Chapter 4: Psych Psych Baby

GioYanna's PoV:

"Listen you've gotta believe me!"I yelled as my body was pushed onto the hood of a police car. My already raw wrists having another pair of cuffs slapped on them.

"Yeah yeah. Listen you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.." A well built ginger cop began telling me my rights.

I had caught his police number, but not his last name.

The cop carefully put me in the back of the car. He got a call from his regular phone. His radio signaled, but he seemingly was occupied on the phone.

"Yeah I got her. Aight. I'll bring her in & let Kenny do a psych eval. Bye."the red head spoke calmly before hanging up.


"I'm telling you, I was fucking kidnapped. I was getting annoyed with this officer. The same who brought me in."

"So you're telling me some dude wanting you so bad that he tried to rape you. Then you get kidnapped. Yada yada yada. Something about a body bag."he was clearly mocking me and not believing a word of it.

I let my head fall on the cold silver interrogation table.

I swear I heard him mutter something along the lines of "He picked hella good"

Sometime later some junk of a blonde came in.

God where are all of these hotties coming from.

He asked me some questions, which passed me by in a daze. Then another good looking man walked in. "M. Slavvmen" was on his tag.

"Yeah she needs to be Baker Acted."K. Bowman the blonde said.

"Sure thing." M said, taking me up from the now warm, but uncomfortable silver chair.

"And Morgan.."K. said.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"That's her, so her careful."he mouthed.

The boy who I now could identify as Morgan just nodded, taking me away.

My situation hit me like a tidal wave and I started freaking out. I began resisting.

"No! Noo!" I screamed. I started bucking and trying to throw me 128 pounds of weight around. I was only 5'3", but I was strong. "I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy!" I was sleep deprived and at that point I hadn't realized how crazy I looked.

About 10 minutes later, I was transferred to a Psych Ward. I was escorted down a bright hallway after receiving a wrist with my name, date of birth and the number of patient I was. The tall man came to a stop in front of a door and told me it was my room.

I laid down on my bed in the otherwise basically empty room.

I bit my lip as hot tears began to sting my cheeks. I chugged myself as I cried myself into a terrible sleep.

"Wake up! Breakfast time!" A voice yelled.

The day went by in a flash, and before I knew it. I was sitting on a cushioned arm chair watching Teen Titans Go.

"GioYanna you have a visitor." I didn't even think about the fact that no one I knew, could have known I was here, but I was too entranced by all the shit that had happened over the last 24 hours that I didn't really think anything of it.

"It's your boyfriend."the woman said sweetly.

I just let my body weight fall into this "boyfriend" I had. Still not thinking about the fact that I didn't have a boyfriend.

Two strong arms wrapped around me. I was exhausted.

"Hey baby.."A familiar voice said lovingly.

Fear suddenly struck me and a chill went down my spine. I pushed myself off of this man.

"Noo!" I screamed.

It was the driver from earlier.