaba and Sieno said," Alright let's go!" 

And so the training began again to become strong Calaba and Vego trained to go Super Saiyan 2 Sieno trained to try to find a transformation of his own while Mike trained to master the time skip.