Chapter One

Most people say that the world is full of color, that there are a lot of things to experience in this world. But I can't seem to agree with that. For as long as I've lived, I've been stuck in this monotonous and monochromatic world. What I've learned is that the more you do something over and over, you lose interest in it, and time you'll just stop caring about it.

And that's the same with love, it's something that feels very strong the first time you feel it but it starts to diminish as time pass. Just like everyone that I liked. At some point I just stopped liking them. Just like every hobby that I've had. The more I get better at them, the less I enjoy doing them. Just like everything in this world, as time pass, things eventually lose their meaning.

And today is just as monotonous, I woke up, ate breakfast, took a bath, brushed my teeth, went to school, and now I'm walking out of the classroom again. The corridor of the second floor is lit by an orange tint from the sun that is setting on the horizon. I look out of the window and I see the students slowly making their way to the school gate. Some of them are with their friends, some with their lovers and some walk alone.

I slowly make my way to the stairs and as I turned and made the first few, the world slowed down. I see a girl running through the stairs, hair flowing wildly behind her, breathing heavily as she made each step, sweat running down her pale skin, dishevelled clothes, and a worried face. I smell a faint fragrance as she ran past me. Then the world was fine again.

Curiosity ran through me like electricity. I want to know what made her make that face, why she ran from who knows where as fast as she could just to get what she forgot. I followed her upstairs and peaked through the room she went in. There, under a screen of crimson light, I saw her fall down to her knees, a sense of relief, and the most innocent smile that I've ever seen.