A new Mission

Xuan Hao walked upstairs with his father to the main house. They reached the top of the stairs when Haya said, "son I've a meeting with some other small village heads so you should go inside your mother's chamber and meet her. I'll see you this evening". Xuan Hao nodded and greeting his father he walked inside the long way towards his mother's chamber.

"My lady young master is here", said one of the attendants of Jia Xin. Hearing this Jia Xin immediately get up from her chair. She carried her long dress and turned towards the door. The other maids too follow her. Jia Xin kept on walking the long way which is illuminated by exquisite decorated lamps. She saw the sight of his son and quickened her steps. The sound of her anklets and bangles in the hands can be heard as she was running towards her son. Xuan Hao too saw his mother coming towards him. He ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "Mother", whispered Xuan Hao in a happy tone.

Jia Xin got overwhelmed by looking at her son. She kissed him on the forehead and said, "You've grown so much in these two years...". She took him inside her chamber and ordered one of his attendants to bring the food for Xuan Hao.

"I can eat later too", said Xuan looking at his mother.

"Son you'll eat first then we will talk", said Jia Xin and gestured her attendants to go. Jia was sitting on the bed there while Xuan has put his head on her mother's lap. Jia caressed his head and said, "Your elder bothers will be here in a while. They were also missing you".

"Hm....Mother your chamber hasn't changed much", said Xuan and closed his eyes with his head on her mother's lap.

"Because I don't want my son to get confused in my chamber. Now I can change some furniture here and in your room too", said Jia Xin with a smile.

"Aunt Xia...aunt Xia", shouted a voice. It's the voice of a girl who entered Jia Xin's chamber along with her two attendants.

"Young master has returned. I'm really lucky to have first sight of yours after two years", said the girl who is Lim Jao Bin. She likes Xuan since her teenage days but Xuan doesn't even look at her.

"Aunt Xia greeting to you too", said Lin Jao and bowed lightly.

Jia Xin smiled at her and shifted her gaze on Xuan who is laying on her lap. "Look how much Lim Jao has grown".

Xuan didn't open his eyes.

"Young master it's me Lim Jao".

"I heard that. You don't need to shout. And one more thing you ain't lucky because you didn't see me first among all the girls and women in this world. When I came here many girls and women saw me. Now don't annoy me and go away", said Xuan Hao who got irritated by her presence.

Jia Xin hits at Xuan's shoulder lightly and said, "I didn't teach you to talk like this". "Sorry mother", said Xuan.

"Lim Jao come have a seat", said Jia Xin gesturing towards the chair. The attendants came there with lunch meal. Smelling the taste of food Xuan Hao opened his eyes and immediately went towards the cushioned mattresses on the right side of the room and get seated there.

"Mother come have meal with me", said Xuan. Jia Xin smiled and went towards him. Lim Jao too followed aunt Jia.

Jia served the meals to her son and asked Lim if she wanna eat too but she refused. Instead she said, "Aunt I'll do this...You should sit".

"Mother serve me the food by your hands only else I'm not going to eat", said Xuan. Jia smiled and told Lim that she should go as Xuan wants to spend time with his mother. Lim nodded and walked away from there.

After having lunch and talking with his mother Xuan Hao went to the eastern part of the palace where his friends' families. Xian was walking beside the lake in the eastern part when a hand touched his shoulder and the next second the hand interlocked Xuan's neck between his arms.

"Leave me Feng Lui", said Xuan and tried to release himself.

"Don't leave him", said the other voice which came from the tall building. There was a man sitting on its roof holding a sword in his hand. "Yang Dao don't", said Xuan Hao and the next second Yang Dao jumped from the roof and landed before them. He swirled his sword in his hand. Xuan Hao with his magic pushed them lightly so that they can't get injured. They fell on the ground and Xuan laughed seeing them.

"You thought you can defeat me by using these tricks", said Xuan Hao and pulled them up. The trio laughed seeing each other and hugged tightly.

"Xuan Hao you always defeat us using magic", said Feng Lui.

"You also have these powers", said Xuan Hao smiling.

"We had but last year we went to the human world and broke some rules so are taken from us for a year but even if we had powers we can't stand before you", said Yang Dao.

"That's why he's also called as invincible young master Hao", said the other man who is Fei Ming Si. He came downstairs from the small building situated beside the lake and went to Xuan.

"Hey you all are grown into handsome men", said Xuan and smiled.

"Not more than you", said Feng Lui. "Let's go to the great mountains and sit over there for sometime", said Feng Lui.

"Oh I can't. I've to go somewhere in the evening", said Xuan looking at them.

"Where? You've just returned", said Yang Dao.

"To the earth. I've to complete some task there", said Xuan and started walking around the lake.

Feng Lui, Yang Dao and Fei Ming Si also walked beside him.

"Why are you going there?", asked Fei Ming.

"Well to find someone. Father has given me one year time period and if I won't able to find him then I'll be punished", said Xuan and looked at him.

"Hahah.....you'll find him in a day", said Feng Lui and smiled.

"Hey if it's that easy then Lord Haya wouldn't have given him a year", said Fei Ming Si. Xuan stopped so they were. He turned towards the lake and said, "I will miss this place again....but I'm also excited to go to the earth. I've heard that it's quite interesting place there". Saying this he smiled and looked at his reflectiom in the lake water.

"Earth is interesting place to live if one has powers . I mean the powers of Feng and I were taken away before throwing us there", said Yang Dao.

"What do you mean?", asked Xuan and looked at them.

"That we've to live on earth without any powers", said Yang Dao.

"Xuan they are kidding", said Fei Ming Si. Feng Lui and Yang Dao started laughing loudly. Xuan hits them and in defending themselves Yang Dao and Feng Lui threw him in the lake. "Oh no", said Xuan and pulled them with him in the water. Fei Ming Si stepped aside preventing himself from the water.

The trio started playing in the water when Xuan's elder brother Lu Hao appeared there. The trio stopped playing. "Xuan Hao", said Lu Hao and gestured him to come out.

"Elder brother you didn't forget to get angry in two years", said Xuan and came out of the water smiling. "You've to leave for earth", said Lu Hao.

"So early", said Xuan and sighed.

"Why are you still a kid?", asked Lu.

"But I'm a warrior at the battle field. It's home that's why I act like this", said Xuan and hugged his elder brother tightly.

"Your making my clothes wet too", said Lu hugging him.

"It's fine. You can change later", said Xuan and in the next second they both disappeared from there.

"Elder brother took him", said Feng Lui.

"I also need that power", said Yang Dao and then looked at his clothes.

"Let's go to see him off", said Fei Ming Si and held their hands.

"Hey you know how to....". Yang Dao didn't even completed his words when they all in a blink of an eye reached the place from where demon can enter the human world.