Chapter 2

Jaycee was preoccupied with what he was eating thus making it reasonable enough not hearing what he just said. His eyes were sparkling each time he placed the spoon inside his mouth.


Jaycee finally noticed him and uttered, "You already know that there's an upcoming test evaluation next week, right? I don't think you have the time to play around."

"What? Why?"

"Your father informed me that if ever your evaluation result stays the same, he might kick you out of his house."

"No way, that's impossible. How can he kick his own son on the street?"

Jaycee never stopped eating and confidently asserted, "It's true this time though. He looked pretty determined to kick you out."

"Well whatever. I'll take care of that on my own. So setting those aside, wanna play with me?"

As soon as he finished eating, "You mean that stupid game being advertised almost everywhere?"

Denver leaned forward and surprisingly, stars were being reflected in his eyes. His resolve to let Jaycee play that game was too strong. He foolishly smiled at him awaiting for only a 'yes' answer coming out from his mouth.

"Yes, yes! That game!" He was totally head over heels towards that game.

Jaycee pushed his head away and stood up. He coldly glared down at him and said, "You know that there's only two things I'm interested with, right?"

"I know! Grades and pudding. Still, wanna play with me? You might find it interesting. I mean, it's virtual reality you know! Virtual reality!" He finally lost it.

Jaycee ended up sighing hopelessly, "If you want to enter into a good university and even not get kick out by your father, don't waste your time on something like that. Go study, monkey."

Before Jaycee walked away, he briefly halted and scorned, "Anyang Bakery's Super Deluxe Pudding is still the best. It was still a treat though," he gave him an empty thumb's up.

Jaycee left. Denver was left speechless. Moments later, he exploded, "That jerk! If only I can rip those mouth of his! Ugh! I guess I have no other choice. There's only one thing to do," he smirked in the creepiest way.

After that delicious treat, Jaycee arrived at his estate before dusk. It was a grandiose place. There's a little pond, there's a fountain and even sculpted bushes everywhere. It was totally a noble's mansion. As soon as he arrived at the main door of his estate, several bodyguards armed with light pistols, greeted him like those of noblesse in light novels and manhwas.

"Welcome back, young master."

The bodyguards bowed down and greeted him in unison. He was unfazed by the overtreatment to him as he was already used to it. He naturally walked towards the door and on the other side of the door, the main butler of their family awaited for his arrival.

"Welcome back, young master. Your father is currently waiting for you in the dining hall. It seems like he has something to say."

"Thank you, butler Ian. Please tell my father, I'll be right there after I change my clothes."


Butler Ian bade his farewell and directly headed towards the dining hall. Meanwhile, Jaycee headed towards his room and hurriedly changed his clothes. Entering the dining hall, he slowly approached a seat and sat down without greeting his father who seemed to be busy with someone on the phone.

His father turned red as he yelled, "Before I became the country's president, I am the chief executive officer of K Enterprises! Don't tell me what to do and just do what I say! Quickly invest on that company! We cannot let this opportunity slip onto our hands, you got me?!"

Jaycee remained indifferent as he peacefully ate his dinner despite overhearing his father's conversation with someone. They were eating at the same table yet his father seemed to not notice his presence. Their argument heated.

"If there's no remaining stocks then buy it from someone else! My goodness! Double the price! I don't care how expensive it is as long as I become their major stockholder! Why can't you do something without me dictating? Is that brain of yours only for decoration? Stop calling me with trivial matters like this and think on your own. I'll give you the authority to do so. I'm hanging up."

After that heated phone call, Jaycee quickly greeted his father. His father just sighed hopelessly as he resumed where he left at.

"Father, butler Ian said you have something to tell me. Is there anything wrong?"

"How's your school doing?"

"I'm doing great. My grades were high and I defended my top spot last midterms."

His father placed his spoon down and cleared his throat.

"You know that I didn't desire for anything as long as you just maintain your grades right?"

"Don't worry about that father; I'm fully aware of that. I'll keep on studying in a regular basis and I'll try to raise my grades even further."

His father looked at him and worriedly sighed.

"Son, aside from studying, what do you often do?" He asked.

Jaycee halted and was flustered by the sudden question.

"A-ah, I always study b-but whenever I have time, I-I always go to the facility and p-practice my fencing and t-taekwondo techniques." He stammered.

"Then aside from that, is there anything more?"

Jaycee turned silent. His father's question really was burdensome to him. In his entire life, he did nothing but study and study even more. His lifestyle was like that ever since and it's quite hard for him to break free from that habit. His father fixed his sitting posture and looked at him with a dead serious look.

"You know son, there's nothing wrong with relaxing for a bit. I know I wished you to have good grades but I also don't want to put pressure on you. This is just a secret but, during the past three years, I asked Richard's son for a favor to keep an eye on you. He reported everything to me every single day and for the past three years, you did nothing but study. I'm starting to worry about your health."

"I understand father, thank you for worrying."

'That traitor monkey. So you're my father's spy all along. No wonder he acted chummy whenever I'm around.'

Jaycee lowered his head and resumed eating. His father thought to himself and watched his son's actions.

'I didn't want him to be like this but I don't really understand why everything came to this point.'

'After his mother died, his personality started to change that even I don't even know what to do with him.'

His father sighed and said, "I invited Richard's son here at our house. He said he'll arrive before 10 PM."

Jaycee flinched in surprise.

"E-eh? Why is that monkey suddenly going here in our house?"

"That friend of yours kept on bothering me every single minute. He kept on telling me about that new game he wanted to play with you."

"I'm sorry about that father. Don't worry about him; I'll discipline him to the best of my ability." Jaycee's face gone cold along with his words.

"Loosen up for a bit son. Let your frustrations out in that game. Denver told me that game allows you to kill monsters and exploring new places. That game is totally perfect for someone like you. Meet new friends and enhance your sociability skills."

"But father, I need to stu-," he was cut off.

"You don't need to study anymore. Your grades are already enough. What you lack and what you need the most right now is sociability. You can't inherit my company with some low-tier sociability skills like that. For a businessman, words and ability to persuade are the most important traits."

His father gently tapped his shoulder.

"I know you're cold and apathetic but I also know you're quite dense just like your mother."

"I understand father. I'll try what you suggested and lessen my study habit."

His father smiled in relief. Just like a dead weight being lifted, Jaycee also felt slightly comfortable.

"But father, is it really necessary to play with that monkey?"

His father sighed hopelessly once more and uttered, "I don't think it's necessary but that kid kept on pestering me like a leech. If he keeps on doing that, Choi Biomedical will cease to exist. You know what kind of person I am, right son?"

His father was smiling however, it wasn't normal. Jaycee can tell that his father was grinding his teeth in frustration behind that smile. The spoon he was holding, was almost bowing down as if it was paying respect to his ancestors.

"Don't worry father, I understand what you're going through. If only I can cleanly slice those neck of his. "

Somehow, their conversation ended up turning into something scary and frightening. Their eyes were menacing in red as they thought of Denver's demise in every possibilities. As expected of father and his son. Blood is really thicker than water.

"By the way son, I bought the gaming capsule and placed it beside your room."

"Thanks, father."

After that dinner, Jaycee headed straight towards his room and registered in the game's main website, one hour before the official launch.