Chapter 7: Unbound

After 2 and a half years of intense training.

Calaba said," We've been gone a long time, it's about time we went back to our world isn't it." 

Calaba was much taller than before and even crazier she was in Super Saiyan by default, and so was Vego they had both been like that for 2 years straight, from when they sleep to when they meditate and for half a year they had been living in Super Saiyan 2 to master both forms anger and power their next goal was to master Super Saiyan 3 but that would be a hard task as the power drain was immense.

Calaba and Vego powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and went to their max power they both then jumped towards each other and punched their fists clashed and they struggled to push against each other then they both flipped backwards.

Calaba said," KA ME HA ME HAAAA!" Vego said," GALICK GUN!!"

The beams clashed at an even power, neither was stronger than the other, Calaba quickly untransformed and jumped away and hid her energy level so Vego couldn't sense her Vego surprised also untransformed and closed his eyes he couldn't sense Calaba but heard her footsteps, Calaba was much faster than Vego being smaller than him but her senses were not as trained as Vego's as he was trained by his mother and his somewhat babysitter as a young child who liked to meditate a lot a particular Namekian named Piccolo.

Vego took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled then he quickly turned around punching Calaba but she caught his arm " I expected you to do that Vego predictable." "Good because I knew you'd know what I would do. Now you'll say what do you mean how would you just know" "What do you mean how would you just know?.... So you really have gotten better heh" 

Vego had laced the inside of his shirt and his arm with ki and he exploded the shirt but used the second ki layer to protect his arm Calaba was blown to the ground and unconscious.

In Conton City

Mike had already returned to the city he looked much different from before he was taller and he had cut his hair from his usual messy look it had less volume and was just over his eyebrows and he had a black tank top with black pants that had a cut on the right leg he still had his mask however.

Mike walked into the Time Nest and was assigned to take care of a change in history where Bojack the space pirate had defeated Gohan who was meant to go Super Saiyan 2 but for some reason couldn't transform.

Mike watched at first, as Bojack attacked Gohan and then joined and from the start he went Super Saiyan and was fairly even with Bojack

Gohan said," Who are you why are you helping me, anyway thanks I can't lose my temper again... like I had in the past." Mike Flinched for a moment then said,"Losing your temper is fine as long as you don't let it control you and to defeat someone you need to let go of your pain and anger and use it to win."

Gohan paused and realised Mike was right a tear rose from his face and his hair stood up and his power was overwhelming 

And then right as that happened Mike felt another energy then looked up to see Towa without Mira for some reason "Where's Mira Towa!" 

Towa simply grinned and then shot power into Bojack he glowed and had a purple aura and more importantly he was much stronger and a real challenge for Mike. 

Mike shot a blast at Towa and she disappeared Mike said,"Tch of course you run!" Mike's hair turned Green his muscles grew and his power skyrocketed "HAAAAAA!!!" His eyes briefly went white and then turned green he had learned to control his Legendary Super Saiyan Form.

" And now I end you." Mike vanished behind Bojack and grabbed his head and pulled him backwards "This form happens to make me really murderous hehe." Mike shot a Ki blast into the back of Bojacks head and then plowed him into the ground the exploded the entire area, Bojack still alive but weakened was no match for Gohan.

Mike left the fight to Gohan and just like in the original timeline Gohan won.

Mike was relaxing on the beach in Conton City and he felt three huge power levels appear he jumped up and flew into the sky and burst towards the power levels there, the whole Time Patrol surrounded them Mike squeezed through to see who they were 

Mike said," Is it you? It can't be but it's been so long.." One of the strangers scratched their head," So who are you?" The other angrily smacks him in the back of the head," Stop screwing around Vego!" " Ow ow ow what was that for it was just a joke." Mike starred " VEGO CALABA! It's been so long!" Vego said," Yeah it has heheh good to see you again." Calaba said," I'm glad we're all finally together again!" Sieno cleared his throat to get their attention," So the reunion is nice and all but I was told that I'd be given a place to stay." " Oh right well I guess you can stay in the Time Nest I bet the Kais and Trunks would like another friend around." " Did you say the Kais? So there are more here makes since.." Vego said," Sooo anyway Mike, YOU'VE HAD TO GOTTEN STRONGER RIGHT IM EXCITED TO FIGHT YOU!" " Ok stop screaming we can fight later for now let's just hang out like the good old days." Calaba talked to Trunks about Sieno staying in the Time Nest and the agreed to it as long as Sieno joined the Time Patrol which he did so there was another Time Patroller added to the team.

Hours later

Mike Said," Vego, Calaba you wanted to fight right? Well let's go I see you have been in Super Saiyan since you got home so I'm guessing that you mastered it so we should test our strength."