Chapter 5: Down the Rabbit Hole & Back Again

Cullen's PoV:

I had my beautiful Gio in my arms, I went to place my chin on her head, but she wrenched away from me.

"Noooooooo!"GioYanna screamed.

The woman who was Gio's attendant gave me a concerned glance before looking back at my lovely Gio.

"Maybe she is just a little tired."the attendant whose name tag read "K. Marllo said with a clearly concerned tone.

"Yeah..probably."I said, the hurt was placed through those two words.

"Get away from me!!"GioYanna yelled. "You put me in here! You had me arrested!"she lunged at me.

"Okay that's enough little lady."one of the large male attendants grabbed her as she was flailing her limbs around.

I felt my jaw unconsciously clench. Another man touching my woman in any way. I stared him down.

"J. Sanchez"I muttered quietly.

"Uhm. What is his name?"I said as calmly as I could.

"Juan."the lady's eyes frightened, but her lips held a forced smile.

Juan Sanchez will pay..



"So when are you gonna bring her here?"

I ignored my friends and went to the couch.

"I don't think she'll willingly come with us."Tyler said plopping down on the couch opposite me, with an ultra bear in his hand.

"You really shouldn't be drinking at 17."I said.

"Oh like you're a law abiding citizen." Ryan laughed.

"Well isn't GioYanna only 18."

"It doesn't really matter."I said lowly, "All that matters is that she is mine.."

"You really shouldn't take a person against their will."Aria looked at me with a look of disgust.

"You were taken Ari."Kollin said sitting close to her.

"Well that was different."she said snuggling into his side, wrapping her leg around his, "You gave me the freedom to choose.."She paused for a moment.

"I chose you."Aria said looking lovingly at Kollin.

"Well she doesn't have a choice"I said gripping my can of beer tighter.

"Yeah? Well that's sooo noble of you."Aria said sarcastically. She was one of the few who had the courage to talk to me like that. Plus she was my twin's mate so I had respect for her, but she was a thorn in my side.

"Aria now is not really the time."I said venomously.

"It's never the time with you."She crossed her arms and laid back into the couch.

"She's just going to try and run again."the British accent I knew so well, it was Lola.

I sighed. My whole pack was getting under my skin.

"There's not much we can really do, she isn't gonna get in the car with us willingly." Abigail said cooly.

"Abby.."Morgan tried to stop her from upsetting me further.

"It's alright Morgan. She's right." I respected Abby in a different way than I respected Aria.

Abby understood what had to be done & she did it. She respected the Pack's code. Aria put up with it because she loves my brother.

"I brought nachos."Kenny's upbeat voice echoed through the large condo. Starr was on Kenny's back smiling, arms around his neck.

I can't wait for that to be me and Gio.

I watched them sadly.

"What if..."I paused, a lump forming in my throat, "What if she never loves me.."my voice cracked.

"I'm sure she will.."Starr gave me a sympathetic smile, still clinging to Kenny's back.

"Tsch."Aria rolled her eyes.

"Eventually, I'm sure she will Cullen."Lola looked at me with pity.

"Yeah, eventually."Abby smiled.

It was so funny how it was the girls who tried to give me hope. They all fell in love with their captors. But Gio..She was stubborn. I doubt she'd ever love me the way the others loved the guys.

"As if. She probably won't love you."Tyler tossed a bright neon tennis ball into the hair and caught it one handed.

I jumped up bolting towards him. Almost simultaneously the other guys hopped up and got between me and Tyler.

"Just let me at him."I growled.

I was the Alpha, leader of The Pack, but they knew my anger could get the best of me.

"Tyler apologize."

"Tyler what the fuck man."

"Dude not cool."

"Shut the fuck up Ty."

All the guys kept reprimanding Tyler.

"Whatever you're just mad you don't get any ass."I smirked.

"Oh so that's all you want from her."Aria looked at me with thorough disgust.

"No. But Tyler is 17 and most definitely horny."I laughed going back to my seat on the couch.

"Ladies, I'm gonna need your help..."

"Of course you do."Aria said.