Chapter 10: A Power to Come

Days Later... 

Trunks Said," Calaba Vego Mike I have a mission for you its Mira again.. He has sent multiple villains into time to cause havok you will have to split up to fight each one and correct what has been done. Vego you take down Cell, Calaba you fight Raditz and Mike you get Dabura. Now go and fix history! They all grabbed a scroll and teleported to the timeline that had been changed.

Vego sensed Cells ki nearby and flew towards him

"Cell! Its time I take you down!"

"DAMN IT I can't have a moment of peace can I? Someone is always coming to challenge me look I know I broadcasted my tournament but don't waste my time and get it over with." ??? Said " Oh my. So you want it fast." "SHUT UP ZARBON!" "Do you know--" "SHUT UP KNUCKLES!" Vego said," Um I'm not sure I'm in the right timeline. You were brought here by Mira right?" "Huh yeah I was but I hate it here some strange person every week.." "Um ok ... Anyway HAAAA." Vego transformed into Super Saiyan and went to punch Cell but was stopped when Cells skin turned golden " Ha I'm perfectly golden." Vego whispers to himself "Uh... I feel like this isnt the normal Cell its more of a gag already..." Vego powered up more "HAAAA!!!" He powered up to Super Saiyan 3, Vego rushed to punch Cell but was stopped by a puppet frog "THIS IS SUPER KERMIT HAAA!" Kermit went Super Saiyan??? What how.. Even as the narrator I'm confused.

Vego said," What is even happening right now..." I don't know Vego I don't know... "Wait who said that." You can hear me?? "Yeah wheres your voice even coming from???" I'm the narrator of this story of course "Story?" Cell interrupted Vego " I don't know why your talking to yourself but I thought you wanted to fight." Vego said," Ya know what screw this" Vego flew into the air and charged all his ki into a blast "Hey narrator help me out here will you?" Um yes of course. Erm, Vego shot a beam at Cell, Kermit, and Zarbon at Full Power "FINAL KAMEHAMEHAAAAA!!" The beam hit Cell destroying the top half of his body Cell regenerated his body "What the f" HEY NO CUSSING this is child friendly ish. "Fine whatever." Cell detransformed into Semi perfect Cell and blew himself up

Vego said," ... What just happened.."

Vego realised that he no longer could hear the narrator "yes I can.." NO VEGO DID NOT HEAR THE NARRATOR " Yes Vego did." .... Vego was struck by a random falling rock and was knocked out and wouldn't remember anything that happened "But a rock wouldnt hu---" The rock hit Vego and he fell to the ground

Oh yeah audience the gag is over now fourth wall breaking is over. For now, back to the story.

Mike transformed into Super Saiyan after spotting Dabura and rushed towards him " HAAA!!" Dabura teleported behind Mike and launched a ki blast at him knocking him to the ground " Heh nice one too bad it won't happen again." Mike went to rush Dabura and he teleported behind him and launched another blast hitting Mike "Ok it happened again third times a charm." Mike rushed Dabura again. Dabura teleported behind Mike again Mike smirked "So you thought I didn't know you'd try this I knew what you'd do the first time." Mike snapped and multiple explosions blew up around Dabura. Mike then time skipped infront of Dabura and punched him in the gut grabbed his arm swung him around and threw him to the ground "KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!!" Dabura blocked the move and then said,"That's more like it hehehe time to fight for real, HAAA!" Dabura's skin turned black his hair turned white and his eyes turned red and he grew slightly larger " HAHAHA now I'll kill you." said Dabura in a much more deep and demonic voice.

Dabura sliced across Mike's face cutting Mike's eye. Mike looks up at Dabura with blood running down his face "So now you're really trying to kill me huh? Well lets level the playing field HAAAAA!!!" Mike's muscles grew and his hair turned green " Hahaha lets go, now lets see a demons true power! NRRRAAAAAA!!" Mike punched Dabura in the stomach and Dabura punched Mike in the eye he cut " Ngh.. RAAAAHHHH" Mike grabbed Dabura's neck and threw him to the ground and launched a ki blast at him sending him into the ground then Mike grabs Dabura by the mouth " Do you want to taste death HAHAHAHHAHA!" Dabura kicks Mike away and shoots a blast at him and he walks right threw the explosion Dabura laughs " So I actually do need to use my true power huh HAHAHA." Dabura's muscles grew and he gets taller and stabs Mike in the stomach with his claws. Mike spits out blood and falls to his knees and gets even more angry from being injured "GGAH RAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mike's power rose more and more by the second " HAAA!!." Mike launched a beam from his mouth at Dabura but he just deflected it like it was nothing. " Ngh HAAAAAA!" Mike kept launching ki blasts at Dabura but he dodged every one of them, Mike rushed towards Dabura and punched him and Dabura simply knocks him away like nothing "Is that all weakling??!" " No its not HAHAHAHA!" Mike's aura turns slightly pink colored and his power raged " ITS TIME I END THIS RAHHHHH!! " Mike had tapped into some new power he was still in Legendary Super Saiyan but gaining control of more power Mike opened his injured eye and it was pink while the other was still green " HAAAA" Time stopped for Mike he walked up to Dabura and punched him in the stomach 10 times and the face 4 times then kicked him away as time resumed "W-WHAT ARE YOU TO DEFEAT A GOD!!" " I'm a Saiyan that's learning his origins and who I really am." "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!!" "It means I win." Mike's aura and eye went back to normal. "RAZORS EDGE!" Glass like ki blades shot into Dabura and exploded leaving nothing of him behind Mike had defeated the King of the Demon Realm.

Calaba felt two huge power levels fighting nearby and another heading towards the area Calaba rushed towards the fight to see Goku and Vegeta fighting in Super Saiyan 2. It was the timeline where Vegeta had let Babidi control him with the majin spell. Calaba realised she was being watched by Raditz the brother of Goku, He said," So you're here to stop me?? Psh how pitiful sending a runt like you to stop me hahaha." Calaba said nothing and got ready to fight with one hand on her sword and the other infront of her ready to strike. Raditz grit his teeth and tried to hit Calaba but she blocked his attack with one hand and with the other sliced across for a fatal cut across Raditz' neck and Raditz dodged the sword "So its that way huh?! Fine we can end this fast then! HAAAAA!!" Raditz hair began to turn golden and electricity surrounded him " I already know you can transform so you might as well go ahead!"

Calaba stared Raditz in the eyes and easily transformed into Super Saiyan 2 " Lets go then." Calaba and Raditz rushed each other and their fists collided sending a shockwave and then Calaba went to kick Raditz and he ducked and grabbed her leg and began to spin her, then Calaba shot a ki blast into Raditz face making him let go, Calaba spun and landed on her feet and then shot ki blasts everywhere around Raditz and controlled them to chase him. Raditz dodged them and then went straight towards Calaba so the blasts would hit her but then right as Raditz jumped away Calaba shot a giant beam from her hand hitting Raditz and destroying the right half of his armor and injuring his arm. " HAHA I didnt expect that but its not over yet!" Raditz charged ki into both his hands." DOUBLE SUNDAY!!!!" Calaba dodged and Raditz moved the beam to chase her. Calaba had an idea that she wasnt sure would work but thought it was the only way. " SOLAR FLARE!!!!!" She then hid her power level and ran behind Raditz and waited for him to search for her then as he flew up Calaba closed her fist and there was an explosion where Raditz was. The explosion knocked him to the ground and Calaba jumped up into the air " KA ME HA ME." Raditz quickly reacted " DOUBLE SUNDAY!!" "HAA!!" Calaba used one hand to shoot the beam and threw her sword with the other, the sword sliced through part of Raditz hair as he dodged and the beam hit Raditz in the chest and at the very end Calaba punched Raditz across the face with ki laced around her arm she then hit Raditz with a huge upper cut knocking him out of Super Saiyan. Mira then appeared infront of Calaba before she could do the finishing blow. " Mira! So you decided its time to stop hiding and fight me?! I'll make sure to end you this time! For all the people you killed! FOR MY PARENTS! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!" Calaba first went Super Saiyan 3 then her power launched upward her eyes went white and her aura grew and had a small shade of blue surrounding herself "HAAA!!" Calaba punched Mira in the face knocking him back "Not bad runt.." Mira grabbed Calaba and squeezed her breaking her left arm " GAHH AHHHHHHH!" Mira then charged his ki infront of him making a huge ball of ki consuming Calaba's whole body and launching her into the ground. Then Mira charged another and launched it into the crater where Calaba was. Calaba stood up slowly and could barely stand she was covered in blood one eye open one broken arm and a broken leg, and Calaba still charged a beam "FINAL FLASH!!" The beam caught Mira off guard and knocked him to the ground he then got up and charged another blast to finally finish Calaba "HAAAA DIE!!" Calaba put her hand up to block it with almost no strength Calaba absorbed the ki blast and then appeared behind Mira still barely standing, Mira quickly swung at Calaba a direct shot to her face, Calaba powered through it and charged ki into her hand, "Its over..." Calaba punched with all her strength into Mira's gut her fist going all the way threw him Mira fell to his knees and with the last of his power shot a ki blast into Calaba's stomach knocking her out.

" Nrgh.... I wasn't ready for such a strong attack... Tch I ... Can't believe the strength... This child has... Is this how it feels ... T-To die?.." Mira held his stomach and seen the hole " I guess it is..."

Vego woke up and remembered nothing other than Cell blowing up and then darkness and assumed he defeated him.

Mike instant transmissioned to Vego and they celebrated knowing they won then went to Conton City expecting Calaba to be home already.

Trunks congratulated them on finishing the battle and confirmed that after Calaba returns every thing will be at peace once again.

Calaba then woke up to see Mira face first in the dirt she had beat him she painfully stood up and limped to her sword picked it up and instant transmissioned home. Once she arrived she fell back down and Vego felt her power level and rushed to her picked her up and brought her to the Supreme Kai of Time and she was healed.

Calaba smiled and hugged Vego " I did it! I beat Mira!" Trunks was surprised and couldn't believe it and asked if she was sure and she replied " I seen him laying face first in the dirt with a hole in his stomach." Trunks said," In that case we should have a celebration!"

Days Later

Calaba was meditating to remember the power she had tapped into and how she felt anger mixed with knowing what had to be done but control somewhat

She flinched and caused an explosion on a nearby mountain " No.. It can't..."

Vego came up behind Calaba and powered up to Super Saiyan and Calaba fell "AHH! Vego you scared me.." Vego smiles "Hehehe that's the point. But I have good news. Remember how Vegeta said he would train us if we mastered our forms I told him about how you and Mike tapped into some really strong power, and he said our training could continue now!" "That's great!! We can finally get strong like him and Goku!" "Yep and even better news we're going RIGHT NOW!" Calaba smiled and said," Then its the beginning of our journey to true strength!"

To Be Continued