Chapter 3

Around 9:30 PM, Denver arrived at Jaycee's house. He had this overwhelmed look on his face as he excitingly climbed the stairs. He was heavily drained from all the running however, his excitement still overflowed his overall condition back to normal. Why? It's because he succeeded in letting Jaycee play the game. It was an unforgettable moment for him that he had ever done in his entire life. While catching his breath, he creakily opened the door and peeked inside like a sore thumb.

With a foolish expression, he uttered, "Hello Jaycee, let's play together, shall we?"

However, what welcomed him wasn't a warm greeting but instead, a feathery pillow flying towards his face.

"Disgusting." Jaycee said.

Denver shouldn't have expected something from him. However, after years of continuous perseverance, giving up gradually vanished from his vocabulary. Before coming to the demon lord's lair, he fully prepared and equipped himself. He personally went to Anyang's Bakery, Jaycee's favorite shop, and bought the demon lord's favorite tribute.

Denver brought out a plastic bag, swung it gently in the air, trying to mesmerize Jaycee with his favorite dessert.

"Tadaa! Look what I brought! It's Anyang's Bakery Super Deluxe Pudding fresh from the shop."

Jaycee's attitude instantly changed. Seeing his favorite pudding, Jaycee swallowed in temptation.

He indifferently coughed, "Come in monkey."

Denver entered with an odd smile attached on his face. He hid the plastic bag behind his back and surprisingly, Jaycee followed the direction of the plastic bag with his eyes. Seeing his tamed expression like that was a once in a blue moon opportunity for Denver.

"What should I do with this?" Denver played around. "It's such a waste to throw such delicious food. Should I give it to butler Ia-," he was cut off after feeling an ominous glare directed at him.

'I'm doomed.'

Denver swallowed in tense. He thought he shouldn't have played around. In the end, what in front of him was still a demon lord, a tamed demon lord.

Jaycee approached him and stole the plastic bag like a passing wind. "What are you doing standing there like a stupid monkey? Come in and close the door."

Ten minutes before the grand launch, Jaycee was busy satisfying his tummy with his favorite pudding. On the other hand, Denver was blankly staring at him like a stupid monkey.

'Watching him eating that pudding with a child expression is totally making me puke. It's not so like him.'

"What are you staring at?" Jaycee swiftly took a glance at him. "I won't give you some."

"Huh?" Denver flusteredly flinched in surprise. "Don't worry! I won't take it away from you."

"So, what do you want?" He resumed eating.

"Did you register already?"

Jaycee blankly nodded and said, "Yeah. I'll add you now so that we can easily find ourselves later in game. What's your in game name?"


"Okay," Jaycee searched for his name in the game's main web portal and added him before the actual grand launch of the game.

Players were allowed to add each other outside the game. After the grand launch, the servers will be flooded with players and it'll be hard for others to find their friends whom they promised to play with. Adding them before the actual game release, and after entering the game, will give them the opportunity to communicate with each through telepathy.

After adding his in game name 'Denver', a notification popped out in Denver's phone.

"Huh, so you named yourself 'Jaycee'."

"Yeah. Got a problem with that?"

"What class and race are you going to pick?"

"Is that necessary? Can't I just play random?"

Denver was utterly shocked on his response. He ended up sighing in disappointment.

"You're crazy."

Jaycee wiped his mouth after he finished the tribute offered to him by Denver. He put back the pudding container back into the plastic bag and said, "How about you? What class are you picking?"

Denver quickly responded with excitement, "I'll pick the Guardian Class! Isn't it cool to tank and take damage for the team?"

"Just so unlike you. I mean, I think the Musketeer Class suits you more."

Denver doubted what he had heard, "Eh? Why is that?"

"You real body proportion and skills will be scanned and adapted in the game. Aren't you a track and field athlete?"

Denver agreeingly nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken, during the creation of your character, there's a chance that you might be given agility boost or attack speed passive skills that would really works well with the Musketeer Class."


Jaycee sighed in disappointment. "With your stupidity you might even get a minus percentage in intelligence."

The clock struck ten and the official grand launch of the game finally begun. Jaycee and Denver went to the next door room and they're quite surprised seeing five gaming capsules placed in an orderly manner.

'Father did overboard on the setup.'

Denver was head over heels with the gaming room Jaycee's father created for him. "Ohhh~! You're a lucky child!"

Jaycee was already positioning himself in one of the gaming capsules. He boringly looked at him and said, "What are you doing? Hurry up and login. The town will be flooded with players later and I hate crowded places."

Denver rushed towards one of the gaming capsule and positioned himself. On the other hand, Jaycee logged in the game without waiting for his annoying friend. He wore the VR gaming glasses connected into the gaming capsule. Those glasses will monitor the vital signs of the player and will force the players to logout the game whenever abnormal statuses were to be found in their real life body.

[ You are trying to enter the game … ]

[ Please do make yourself comfortable before entering the game … ]

[ External damages that deals strenuous burden onto the user's real life body will force the user to logout the game … ]

[ Are you ready to enter? ]


[ Entering the game … ]

[ You'll starting to lose consciousness … ]

Just like the AI voice dictated, Jaycee gradually lost his consciousness and everything around him turned black. The game's official soundtrack began to play and the introductory video of the game then appeared in front of Jaycee's eyes amidst that pitch-black surrounding.

After the introductory video ended, the pitch-black surrounding instantly turned white and in a split second, he found himself standing in the middle of a glistening in pink lake along with cherry blossoms dancing together with the soothing spring breeze.

'What a sight. Everything is realistic.'

Jaycee appreciated everything around him with a sincere smile on his face.

'This is refreshing.'

After appreciating the spectacular beauty of the place, he caught sight of a girl figure slowly descending from the sky. She was wearing a purple kimono and of age like a seven year old kid.

That girl stood on top of the lake water. While smiling, she looked at Jaycee and said, "Greetings, player 'Jaycee'. I am the Phantasy Realm Game Administrator and Novice Guide, Alice. Before we proceed, here's your reward for registering in our game before the official grand launch."

A golden box appeared in front of Jaycee. Upon clicking the box, a status screen appeared in front of him.

{ Pre – registration Box Rewards }

x1 Random Costume Box

x1 Random Pet Egg ( Lvl 100 required )

x5 Medium EXP Potion ( 2 hours in real time )

x1 Random Legendary Class Equipment ( Lvl 120 required )

x10 Teleport Scroll

x5 Revival Scroll

x15 Medium Mana Potion

x15 Medium Health Potion

Jaycee was unfazed after seeing the rewards.

'Ignoring the items with level restrictions, it's pretty much the typical pre-registration reward in computer games.'

Administrator Alice resumed speaking. Jaycee carefully listened to every word Alice said, including the gameplay, contents, at the same time basic rules and instructions. Jaycee was typically playing by the book. After that, Alice flicked her fingers and a Character Customization screen appeared in front of him.

"To start, kindly pick your desired Class and Race."

Jaycee browsed all of the races available.

{ Humans }

Majority of the people living in the World of Phantasy Realm. They are born under the protection of the God of Life, Pan.

Special Buff:

+5 Attack +5 Constitution

+5% chance to apply 'silence' effect to enemies

Choosing this race gives you +5% Affinity to all human NPCs.

( Maximizing affinity with NPCs might trigger hidden quests with bountiful rewards, unique to legendary items and even a unique hidden race. )

Choosing this race will grant you God of Life, Pan's blessing.

[ Unique Skill: Pan's Blessing ]

God of Life, Pan is watching those who are under him very carefully. Certain conditions might catch his attention.

Progress: 0.00%

{ Demons }

Species with human appearances though with long or short horn plus sharp fangs rumored to be the descendants of the God of Death, Charnel.

Special Buff:

+5 Intelligence +5 Dexterity

+5% chance to apply 'burn' effect to enemies

+5% chance to burn enemies mana by 5%

Choosing this race gives you +5% Affinity to all demon NPCs.

( Maximizing affinity with NPCs might trigger hidden quests with bountiful rewards, unique to legendary items and even a unique hidden race. )

Choosing this race will grant you God of Death, Charnel's blessing.

[ Unique Skill: Charnel's Blessing ]

God of Death, Charnel is watching those who are under him very carefully. Certain conditions might catch his attention.

Progress: 0.00%

{ Elves }

Species with human appearances though have slightly long ears. Majority of them commonly live in the Elven City, which is totally unknown to the world. They are protected under the God of Freedom, Liberon's protection.

Special Buff:

+5 Attack +5 Dexterity

+5% chance to apply 'bleed' effect to enemies

Choosing this race gives you +5% Affinity to all elf NPCs.

( Maximizing affinity with NPCs might trigger hidden quests with bountiful rewards, unique to legendary items and even a unique hidden race. )

Choosing this race will grant you God of Freedom, Liberon's blessing.

[ Unique Skill: Liberon's Blessing ]

God of Freedom, Liberon is watching those who are under him very carefully. Certain conditions might catch his attention.

Progress: 0.00%

{ Dwarves }

Species with human appearances though short and have light brown to near tan skin color. They are said to be good in blacksmithing and being blessed by the God of Rune, Thor.

Special Buff:

+5 Constitution +5 Psyche

+5% chance to apply 'stun' effect to enemies

Choosing this race gives you +5% Affinity to all dwarf NPCs.

( Maximizing affinity with NPCs might trigger hidden quests with bountiful rewards, unique to legendary items and even a unique hidden race. )

Choosing this race will grant you God of Rune, Thor's blessing.

[ Unique Skill: Thor's Blessing ]

God of Rune, Thor is watching those who are under him very carefully. Certain conditions might catch his attention.

Progress: 0.00%

{ Byumas }

Commonly known as 'beastmen'. They have human appearances though have animal ears and tail with different variety and forms. They are blessed by the God of Magic, Albus.

Special Buff:

+5 Intelligence +5 Psyche

+5% chance to apply 'poison' effect to enemies

Choosing this race gives you +5% Affinity to all byuma NPCs.

( Maximizing affinity with NPCs might trigger hidden quests with bountiful rewards, unique to legendary items and even a unique hidden race. )

Choosing this race will grant you God of Magic, Albus' blessing.

[ Unique Skill: Albus' Blessing ]

God of Magic, Albus is watching those who are under him very carefully. Certain conditions might catch his attention.

Progress: 0.00%