Chapter 8: An all out Battle

The three instant transmissioned down to earth and found an empty desert to fight in.

Mike said," This is good place as any, lets get started." Mike pulled down his mask and stood in a fighting stance which was very compact for fast movements with both his hands open flat and infront of him one tilted sideways close to his neck and the other infont of his chest covering his heart.

Vego dropped his weights from his undershirt weighing in at 300 tons and his shoes weighing 50 tons each and his belt weighing 100 tons then got in his stance he bent his knees and stretched out one arm infront of him and the other bent back by his head " Alright lets go."

Calaba then took off her jacket weighing in at 400 tons then removed her weights on her ankles weighing 50 tons each she put her hand infront of her face in a claw like fist and her other balled up beside her waist bent to keep it close to her.

Vego rushed Mike while Calaba stood still with a blank face and paid no attention to the fight. Mike chopped Vego aiming for the neck but Vego blocked with his arm then punched for Mike to time skip behind him and hit Vego in the back knocking Vego forward, Vego used one hand to throw five small ki blasts at Mike then rushed, the blasts missed and Mike disappeared then went to strike Vego in the side but Vego transformed to Super Saiyan 2 and stopped Mikes fist with one finger " Is that all?" Vego kicked Mike across the side of his head knocking him back Mike then powered up to Super Saiyan and time skipped to land his fist in Vego's gut.

Somewhere else on earth

??? Said," Do you feel that? Someone just went Super Saiyan. Lets go check it out!!."

??? Said," Alright lets go!!"

Back in the Desert

Vego laced his fist in ki and punched Mike knocking him into the ground then shot ki out above him and flew straight up punching Mike who had skipped out of the ground to land in Vegos trap again Mike was knocked to the ground Mike said," Huff huff... Not bad heheh that hurt... Alot." Mike transformed to Super Saiyan 2 and shot a instant full powered kamehameha at Vego, he had no time to react so he powered up and combined Kaioken to deflect the beam Vego almost killing himself pulls it off and deactivates kaioken immediately " Huff huff damn that drained alot.. But I know after that you wasted alot of power too.." Mike was weak after the beam, barely able to stand Mike closes his eyes and powers up to his controlled Legendary Super Saiyan form " Im going all out just to beat you you know!" Mike rushes towards Vego and Vego does nothing just waiting to be knocked out but Mike teleports away rushing towards Calaba in a time skip. Calaba quickly turns and stops Mike's fist with both her hands "FINAL FLASH!!!!" Mike was knocked to the ground not expecting the sudden move Calaba then powers up to Super Saiyan 2 " I've gotten much stronger Mike. HAAAA!!!" Calaba's hair grew and her power rose "Mike this is Super Saiyan 3!"

??? Said," Hey dude THATS SUPER SAIYAN 3 HOW CAN SHE DO THAT!!" ??? Said," I don't know but lower your power level or they'll find us." " Who are they though.."

Calaba said," Come at me Mike don't hold back on me." Mike said," I wasn't planning on it." Mike's power roared as he powered up even more and then rushed Calaba, she dodged and chopped Mike in the back of his neck Mike then grabbed her by the head and smashed her into the ground but Calaba was gone floating right above Mike she then punches him in the nose then in the gut and grabs his leg and throws him, Mike stops from flying away and rushes back towards Calaba powering up more his eyes got darker and so did his hair he was much faster and he slams his fist into Calaba's gut grabs her leg and slams her on the ground and then roared shooting a huge ki blast from his mouth destroying part of the earth. Calaba floated in the center of the crater her clothes torn and burnt, her arm broken and bleeding she still had strength to fight she teleported infront of Mike took her sword and sliced but Mike blocked and the sword broke swinging back and cutting Calaba's cheek Mike then grabbed Calaba's good arm and attempted to break it but Calaba charged ki into her arm and punched threw Mike's guard." Nice one Cal-aba hehe." Mikes hair spiked up more and got slightly darker again Mike stands up and Calaba with everything she has left hits Mike in the face knocking him to the ground Vego then powers up again and his hair begins getting longer "HAAAA!" Vego rushed Calaba but before he could hit her Mike gets up catches Vego's fist and threw him into Calaba and shoots a small powerful ki blast at them. Vego rushes Mike "FINAL ... KAME HAME HAAA!!!!!" The beam hits Mike knocking him out Vego now drained on energy falls to his knees and his hair shrinks and he drops out of his transformation having no energy left Calaba then gets back up with no energy either also untransformed " Hehe I think we got stronger don't you? Kaioken!" Vego then stands to his feet and he goes kaioken Calaba and Vego kept punching and clashing not doing anything to the other just getting more fatigued after each hit, Calaba then fell out of the form and then Vego knocked her down and then untransformed and fell to his knee and struggled to stand back up Calaba then stood back up and punched Vego in the face knocking him down Vego stood up again and fell down again and then Calaba fell and said" Its last man standing right?" " Yeah" " So whoever stands up first wins right?" " Ye-ah sure.." " Well then look w-who won hehe" Calaba said " Heheh" Vego said " Guess you did huh" Mike standing beside Vego and Calaba had won the fight " Funny how a little spar felt real huh?" Mike sits down.

??? Said," These guys are strong!" ??? Said," I know right!" A boy walked up to Mike Vego and Calaba and said," Looks like you guys could use some food. Plus I have someone you should meet!" Calaba looked up at the boy " By the way I'm Trunks and this is Goten." Vego talks to Calaba telepathically " These are Goku and Vegeta's kids right? So who could they bring us to?" " Yeah thats right so maybe them? Or not I don't know why would they want to do that though?" " Good question but lets go!"

Trunks pulls out a phone " Hey mom! Can you send a plane we have guests." Bulma said," Of course sweetie I'll be there soon" ??? Said," Who was that?" " Trunks he said he needs a plane and he has guests. And I want you to come with me." " Why" " Because I'll need company of course." " Fine.."