Tempting Gate

Marlon, thankfully, understand the main thing but it would take sometime for it sink in completely.

After some time, Freya removes the shadow that enveloped them, finally returning to the lively room. No one talk for a bit to give Marlon some time.

Yuna by the way finally broke the silence noticing the time on Freya's wall clock. "It is already late and we need to get up early. I know what it feels like to push that information to you but we have keep up. Okay?"

"My, look at the time. You have to go home." Frey stood up after realizing the time spent.

Marlon could only act fast or he would be scolded since his mother always worries. Rei did the same. Yuna, Rei, and Marlon said their goodbyes and gratitude to Freya while heading to the front door, when Freya stops them.

"Wait, I can let you go to your houses in just a sec."

The three of them knew her point. Teleport them directly to their house but they also knew that it would consume her power that has not fully recovered. Yuna was about to say something but Freya interrupted her.

"Don't worry. I have fully recovered. I may not look like it but I can recover my powers fast. I will take you home since it was my fault that you got stuck here."

They don't have a choice but to go along with her. Once she insisted on to something, you can't refuse because once you refuse she will drag you or immediately do it anyway without your permission.

Frey made us stand a meter apart from each other then waited. Darkness enveloped me for a second then when I came to, I was outside my house in a no-people street to lessen suspicion just appearing at of no where. Freya knew to not let us appear in our houses, that would freak people inside. I entered the house and thankfully Ma and Pa are on the couch watching TV.

"Oh my, finally you're home. We were waiting for you to eat dinner." Ma spoke with delight. Whoa, aren't they suppose to warn me again and again to look at the time? That's unusual.

All of us then head to the dining table. Gladly they did not ask why I am late, to be home after my curfew. And yes, I have curfew even at this age.

We ate our dinner, I washed the dishes and clean the tables. I took a shower then head to my room to change.

A lot has happened today, I have to be more careful. Knowing Rei is a half-nymph he might know or he already knew who or what I am. Also Marlon, being able too see aura, knows I'm part of a familia but not know which. Freya on the other hand do not completely know I am part of some familia since we were cut off by noticing the eavesdropper. And the dangerous thing was he is a Foxglove (lets go with 'he' since i do not know the gender).

I better talk this out to Hecate. I have encountered the gem but thankfully I didn't let myself to have contact with it. Just thinking about that feeling gives me chills.

Another thing that's been bothering me was why did the gem, one of Gaea's Treasures, told that I have the Witch's aura? Now thinking about it, I felt a different power in me when I let out the unbearable feeling when the two men was about to counterattack. That feeling of looking through their souls as if I were sending them to their deaths even though I did not have any intention to kill them.

Was that the Witch's aura the gem was saying? Shaking her head. No, I cannot trust an objects words even if it is a G-Treasure. And the thing is, I can only say that that was not a power of an aura...

After some thoughts something clicked. Death sense! I somehow can tell that D-sense is not part or a power from an aura. Not from majicai nor to any being I have known. And I can also tell that... It is from me or a part of me that no does not have. Then that power was from D-sense.

Thinking deeper, Where did D-sense even came from? How does it grow this much that I do not know anything about it than a death sensor or radar? It is something I have that I do not know of it. I must be careful. Like Tomone/Mayu from Noragami says, "Be Careful. The Darkness is Always right there With YOU."

Sigh. Overthinking is bad for myself. Once it started it takes time for it to stop. My mimd would think of anything it could think of randomly. But I have to remember to keep low profile in the Aura or familia world. Things are already messy in a normal life how come it wouldn't get messier in the familia world. Sigh. I have always wanted such magic magic since I love fantasy genres in animes. But somehow I cannot say that I have "magic" if I could fly by myself soaring through the skies or like making magic spells... Thoughts roam in her mind until she fell asleep. Little did she not know, the yellow color in her hair has slowly spread, the bottom quarter of her hair has turned yellow.


In a misty palace, in a certain hall exist a round marble table, figures sat in each high-back marble chairs. Each chair has a designated design presenting each figures nature.

"She does not notice that it's growing and they have started to move." a smooth light voice starts.

"We have too act fast or our card befalls onto them which we cannot allow." strong-willed voice responds.

Their identity cannot be seen clearly to keep their presence, powers from clashing that may create chaos not only in this room but it may affect other worlds. Through their voices shows how powerful each individual are in this hall. Especially, powerful beings in a single room is too dangerous therefore they create something also powerful that could block their presence keeping the end from happening.

"Has she bloom?" a light voice in falsetto asked the person sitting across her. The goddess across "Her" was the goddess of magic, Hecate.

"Her aura has grown faster than I expected but she herself has not. She lacks experience." Hecate stated.

The strong-willed voice comments, "Then give her experience then she'll learn and grow faster to exceed your expectations."

"I know what to do Ares. You don't have to tell me. I shall take my leave, things have continued." Hecate said, irritated by Ares' insulting tone, nodding to someone then her figure started to vanish from the hall.

"Tsk. That goddess has been ticking me off." Ares murmured but a few heard "Him".

"Words. Watch it... I have already sent my mistresses to do what they have to do. And I hope you have already acted on your own." Nympha, the goddess of Nymphs, stated.

Every gods and goddesses nodded then their blurry figures vanished.


Having a sweet dream, Yuna's soul body was pulled to the Boundary.

Seeing the misty place again, Yuna expected to see Hecate but there was no one around. How come I am in the Boundary? Yuna then walked around but saw no one. After a few minutes walking around, she stopped walking when she saw where her feet led her to.

The Gate to the Astral World.

Why would I end up here again? The gates opened slightly as if telling her to enter but Yuna didn't. Yet somehow she felt that her questions can be answered beyond the gates.

Yuna walks a few steps forward, shortening the distance between her and the gates. As she is walking, Yuna can feel her aura getting stronger so is she and her black hair glows blue, also her eyes.

Approaching the tall gold gates she stopped when Yuna was only a step away from entering. She remembers Hecate's warning to not casually enter in the Astral World. Fortunately, could resist herself from taking one step but before she could stop herself her hand extended to touch the gates that also means entering.