
Light blinded her sight until blurry images appears. Her eyes adjusted to focus until she saw image—video. Based on Yuna's view, she's in a very high place that she can see everything below. Soldiers, theives, assassins and even citizens were at war with terrifying creatures fighting along but there are others who just watched the whole thing.

And every one of them were burning. Inextinguishable flames erupt from their bodies but they seem unaffected as if the flames does not exist. Then she realized that the flames covering their bodies, they are all aura.

Staring at this scene, Yuna felt somewhat familiar about it as if she has seen this happened before. Then it hit her that what is before her is not just a video but the greatest known history, the Disaster. The terrifying creatures are majicai. Their appearance were not as pretty as they were described. Anger, pride, fear and many more strong emotions that the humans feel that resulted this war caused the majicai's terrifying appearance.

"I have to act faster or things will get worse than it should have." a calm yet a strong-willed female voice was heard within Yuna. She tried to look around but she cannot control "her" body. "I've just woken up and this has happened." the voice continued, Yuna then realized that it was the voice she's "possessing". Yuna has been watching from someone's point of view.

"Be careful M'Lady. Please don't be reckless..

even though that would still happen." a new voice was heard worried behind her. I might not see her appearance but she seems a caring person. Even her voice reassured me.

"Haha, Well that's not something new. Just trust me in this." Even with a cheerful tone she felt worried about something.

"You may be the Great Magi but I've known you long before that, Elz." the caring person stated.

Great Magi?! I've been looking the whole thing through the Magi's eyes! Elz, the Great Magi's name. Yuna could not help but feel overwhelmed and... nostalgic. She felt warmth in her heart thinking or hearing the Magi's name. I wonder why.

Elz turns around and there was a person wearing a white kimono-sleeve blouse tucked in a long chestnut red box pleated skirt. Her wavy caramel hair elevates her tawny eyes. Even her appearance tells you that you can count on her when something happens.

Behind the caring person was huge two-side mirror window, you can't even tell if there was a door in it. The mirror window reflect their place. Elz and the caring lady are standing on a three-meter wide round porcelain balcony. Facing the mirror window, Yuna stared at her... Elz' appearance.

She's about 1.6 meter tall. Her height emphasizes her slender body wearing a plum color bell sleeve princess vest with two blue horizontal lines near edge of the sleeves. The princess vest has a gradient color of royal blue and gold, so as her mermaid dress. Her wavy black hair sways with the wind yet her crystal blue eyes were dominant in her beautiful face. Such beauty contains a powerful persona.

Elz smiles after hearing those words, "Thank you Ryuna for being always there for me." Ryuna smile back and bows before Elz.

The Magi returns to look at the chaos before her. She focused her aura calling corth the nymph to aid her in her decision. Wind swirls around her and her body slowly floated then she flew up high. Spreading her arms she can feel every inch of the power surging within her. Elz' eyes gradually changed, her crystal blue had a gradient gold in the upper part of her irises.

Looking down below, Yuna finally saw the place she was earlier. A palace, magnificent supposedly but the disaster caused it to be in a wreck. Few pillars or part of the walls are still standing. The balcony's room she was standing earlier was also intact as it was highly protected.

"Her" body emitting a powerful aura causing everyone to halt in their movements. Her dominant power was enough to make everything and everyone stop. Every one of them looked up to her. Their movements were somehow restricted when they tried to move.

The Majicai did not have second thoughts to bow down before her even those who were watching from the sidelines. Looking at this scene, Yuna can feel how they highly respect ths Great Magi.

The magi was saying something but Yuna could not hear her properly yet she can feel the power surge in her. And knew the Magi's emotion and decision. Using every amount of her power to stop the whole thing.

The voice earlier was shouting something but she could not hear it clearly. Wind swirl around her and her aura got stronger than she ever had. Affecting every thing and everyone in the country with her power until...

¤Your time is up. Come with me.¤

Yuna's heart skipped a beat when she heard the unworldly voice, it cannot be compared to any kind of voice you might think of but the prescence it releases was something Yuna was familiar with. Death sense... It was Death itself.

She did not know for who it was directed for. Then a new scene appeared, thankfully, Yuna knew the death's statement was not for her. But when D-sense reacted she felt a tingling sensation in her heart also reacting to the death's prescence.

The scene that appeared was in a grassland. Few small trees grew but one stood up among the rest. Beneath the tree was a little girl wearing a thin silky white dress. Her skin was pale as white but her hair was dark, black. Yet her body was translucent. The eyes though, were crystal clear blue.

The little girl had a company, a young man, also has a pale skin but was covered with his black attire even his hair was black yet it was darker than black.

The scene shifted to a small town in a market, walking around were the little girl and the man in same attire like before, in the previous scene.

Then again, the scene changed. The girl has change. Her skin finally had color, showing that she has grown, no longer wearing her white dress but a decent clothes for a young lady. The man became mature and somewhat giving off a certain prescence. Clothes has also changed but still black.

Scenes rapidly changed, showing their moments. Travelling, sword fighting, aura, monster fighting and many more.


Yuna felt being dragged out. When she came to her senses, she was lying down in the Boundary. Ha ha... Catching her breath, she recalled the things she saw. Was that the Great Magi's memory? But who were the two young people after the Disaster? She then remembered the chilling sensation from a Death.