Chapter 91: The harem time (Part 1_PG13)

「Welcome back, Kibadios sama.」Haden bowed as he greeted the hybrid, along with Ryan and Rowan, who had just come back from visiting the new Queen of Shilna.「So, how was your meeting with Yllaner sama, Ryan dono?」The former adventurer noticed how the hero's face was brimming with excitement, unlike the depressing air he was usually giving off before Rowan was found.

「It was great!!!」Ryan exclaimed.「I even got to touch her stomach to feel my nephew… or niece? But my bet is that it's a boy. It's an uncle's tuition, you know?」

「You're imagining things, Ryan.」Kibadios let out a weary smile since he had to listen to Ryan's excited speculations all the way from the「There was barely even a bump for you to feel anything, let alone knowing the sex of the child.」

「I'm not joking, Kibadios sama!」Ryan turned to the hybrid, pouting.「I just know. There was definitely a connection between me and the child… I bet he'll grow up to be a strong and handsome man, just like nii chan! Maybe this uncle Ryan can even teach him a fighting move or two.」

「Uncle Ryan huh? That just makes you sound so old, Ryan chan.」smiled Maia. The girl, along with Ryuu and Yuusei, were all staying back at the guest house.「How about you, Rowan chan? How was your meeting with the prin… queen? For the last month, she has been so worried about you to the point that she authorized more than a dozen first class scouts to search for any traces that you might have left behind.」

「Yeah… I felt bad knowing that she spent such effort to find me, thinking that I was in some grave danger while I merely lost my memory and just lived peacefully outside the forest.」Rowan scratched his head. Since Kibadios did not tell Yllaner about the confrontation between Adela and him, the princess was led to believe the healer was caught in an ambush by Desmond's hired men.

「But all ends well.」Kibadios reassured the healer.「She wasn't mad at you, she's only glad that you came back unharmed. Little did she know that you've only been so mesmerized by the farm girl's big breasts that you temporarily forget about your master.」Teased the hybrid.

「What? No, that's not it, Kibadios sama! I swearrr!!」Rowan was flustered.

「Are you sure that you did not have a slightest feeling for her even once during the time you lost your memory? Normally, any guy would kill to be living with a girl like that.」Kibadios pressed his healer.

「Master, you should stop teasing Senpai like that! You know Rowan senpai's only loyal to you and you alone.」Ryuu uncharacteristically spoke up against his master before protectively latching onto Rowan.

Hoh? Did the one person who has always been idolizing and agreeing with me just take Rowan's side? Kibadios raised his eyebrows in amusement.

「Yeah」「Yeah」Both Ryan and Maia agreed. Even Yuusei was nodding his head in agreement.

「I know, I know.」Kibadios quickly relented before walking up to Rowan and pulled him in for a deep, wet kiss. 「I was just kidding, my little healer. Though, I'm actually curious: did you really not have a crush on that beautiful girl?」

「Toward Ava dono? No, of course not.」denied Rowan.「I mean, I think she was nice, but that's all the impression I had on her.」

「Poor little girl. Even though it was so obvious that she fancied you.」Kibadios seemed rather happy.

「Ah, you're back, Kibadios? Yue and Ren sama aren't back yet right?」Ruek stuck her head out from the curtains that separate the hallway leading to the inner bedrooms of the guesthouse from the living room they were in.

「No, they're still with Yllaner to discuss procedures regarding how to choose their successor to the position of High Shaman of the forest, now that they'll be leaving the forest and coming with me. They said they'll be back later tonight.」Kibadios replied.「But what are you doing inside the house anyways? You're supposed to hide in the woods. It'll be problematic if the twins see you. I don't know if I can ever explain to Yllaner how a dead member of her tribe is now occupying a homunculus body.」

「I know they're not here, that's why I stayed inside the house. You can't expect me to hide in the woods forever, can you?」

「Why not? Isn't "wood" already in the name of your race?」Kibadios smirked.

「Ha, very funny.」Reuk shook her head.

「What are those papers you're holding onto?」Kibadios noticed the stack of paper in the homunculus' hand.

「Oh, these? They're my products of boredom. Since I have nothing else to do, I'm trying to redraw all the manga that I have read from your memories.」Reuk seemed proud of herself as she showed off the manga pages to the group.

「Ah yeah. Reuk showed me her works before. She's a rather talented artist.」Haden nodded. 「Though, I have never seen arts being drawn in such medium before.」

「Those are called manga.」explained Kibadios. 「I used to have a skill that allowed me to replicate those manga from memories, much like Rimuru, but I don't have it in this current reincarnation.」

… Who's Rimuru? Everyone aside from Reuk was wondering the same question, though they figured the answer was not that important.

「No no no. That's no fun. Another reason why I'm redrawing them from scratch is to practice making manga on my own.」said the former elven archer. 「I have decided: screw being an adventurer. I will be the first ever mangaka in this world!」

「... Fucking weeb.」Kibadios sighed.

「Hmm… No matter how hard I try, I could never get used to the idea that it's Reuk kun who possesses that body now.」Rowan wearily studied Reuk from top to bottom, for what seemed like the 100th time. Not that Kibadios could fault him, since the last time he was facing the homunculus body, its former owner was ordering Ryan to kill him.「... But I thought you told us that it's impossible to resurrect anyone who has died, Kibadios sama? How come you were able to bring Reuk back?」

「I'm glad you asked, Rowan. Most people thought the fact that I could bring back Reuk means the author of our story has made a huge plot hole but let me explain to you, the concept of souls in this world.」Kibadios pulled a Gintama and broke the 4th wall. 「Khet, Sah, Ren, Ba, Ka, Ib, Shut, and last but not least, Sekhem. Do you know what those words are?」

All the people in the room looked at one another, sharing the same blank look. Even Ryuu was unfamiliar with the terms that Kibadios had just said. Though it was Haden who spoke up 「Khet, I think, is the physical body… and Sah… I think, was the "name"?」

「First guess was correct. Second, not so much. How did you know?」

「... My fiance used to serve Freya as her mortal servant so I have heard a bit about how souls work, given how the Astrals tend to transfer souls and sometimes bodies of "World Travelers" here to serve as heroes and act as their representatives.」explained the former adventurer, a hint of irritation could be felt in his tone.

「I see. Anyways, Khet indeed means "physical body", Sah is the "Spiritual body", Ren is the "identity", Ba the "personality", Ka is the "vital essence" or "life force", Ib is the literal "heart", Shut is the "shadow", and Sekhem, the "power."」Kibadios explained. 「They're the fundamental essence of what makes a person a person. In other words, they're parts of our souls. When the Astrals would inevitably perform the Harvest and purge the world, what they are after, or harvesting, are the Sah and Sekhem of each of us. When we use potion to recover our fatigue and injuries, it is Ka that we are trying to restore. Whenever you experience a feeling, that is thanks to your Ib. Everything that you experience, ever since you were an infant, up to the moment right before your death, is considered your Shadow, or Shut. Even your name, or Ren, holds a strange power over you as a person. Each of those essences makes up our real self. As a reincarnator, who remembers all my past, the me standing here, my soul that exists in this very moment, is not the same as the soul I had when I was Zaeryn, for my body or Khet and my identity or Ren are not the same, considering how I was a Tengu then and an ogre-incubus hybrid now. All of that caused my Ba, or personality to slightly change as well.」Kibadios realized he had started to lose his audience.「What I meant to say, is that once a person die, even if their physical body or Khet, is kept intact and their spiritual body or Sah is trapped or still lingering around, all other parts of their souls would have instantly dissipated, making resurrecting someone from the death an impossible task.」Kibadios looked at Rowan before continuing… Unless, that person possesses the power over the fabric of time itself. 「But for Reuk, who I devoured whole using my skill, absorbing him inside myself, I was able to "resurrect" him since when I absorbed him into my body, I absorbed everything that made up his "soul", from Khet to Sekhem.」

「I see.」Maia, along with others in the room, nodded.「But with him being "resurrected" into this homunculus body, does it mean his Khet is not the same?」

「Yeah, in a sense.」agreed Kibadios, before poking Reuk as if she was a strange alien.「That's why this Reuk standing in front of us can be thought of as a different Reuk that grew up together with Ryan… Same-same, but different, but still same. That's why I have always adamantly stressed that even if Yllaner is Sylvia's reincarnation, they're not the same people.」

「...Kibadios sama, forgive me for asking, but why, unlike Yllaner sama, you still retain your 'Shadow' into this life?」 Haden curiously brought up a mysterious detail about the hybrid's lives.「I get that the first time you reincarnated into this world from Earth, you retain most of your "soul" because of the Astral's doing… but how come you still possess the same Sah, Shut, and Sekhem in your second and third reincarnation?」

「Good question. I have no idea.」Kibadios shook his head.「... Though… I have some hypotheses. I guess we will find out the answer in the future.」

「Wait a minute, Kibadios.」Ryan seemed to recall something. 「If our souls are made up of those 7 essences, does it mean when Rowan chan lost his memory, he lost part of his soul?」

「You can say that. The Rowan living together with that busty farmer girl is not the same Rowan standing in front of us right now.」Kibadios nodded.

「Master, I was wondering…」This time it was Rowan who spoke up.「What would you do had my memory not come back?」

「Ah, if that's the case…」Kibadios grinned lustfully. Before continuing his answer, he leapt toward the unsuspecting healer, then sensually wrapped his arms around the teenager, slid his hands inside Rowan's loose pants and squeezed on the teenager's firm, round ass. With their hardening cocks grinding against one another in a warm embrace while his ass being toyed around by his master, Rowan let out a brief soft moaning sound.「then I'd have fucked you over and over again. No matter how you would resist, I won't stop until I tamed you into a docile slave like when I first met you. After all, you're my property, Rowan.」

「That's reassuring, Master.」Rowan licked his lip, his cock twitched like crazy as he imagined how his master would have ravaged his ass.「I was afraid you would abandon me.」

Man, I was trying to scare him… This is totally not the reaction I was expecting . Kibadios thought to himself.「You're all excited, Rowan chan. When did you turn into such a cute slut?」

「You can't blame Rowan chan, Master.」Maia came to the healer's defense.「It's been more than a month since he experienced your intense fuck. I'm sure he's refraining himself from jumping you right now, especially since you did not fuck him last night but just held him as he slept.」

「He was all exhausted yesterday, that's not my fault. I promise tonight, I'll do all of you… and especially Rowan chan. I won't let him sleep even for a minute.」Kibadios grinned. 「But that means I gotta stuff my stomach now and replenish my energy. I've never tried fucking all 7 people at a time before.」

… But you have been doing all 6 of your harem at a time this past month . Reuk thought to herself. As if 1 more would make such a difference.

「I'll prepare a meal for you right now, Master.」Said Maia.

「Yuusei helps Maia nee.」The mutant hybrid volunteered.

「Thanks, Yuu chan!」

「Ahhh, come with me, Haden. If we continue to stay here, we'd be like the…」The former elf counted the number of people in Kibadios' harem on his fingers before continue.「...9th and 10th wheel. You can help me finishing these pages.」

「Are you sure you're not just jealous of Kibadios sama, Reuk?」Haden gently smiled at her.

「... Only in the sense that he got to have 2 girls all to himself, one is the beautiful Maia while the other is Yue sama, no less.」Reuk admitted before walking away.「I really don't care for the guys in his harem, I don't swing that way.」

「Even when your body is now of a girl?」Haden curiously asked.

「Yeah… after all, all other essences of my souls are still the same.」