Chapter 92: The harem time (Part 2_R18)

「Let's see…」Kibadios sat on the bed, deep in thought, studying the 5 naked individuals standing right in front of him without a single piece of clothing on their bodies.「I'm going to start with Maia, Yue and Ryuu chan. 」Kibadios turned to the other two, who were standing next to one another.「Rowan and Ren chan, you two have to wait for a bit. Since you two have not really spent time together, now is a good time to get "acquainted"... Rowan, Don't overdo it and scare our Ren, got it? 」

「Of course, Kibadios sama!」Rowan excitedly agreed, his cock twitched in anticipation of what's coming next.

「Good!」Kibadios raised his hand, dark shadows began to emerge from the floor underneath the two ukes.「I hope this cocoon will help move things along! I'll be right back.」

「Wait, what do you mean?」Ren was going to ask but before he knew it, the shadow had wrapped around him and Rowan, enclosing them inside a large, round space, with thick shadow tentacle encroached closer to his naked body.「Wait, damn it, you perverted hybrid!... Kibadios!!!」

「... That is?」Yue hesitantly asked.

「It's just my shadow. Your brother and Rowan are trapped in there, being edged and pleasured by countless tentacles as a warm up.」The hybrid answered before pulling the elven princess toward him for a quick embrace.「Don't worry about him.」Kibadios grabbed both her cheeks and held her face in place.「You should focus only on me now, Yue, for you're mine to enjoy.」

「... You're right, Kibadios sama.」The girl smiled, though to the hybrid, her expression still seemed devoid of any emotion as usual.




「Master, we're back!」The door to Kibadios' chamber swung open as Ryan and Yuusei excitedly walked in. 「Did you start without us, Master?」The hero scanned the room, which was now filled with sweat and bodily fluid.

「Yeah… I just finished with Yue, Maia, and Ryuu.」Kibadios turned to look at the three barely conscious harem members, who lay defeated on the bed soaking in his thick layer of semen.「How's the training session?」

「It was great as usual.」Answered Ryan. The hero and Yuusei had promised to have a late night sparring contest with Yllaner's royal guards a few days back, something that they both almost forgot before Maia reminded them just half an hour before they were supposed to meet with the guards. 「... But what's with that shadowy cocoon?」

「Oh, Rowan and Ren are getting to know one another.」Kibadios answered, though his mouth was soon shut with a kiss from Yuusei. Unlike Ryan, the quiet mutant hybrid had cared for nothing but gone straight to greet his master with his mouth.

「Yuusei chan, I think we should take a shower first before getting in bed with Master.」Ryan pointed out how both of them were covered with sweat after the training session.

「That's fine.」Kibadios dismissed.「I don't mind.」The hybrid broke the kiss, then traced his mouth down Yuusei's neck and started to lick away his sweat. The sensual feeling of his master's tongue moving around his neck caused the mutant's body to shake in anticipation while his cock began to stand up, forming a visible tent in his trouser.

「Yuusei …wants… Master's cock!」The mutant panted.

「And don't forget about me, master!」Ryan leaned against Kibadios' right side while guiding Kibadios' rough hand onto his similarly rock hard cock inside his pants.

「Of course not!」Kibadios grinned, then tossed both the boys down onto the waiting bed, with Ryan towering on top of Yuusei. The hybrid's hands skillfully unbuttoned their pants, pulled them off, and threw them onto the ground before he stopped for a moment, admiring the unobstructed view right in front of him. With the bright moonlight shone through the glass window, illuminated the delicious looking pair laying defenselessly, Kibadios slowly licked his lips while leering down at his willing slaves' twitching assholes. Without their pants covering their lower halves, their rock hard, precum leaking cocks, along with two pairs of full round balls, were now pressing against one another.

「Master… Pleaseeee~」

「Don't worry, I'll pound you in no time.」Kibadios reassured Ryan.「But I'll take care of Yuusei chan first. You're his senpai, you should be able to patiently wait for a bit, right?」The hybrid quickly dipped his cock tip in and out of the mutant's asshole, teasing him for a few seconds.

「... Yes, master.」Ryan pouted in disappointment.

「Haaaa」was all the sounds that Yuusei could make. Kibadios could see the mutant's nipples were now also fully erected underneath his shirt.

「I'm going in~」Kibadios grinned widely before thrusting his thick cock inside Yuusei, sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through the boy's oversensitive body. The mutant instinctively grabbed tightly onto the back of his senpai, his cock ground hard against the hero's as his master continued to pump his own cock in and out of the boy's asshole. With each thrust, Kibadios made sure to press hard against the mutant's prostate, causing his inner wall to react and constrict, wrapped tightly around his master's cock

「Haaaaa」Yuusei moaned in pleasure.

「Your turn will come soon, okay, Ryan chan?」Kibadios leaned down to whisper in the hero's ear while his hands crept up underneath the hero's shirt and played with his nipples.

「This…haa… sensation…」Ryan tried to make his sentence coherent.「Even though… master's cock has yet to fuck me…」the hero continued. 「But it feels like… your cock is inside meeee!!!」Being charged with an intense lust and his senses heightened, the hero was now feeling every thrust his master made inside Yuusei as if his own mind and the mutant had fused into one.

「Is that so? I didn't even need to resort to my tentacle to fuck you both at once」Kibadios was amused.

「Ryan nii…」Yuusei called out before pulling the hero down for a passionate, breathless kiss. Their tongues danced around one another as their saliva was mixed around, all the while experiencing their master's thick cock assaulting their gaping asshole.

「Let's see if I can make you two cumming at the same time!!!」Kibadios excitedly declared.




「Haaa~」Ren moaned loudly as a dozen shadow tentacles wrapped around his oversensitive bodies.「That… haaa… perverted hybrid…」His cock has been continuously massaged by a slimy dark tentacle that warmly wrapped around its thick shaft while a smaller shadowy thread, which has been blocking his cock slit and preventing the former elven prince from ejaculating, had started to penetrate his small urethra. The foreign sensation, a mix of intense pleasure and pain, caused Ren's body to shake uncontrollably. 「Aaaahhhh… Hiiyyaaaa… How long has it been??? Can heeeee… just … come over and fuck…. Meeeee… instead of tormenting me… haaaa… with this perverted cocoon?」

「Don't be hasty, Ren chan!」Rowan, similarly to the elf, was completely naked and coated in a slimy fluid secreted by Kibadios' shadowy cocoon. Since he was ordered to "get acquantainted" with the pink haired elf, the healer has been playing and sucking on Ren's perky nipples while arching his ass out, allowing a thick tentacle to play with his own asshole. 「I know you want to have a taste of our master's cock, but we still have to wait for our turn.」Rowan bit down into Ren's nipple.

「Haaa… Stop it!」Ren protested, though he knew the healer would never listen to him. After all, the teenager was merely following their master's order. 「You… know that's not… what I mean.」

「I know, Ren chan.」Rowan smiled before standing up to face his elven harem brother and gave him a hug, allowing their nipples and cock to press against one another.「But sooner or later, you will fall for our master, both body and soul. After all, we belong to Master.」

「You…」Ren wanted to say something, to scream back at the seemingly brainwashed teenager in front of him, to deny that not in a million years would a noble elven prince like him would fall for such a perverted person. Yet, a part of him understood what the healer was talking about since for weeks now, his own body has begun to change after having been fucked by the hybrid senselessly every night. His body started to ache for the hybrid's soft, sensual touch. His asshole would start to twitch at the very moment he recognized the hybrid's faint musky scent. His arms would subconsciously wrap around the hybrid's broad shoulder as his hole being pounded by the hybrid's thick cock. It was not just his body, but his heart had started to react to the hybrid's charismatic charms.

「What you got there?」Ren recalled the night from just last week, when he caught the hybrid returning late to the guest house.

「Something I think you and Yue would like.」Kibadios grinned.

「Yue's tired so she went to sleep early. She's staying with Maia tonight.」The elf scowled, not believing in his Master's words.

「What a shame. Well, at least you're here.」The hybrid released the small shadow barrier around his hand, setting dozens of fireflies free inside the room, with each fluorescing different colors of the rainbow. Ren's eyes widened in astonishment, causing his scowling face to fade and quickly be replaced with a happy smile.

「It's not easy to catch all 7 types of fireflies during the winter time… How did you do it?」Ren curiously asked.

「Sorry, trade secret!」Kibadios grinned, not wishing to reveal to the tsundere elf that it was merely a coincidence that he just happened to stumble upon their gathering.

「... How did you know we love fireflies?」Ren suddenly realized this was not a random coincidence.

「Weren't the both of you mesmerized by them during Yllaner and Kyles' ceremony?」Kibadios asked. 「You twins are just like Faye.」

「... So, you even know our ancestor that intimately?」Ren noticed.

「Maybe?」Kibadios whistled.

「Haaaaa」A tight squeeze on his cock brought the pink haired elf back from the reminiscence.

「Sorry, that takes a while.」Kibadios' hands broke open the shadowy cocoon, setting both Ren and Rowan free from the tentacles. Since both of the teenagers (or at least teenage-looking in case of Ren) were exhausted from being assaulted by the hybrid's tentacle, the two quickly fell onto the floor, panting. With a quick glance, Ren could see his sister lying exhausted next to Maia, their breasts leaned against one another. All the other harem members, from Yuusei to Ryuu, were similarly passing out on the large bed like Yue, their holes overflowing with Kibadios' cum.「Now it's your turn. I hope you two have gotten closer to each other, having both experienced the same pleasure together.」Kibadios smirked.

「I sure hope so, Master.」Rowan timidly nodded.

「... Just get this over with.」Ren defiantly responded, though his twitching cock and hole would certainly disagree with the elf's tone.

「I see.」Kibadios leaned back, then signaled them both to come to him. 「Would you two crawl over here and suck my cock clean before we start our main course?」

「Youu…」Ren wanted to protest, but he found his body had obediently followed Kibadios' order, much like Rowan next to him. Soon, they were both kneeling right in front of him, with Ren on his left while Rowan on his right. Without further instruction, the tranced-like healer, with a smile on his face and heart shapes in his eyes, eagerly stuck his tongue out and dutifully slurped away his Master's leftover cum. Ren did not want to act in such submissive behavior, but the moment Kibadios' scent reached his nose, a wave of pleasure suddenly coursed through his body while his mouth started to salivate. Having left with no other choice, the former elven prince slowly moved his mouth closer to his master's cock. The pink haired elf took in a deep breath, allowing him to enjoy the lusty smell before his tongue licked away Kibadios's sweat and cum. The two, kneeling on either side of their master's fully erected cock, continued to lick and suck on it for a good ten minutes, fully cleaning away any traces of leftover cum.

「Good job!」Kibadios' hand reached out to pat both their heads. Although Ren reacted with such a disdainful look on his face, somehow, against his wish, his heart raced with joy as the hybrid continued to ruffle his hair lovingly. Rowan, though, enjoyed every single second of this moment, for it has been so long since he got to service his beloved master's cock. If there was ever a complaint, it would be that he had to share his master's cock with another of his harem brothers. Though, it did not bother him that much since he knew it was his master's wish that they both serve him together.

「... Kibadios sama, I know this may be selfish of me, but can I have more time with your cock?」The kneeling Rowan looked up at his master with pleading eyes.「It's just been so long since I got to suck it like this.」The healer leaned his face against the hybrid's throbbing cock.

「I have no complaints there.」Kibadios nodded.

「Thank you, Master!」Rowan was visibly excited as he eagerly opened his mouth and skillfully took Kibadios' entire cock down his throat before his head bobbed back and forth, trying to pump Kibadios' cum into his waiting stomach without a single gag reflex while his hands were playing around with his master's balls.

「Now, Ren chan!」Kibadios pulled the exhausted elf up, aligning the elf's pink, trembling nipples to his mouth before creating a shadow o'ring around the elf's cock, preventing him from cumming.「Until Rowan chan makes me cum, I'll play with you. And as usual, you're not allowed to cum until you beg me to shoot my load in your ass.」One of his hands played with the elf's twitching hole in the back.

「... Fine!! Just get this over with.」Ren defiantly acknowledged. The elf has been experiencing foreplay like this, night after night so he knew what to expect. Though, to his surprise, what had normally lasted only ten minutes or so, now was lasting almost half an hour since Kibadios did not once climax. Around fifteen minutes into the act, the elf finally realized his mistake as the hybrid's hand kept pumping the elf's uncut cock, edging him closer and closer to climax but since the cock ring was still there, Ren was unable to release his frustration. While his cock was subjected to a torturous experience, his oversensitive nipples fared no better since the hybrid kept on sucking, biting and pulling on them. The intense pleasure seemed to have turned his brain into mush.

「Kibadios… please… let me cum…」Ren begged after being unable to endure the pleasure.

「Not yet, my little elf chan.」Kibadios teased, pulling him in for a kiss before continuing. 「I have yet to cum.」

「... Please, Kibadios… samaaa」panted Ren.

「... Fine. Man, I should stop being such a pushover.」said Kibadios sarcastically. With left hand, the hybrid violently grabbed onto Rowan's hair to keep his head in place before thrusting his cock deep down to the back of the healer's throat and finally shooting an uninterrupted stream of his thick cum down into Rowan's stomach. At the same time, he released the o-ring that blocked Ren from cumming, allowing the elf to climax, ejaculating his cum all over the cum and sweat soaked bed.

「Sank yu fo yor cum, mastaaa…」Rowan smiled as his master' cum overflowed his mouth and dripped down onto the ground.

「Now, both of you, onto the bed. Time for the next round.」Kibadios threw Ren and Rowan crashing onto the soft mattress. The elf was half unconscious, laying there motionless while the healer was all excited, his ass raised up into the air, his hands voluntarily spreading his asscheek apart, allowing his master unrestricted access to his tiny gaping hole.

「Please, Kibadios, fuck me first!」Rowan unashamedly begged.「My hole has been aching for your cock all this time.」

「Of course, my cute Rowan.」Like a hungry predator, Kibadios jumped toward the waiting healer. His cock, although had just cummed moments ago, was now standing up as thick and big as it has ever been. The humongous rod easily thrust passed Rowan's entrance and deep inside the teenager's body. The extreme familiar pleasurable sensation took over the healer's body, causing him to shake in excitement. His body instinctively arched, raising his ass up even higher to make it easier for his master to thrust his cock deep inside him. With each slight movement, Kibadios' rod ground against the healer's sensitive inner flesh, causing him to cum repeatedly onto the bed.

「Mmasssstaaaaa…. Pleaseeee fuccckkk meeee… I miss your cockkkk….AHHHHH I MISSSS YOUU SOOO MUCHHHHH… 」Rowan cried in happiness as Kibadios played with his nipples.

「...」Kibadios suddenly stopped for a moment.

「Master? What's wrong?」Rowan concerningly asked.

「I'm gonna turn around, Rowan.」said Kibadios.

「Master?」Rowan was confused. He was now laying on his back, his naked body and face looked up onto the sweating hybrid who was on top of him.「Was my position not making you feel good?」The healer worryingly asked.

「... It's not that.」Kibadios smiled.「... This way, I get to look at your face as I fuck you.」

「Master!!!」Rowan emotionally cried out, wrapping his arms around the hybrid's neck and pulling him down for a deep kiss. Kibadios quickly resumed his pace, pumping his cock deep inside the healer as they both continued to swirl their tongues against one another. Once Kibadios finally cummed inside Rowan after fucking him for almost twenty minutes, the hybrid slowly pulled his cock out. Rowan wanted more, but he knew his master's attention would now switch to the exhausted, naked elf laying next to them.

「It's your turn, Ren chan. I did not forget you.」Kibadios smiled.

「... I rather you did.」Said Ren, though a small part of him was slightly excited for what's coming next.

As Kibadios lifted the elven prince's legs up and fucked him mercilessly, Rowan quietly lied next to them with a content look on his face, knowing that his Master would again pay attention to him after giving his harem brother a good fuck. After all, his master did promise to not let him sleep for even a minute. Rowan licked his lips in anticipation.

「Remember, Ren chan. I will not let you cum until you beg me… nicely.」Kibadios reminded Ren.

「... Kibadios… sama… please… fuck me!! I need your cock!」The elf reluctantly pleaded.

「Much obliged!」Grinned Kibadios.




Once Kibadios finally released his final cumshot inside Rowan's well-fucked asshole, the sun has begun to rise. Kibadios decided to rest his cock inside the healer's hole, using it as a cocksheath as he laid on his side, hugging the barely conscious Rowan.

「I'm just curious, Rowan.」Kibadios softly spoke while his hands played with the healer's nipples. 「Why did the girl called you "Kibadios"?」

「... It's a bit embarrassing…」Rowan answered, his face was a bit red.「It's because according to her, Kibadios is the first name that I spoke after I woke up. She just assumed that was my name and for my part, even though I had amnesia, my heart always felt at peace when I heard your name so somehow, I thought that was really my name.」

「...」Kibadios hugged the healer a bit tighter as his cock twitched inside the healer's asshole. 「I'm sorry I did not come for you sooner, Rowan.」

「What are you talking about, Kibadios sama. It's my fault for losing my memory. I promised to be with you until the end, yet, I almost abandoned you just because I could not remember you… I should be the one who's sorry.」

「Regardless, you're finally with me now.」Kibadios sniffed Rowan's hair then gave him a slight kiss on his head. 「Just rest for now.」

「Yes, you too, Master!」Rowan contentedly smiled.

… I wonder if you're not a vessel for the , would I have allowed you to stay with that girl? Would I finally release you from my grasp and let you live the life of a Rune Factory protagonist? Kibadios thought as he embraced Rowan. Or am I a selfish asshole who would never let you be free… Promise to be with me until the end, huh? What would be my end, then…?

Artist: よるげ

Pixiv ID: 74328649

He has a very reasonable rate and his work is delicious as ever (as you can see in the scenes below.) I really recommend him.

Follow this link (can be copied in the comment) to see all the variations:

Check the comments on each scene to see the illustrations:

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

I gave up on posting individual picture here. For some reason, it keeps saying "Only picture allowed" when I tried to post the picture (in either jpeg or png.) Please follow the link to see 4 delicious color manga pages.