Chapter 9: Table for Two

"Table for two please."Cullen sweetly smiled at the hostess. She was beautiful. Puerto Rican about 5'6" with green eyes and jet black wavy hair down to her waist. She had a tattoo of a sunflower on her wrist.

"Hi. I'm Sunny."She had a slight accent. "Booth or a table?"

"Booth."he was scanning the area, seemingly not paying attention to the very gorgeous woman attending us.

"Right this way."she said silkily.

She led us to a black leather booth. The ambiance was relaxed.

I rolled my eyes.

'This bitch is acting like I don't even exist.'

"If there is anything you need.. Anything at all. You just come get me."she squeezed his muscular arm, before slightly biting her lip and walking away.

I rolled my eyes again. "Ugh."I leaned my head on my left hand. Staring at the wall. Clearly bored and irritated out of my mind.

He reached for my other hand that was limp on the table. I drew back. "Don't think you can touch me." I was disgusted by him.

"Come on. Gio."I could feel puppy eyes on me. But I refused to even look at him. I wouldn't be pulled in by him.

"Why not go flirt with that Sunny chick."My eyes darted to him, but my position was unchanged. "She seemed plenty interested in you."I glared.

"Tch. Ahahahaaa."He laughed. His laugh was so cute. No. "Are you jealous?"Traces of laughter were still in his voice.

"No."I went back to staring at the wall. I could feel my face warming up. I couldn't tell if it was anger or...

"You wish."I said bitterly.

"Hi..."her hi was trailed off and she was staring at Cullen in awe.

A beautiful and petite blonde about 5'9" with green eyes was holding a small notepad.

"Uhm.. I'm Kenzie. How can I take your order."she bit her lip.

After ordering she just stood there for a minute, before tearing her gaze away from something that wasn't her's.

"Ugh. What is with these women."I clenched my jaw, glaring hard at her back as Kenzie walked away.

"What was that??"

My eyes went straight to him. He was smirking.

"You finally looked at me."he smiled.


I sulked the whole time through dinner. Especially when he tried to feed me.

I could feel my shame start to drift in.

I cleared my throat. "Ahem..I'd like to.."I knew this was going to come out weird. "I'd like dessert. Would be nice. Umm. Please Cu-Cullen."

He started blushing. "That was adorable. Anything you want just ask for it."

I blushed awkwardly looking at my hands on my lap the whole time waiting for dessert. But as soon as that chocolate cake arrived. I gobbled it down.

"Uhmm. Th-an-k y-ou."I didn't look up from my plate. I was stubborn.

"You're welcome Gio."I could tell he was smiling.

I fake coughed. "C-can we go...."I didn't want to say the word. But I did, in this small moment I wanted to make him happy. "Can we go home now?"I shyly looked up at him, my face still facing the plate.

He looked surprised. But a big grin yanked his lips and his eyes lit up. "Yeah."