Chapter 9: Vegeta's Training!

The plane landed and as it did a man jumped out of it and flew down " Trunks who are they?" " I felt their power earlier and me and Goten came to find them and they're strong!" Bulma said," Hello there I'm Bulma you 3 really have been fighting huh you look like you could use some new clothes too." Vego thought," Wait Bulma?! What!! This is Bulma?!" Calaba said," Thanks but we're fine." Calaba throws on her jacket and Mike makes new clothes for himself and Vego Calaba says," See we're good. Mike can you make my shoes?" " Yeah sure CLOTHES BEAM!" " Anyway i heard something about food. And I'm starving!" Said Calaba. Bulma said," Well we'll go home and have a big feast for our guests." Trunks said," Um mom they're part saiyan." " Oh um I'll need to call the chiefs now then.." Krillin said," More saiyans huh just what we need

Hours later

Calaba said," So this is capsule corp its bigger than i thought." Bulma said," Bigger? I think its kinda small." " SMALL?! .. She really is rich then.." thought Calaba

??? Said," Who are you? Why are you here?" Calaba looked up and seen a man in dress pants and a pink shirt and then seen his face she thought to herself " THATS VEGETA I GOTTA GET A CHANCE TO TRAIN WITH HIM." " You know you said that outloud right?" Calaba blushes " Wait what..." Vego said," So your Vegeta thought you'd be taller.." "DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME KID." " Im Sorry!" said Vego " Hmph." " Vegeta where's Bulla?" Says Bulma "Asleep in her crib I am a good father you know." Vego thought," I always heard stories of Vegeta I've never seen him though so this is him huh... And Bulma she looks different than I remember..

I guess she was different when I seen her last. I guess its because this is a different timeline, wait if Bulma is different and she only had one girl does that mean that Bulla is Bra?? And didnt that Trunks kid say mom earlier?! But Vegeta isnt.. And Bulla isnt the right but but..." Calaba said, " Vego are you ok?" " Huh yeah I'm ok just thinking about something." " Ok then..."

Vegeta said," You the girl you said you wanted me to train you right?" " Yeah that'd be awesome!! If my friends can too." " Yes that would be fine but I'd have to test your power." " Ok how though?" " We spar, we will tomorrow till then you three can stay in the guest room."

Later that day they all ate a feast. But Vegeta and Trunks were missing so Calaba went looking for them she walked up to a medal door that said Gravity Chamber. Calaba thought," Is this some training room thats cool I bet they're in there I wanna train too I'd get the others but I cant let them surpass me hehe." " What are you doing?" " Huh! Oh me? I was looking for you and seen this room." " Yeah its a gravity chamber seeing how you wear weights everywhere it wouldnt help you it doesnt help me get stronger either just keeps me in shape. Anyways its late you should find your room you gotta get up earlier for training tomorrow."

The Next Day

Calaba said," Hey guys get up! We gotta train." Vego tiredly got up while Calaba rushed to get dressed while Mike was still snoring. Calaba said," Mike if you don't get up I swear I'll drag you out of bed by your tail." Mike rolled over snoring with a snot bubble in his nose "MIKE GET UP!" Calaba pushes him out of bed "Zzzzzz" "MIKE!... Are you kidding me.." Calaba opens a window grabs Mikes tail and throws him outside "Zzz ugh ... *Coughs* what the-" Mike faceplants into the ground as he woke up Calaba said," Oh now you wake up." Seeing Calaba throw Mike out a window Vego quickly gets dressed for a day of training.

Moments later

Calaba Vego and Mike walk down Capsule Corp's hallway to the gravity room Vegeta who was already inside had it set to 500g

Everyone had removed their weights to hopefully have a chance against Vegeta

They entered the chamber and as the door closed the gravity activated and weighed them down but being used to weights it had almost no effect.

Calaba activated her scouter and checked Vegeta's power level the scouter read 100 million Calaba said," Only 100 million? That seems low for you.." Vegeta laughs," Basing your enemies power on numbers is a huge mistake even I learned that the hard way no matter how high a number is you fight with all you got and beat that enemy and anyone can easily mask their power level. HAAAAAA!!" Vegeta's power rose and was so tremendous that Calaba Vego and Mike could barely stand up against the power he let off Calaba's scouter blew up from the power Vegeta powered down and said," See? And I know you can sense power so how much of a difference would you say there is?" " I'm not that great at math but I'd say a million times stronger..." Calaba said amazed by Vegeta. Vegeta said," Anyway you won't be fighting me today you'll be up against my son Trunks and his friend Goten none of you hold back."

Trunks and Goten both went Super Saiyan from the start " All right Goten lets do this!" Said Trunks

Vego rushed Trunks punching him in the face but Trunks jumped back and kicked Vego in the neck knocking Vego down for him to rebound and shoot ki blasts at Trunks but he dodged them which surprised Vego " Hehe so you are strong, not surpising.." Trunks began to charge a beam with his hands " HAAA!" Vego then began to also charge a beam with two fingers on his forehead Vegeta thought," Thats a good plan kid use something he can't block." " FINAL FLASH!!!" Vego he disappeared as the beam hit him and appeared behind Trunks then Vego began moving so fast that he left after images behind" SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" Trunks then jumped and dodged the move for Vego to hit him "Wolf fang fist!" Vego let out a barrage of attacks ending with a strike that made an image of a wolf appear knocking Trunks to the ground he then stood up and began to power up even more his hair stood up more and electricity started to show around him

Vego said," So you choose to go all out guess I'll try harder too HAAA!" Vego's hair spiked up and turned golden. Trunks rushed Vego and punched him but was stopped before he could hit him "ALL CLEAR!" Vego flicked his finger which knocked Trunks away " Come on try again!" Trunks rushed again to be stopped again "ALL CLEAR!!" Trunks was again knocked back and Vego began to charge ki into his hands " TIMES TEN KA ME HA ME." Trunks thought," Times ten?!... HAAAA GALICK GUN." " HAAAA!!!, FIRE!!" Vego then powered up to Super Saiyan 2 and moved his hands to control the beam he bent the beam away from Trunks' Galick Gun and around to hit Trunks knocking him down.

Minutes Earlier

Calaba said," So you're Goku's son you really do look like him too. But are you strong like him?" Calaba powered up "KAIOKEN!" Goten looked confused," Why don't you just go Super Saiyan?" "To test myself and get stronger. Now lets go! HA!!" Calaba punched the air sending a shockwave hitting Goten knocking him down "Hehe that was a good one." Goten then ran around Calaba circling her and then kicked her faster than she could react. Calaba closed her eyes and concentrated to dodge and Goten went for another kicked and she dodged grabbed his leg and spun him around and threw him into the side of the gravity room She then charged ki into her hands and clapped making another shockwave that destroyed Gotens shirt leaving a damaged undershirt. Blood ran down Gotens left arm. " Ow ow ow ow ow. That hurts... Fine I'll try harder then!" Goten powered up to Super Saiyan 2 " This is where it ends! KA ME HA ME HAA!!!" While Calaba blocked the beam Goten then rushed behind it punching her in the face then kicking her in the stomach three times and lastly shooting another Kamehameha hitting her knocking her back and out of the Kaioken

After the smoke cleared Calaba was laying on the ground she then jumped up and said," I'd say that's a good warm up. Lets move outside to have more room to fight." It was already dusk they had been fighting for hours " HA!" Calaba transformed into Super Saiyan and then charged her ki more "HAAAA!" Calaba's muscles grew, she got slightly taller and her hair got longer. "This is what we call Super Saiyan Grade two but I've managed to master it its not quite my full power but its stronger than normal Super Saiyan." Calaba jumped towards Goten punching but Goten was ready and punched their fists hit, and then they grabbed each others hands pushing against each other with Goten over powering Calaba and then Calaba headbutted Goten leaving him dazed for a moment then Goten kicked Calaba in the chin knocking her back then he punched her in the mouth. Calaba then wiped blood from her mouth and spit out blood. "Hehehe." Calaba started charging her ki and gritted her teeth and powered up to Super Saiyan two she appeared in front of Goten punching him in the gut and exploded ki shooting him into the air. Goten fell to the ground and untransformed.

Trunks yelled," Goten get up! Its time." Goten stood to his feet.

Trunks jumped away from Goten then nodded at him and they then took three steps in om their toes "FU" Bent a knee in towards each other and arms in opposite directions "SION" and lastly touched finger tips "HA"

"Now your done you have no chance to win now. Because Gotenks is here!!" Said Gotenks the fusion of Goten and Trunks while pointing at them " Its over!" Vego then kicked Gotenks for his leg to be caught and then Vego was thrown at Calaba knocking them both down Mike then walks foward " Its my turn to fight!" He says " HAAAAA!" Mike's hair turned green and spiked up he got taller and his muscles grew " Now we can have a good match!" Mike threw giant green ki blasts at Gotenks for him to dodge them all and Calaba started to punch him but he dodged every attack Vego dropped down to Super Saiyan 2 to avoid more stamina loss and began to charge ki in his hand.

Mike kicked Gotenks in the side of the head to no effect and was punched in the ribs and knocked to the ground "Galatic Donuts!" Gotenks trapped Mike in a ring of ki then added more to trap him in a ball then he kicked it up in the air and spiked it towards the ground leaving Mike knocked out.

"FINAL SHINE ATTACK!!" Vego launched the beam at Gotenks, Gotenks tried to block it but was hurt by it " Hehehe not bad but now I'll show you my real power! HAAA! Super Gotenks is here! HA HA HA." Gotenks had transformed to Super Saiyan 2 "I'll go ahead and end it now HAAAAAAAA!" He then powered up even more going Super Saiyan 3 " SUPER GHOST KAMA-" Gotenks was knocked to the ground beford he could launch the attack at Vego " Hehehe so you think you're still the strongest?" Vego looked up to see Mike and Calaba fused

" I like to call myself Micaba. And this HAAAAA!!!! IS SUPER MICABA!" Micaba pointed their finger at Gotenks and moved it in a straight line infront of themself and then made a Final Flash like hand movement "FINAL DIMENSION RAY FLASH!!!" A glassy yellow beam launched towards Gotenks "NO NO NO!" The beam collided and even though Gotenks was stronger he had no way to react and the power of the beam separated the two out of their fusion.

Vegeta congratulated Vego Mike and Calaba on defeating Trunks and Goten and said that once they get stronger and master their forms that he would have special training for them but until then they need to train on their own.