Chapter 6: Training Continues

A year had past since training had started

Vego thought," I still haven't managed to get into that form I tapped into a whole year ago I don't understand I should be able to do it by now I need to surpass Calaba even right now she's a little ahead of me and I don't know how else to pass her."

Calaba fired a beam at Vego and it was a direct hit on him and it knocked him out and he fell to the ground .

Calaba thought,"Why are you fighting me untransformed while I'm in Super Saiyan is this some kind of training. And is it working I wonder?..."

Calaba transformed to Super Saiyan 2 and Sieno attacked her. Sieno looked different though he had red eyes now instead of black and he had black lines on his eyes. It was a new demon form the most important question was how much stronger was he?

Sieno fired a beam of fire from his mouth at Calaba and it landed burning her but she took it like it was nothing "So is that all? If so you have no chance then." Calaba jumped forward and knees Sieno in the gut then punched him in the face then elbowed him and upper cutted him knocking him in the air then kicked him to the ground "FINAL FLASH!!" Sieno was knocked back to his base form and passed out

"So, I guess that is all." Calaba gave Vego and Sieno a little power to wake them up Vego said," Heh looks like I'm not quiet strong enough yet" Sieno said," I've got a long way to go too…" Calaba sat down and was exhausted after transferring so much energy like she did Vego then picked her up and walked inside Grand Kais temple 

In universe 6, Mike was training with Hit the Legendary Assassin, Mike using the time skip went for a barrage of attacks on Hit but he was so fast Hit dodged behind him and kicked him away "Is that all?" "No, I actually expected that and you didn't notice you fell into my trap look around." Mike pointed out small ki blasts barely visible to himself or Hit "One move and they all go off what will you do? Even if you stop time while you move I'll stop too so then they will explode so what will you try?" Hit stopped for a moment thinking of his next move Mike said," RAZORS EDGE!" Glass like beams shot towards Hit while he was trapped Hit dodged the first few then one beam collided with a ki mine exploding but Hit was waiting for that moment when it happened he stopped time and for so little time he moved freely then Mike stopped time too and when the explosion was over Hit was gone " Tch where'd he go?" " You can't tell? Look harder." Mike looked down to the ground "What?! How are you so fast? " Mike transformed into Super Saiyan which he learned to do over the year then noticed he was in perfect line with the sun and it was some what blinding Hit "I have an idea, and it might just work… SOLAR FLARE!!!" A bright flash happened blinding Hit, Mike then stopped time and attacked again and he landed the first punch then began attacking with everything he had and after he punched him in the gut Mike jumped back and once again shot his Razor's edge at Hit "HOW'S THIS!!?" said Mike

After his rampage was over Hit was cut all over from the beams and bruised from the attacks "Good job you managed to hurt me Mike…" "Hehe not too bad huh." 

Hit stood up and brushed the dirt off himself his clothes tattered and worn "Looks like I need some new clothes." "Here I'll help with that." Pointing his finger at Hit Mike yelled "CLOTHES BEAM! Definitely a move that was worth learning I never gotta pay for clothes when mine get torn up hehe." 

Mike was one that learned a variety of moves from the Time Skip to useless moves such as the Clothes Beam and ParaPara Dance but even that has a use to freeze opponents.. and yourself so it's still pretty useless without team mates 

" Hit I think it's time you fight for real!" "I guess it is but not today we'll continue soon until then you'll be helping me with my work you will be handsomely paid" " Ok but isn't it bad for me to be an Assassin like you? I don't want to kill innocent people." " You have all rights to be worried but most of the time the people with high bounties are criminals and I only accept high bounties." " Ok then, well in that case let's go."

Hit and Mike parted ways as Mike went to a nearby planet home to a drug lord named Davilo 

Mike arrived on the planet and immediately gained access to Davilo's office with his time skip and punched a hole right through his gut instantly killing him

"I'm sorry it was this way but a drug lord as yourself would sell to even children and I have a dream to never see things like that happen, if only you didn't sell to children you may not be here now but I Mike the saiyan named Sannich will not allow a useless person like you to live I say my goodbyes to a scum like you so long bastard." 

Mike had completed his job and stopped a drug empire and continued his hit list

Back in Universe 7 in Other World 

Calaba was meditating her closed eye twitched, she was shadow training against Vego, they were both going all out Calaba had been trying to master a new technique she had heard of, one that she would not master or even tap into for years Calaba stood up and asked Vego to fight her again, and to try to use the form he had been trying to get into

Vego agreed and transformed into Super Saiyan 2 then kept powering up trying to go further beyond that "HAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Vego struggled for a few minutes and then he had began to power up slightly more he pushed as far as he could his hair had grown slightly and had gotten a little stronger 

Calaba said," This can't be the new form it barely makes you stronger.."

About 2 weeks past and Vego and Calaba were again fighting to push farther than ever before Calaba jumped back away from Vego and powered up into Super Saiyan 2 and kept going "HAAAAAAAAA" She struggled but didn't give up, her hair began to grow and her power level sky rocketed "This is it this is Super Saiyan 3!!"

She was excited that she finally reached the new form and encouraged Vego to try and he powered up also to get this new form "HHHHAAAAAAAAAA!" He struggled slightly more than Calaba, just as Calaba's, Vego's hair grew and his power increased tremendously "Hehe we did it."

Calaba and Vego continued to spar each day to get stronger for 2 more years.