The Earth Realm

At the interface of human- demon portal Lord Haya is waiting for his youngest son Xuan Hao along with some other demon Lords of different regions of their world.

"Young master will find your son. There's nothing that can be hidden from him", said Zao Joon who's the head of eastern territory of their kingdom. Others nodded with him while Lord Haya has kept a grim look on his face.

Fei Ming Si, Yang Dao and Feng Lui just reached there through power of teleportation of Fei Ming. They were listening to the conversation of the heads there when Xuan Hao came there along with his elder brother. His friends smiled seeing him. Xian came towards them and said, "I'm really excited. I mean all of you or should I say many of my age has gone to the earth at least once". The smile on Xuan's face clearly indicates that he's unaware of the things he will be going to face on earth.

"If you feel like you need help then call for me. I will come to help you", said Fei Ming.

"Hahaha....that won't happen. Just wait for you friend for a few days", said Xuan keeping his hands over his waist.

"Invincible young master can't be defeated", said Feng Lui and smiled. They were having talk when Lord Haya called for Xuan Hao. Xuan left from there and walked towards his father.

Haya looked at Xuan and said, "Xuan none of us know where is he. But in the earth realm maybe some of the demons who are on duty there can help you regarding him. Apart from that you'll sense demonic blood from the young man. Make sure to take him back within one year period else you'll be trapped there forever". Haya put emphasis on the last words while telling everything to Xuan.

"Father don't worry", said Xuan with a smile.

"Young master we know that you'll find the boy soon and that immortal drink too", said one of heads of their world. Everyone started cheering for him.

"Go now...", said Haya gesturing his son to enter the portal. Giyu bowed his head before Haya and went after his young master. Xuan before going saw his friends and then stepped inside the portal followed by Giyu.

As soon as they enter they were being thrown with the speed of light onto the earth. Xuan thought they would be killed but to his surprise nothing happened and they both fell on the ground of the earth world.

"Am I fine?", mumbled Xuan and immediately touched himself. Giyu came there and helped him in getting up.

"Young master are you hurt?", asked Giyu.

"No I don't feel pain...I'm fine", said Xuan looking at him. He looked around and found they were in a large field with no one around.

"What should we do now? You've been to the earth earlier", asked Xuan.

"Young master you have to use your powers and then we can walk out of here", said Giyu.

"Okay. Here hold my hand", said Xuan stretching his hand. Giyu quickly held his hand. Xuan tried to teleport but nothing happened.

"What happened young master?", asked Xuan.

"I'm not able to use my power....I mean nothing is happening", said Xuan looking at himself.

"Try again master", said Giyu with encouragement.

"Okay..". Xuan again tried but nothing happened. "What's wrong with my hand", mumbled Xuan looking at his hand.

"Master I think something has happened that's why your power ain't working", said Giyu.

"No this can't happen. If such sort of thing has to happen then father must have told me", said Xuan looking at Giyu. But then something stroke his mind. "Wait father didn't tell me because he knew that if he will tell me about this then I would never come here", said Xuan and looked at Giyu with angry face.

"Let's go", said Xuan and they started walking forward away from that field. The scorching heat made them sweat heavily. A few miles ahead they found a tree and sat under it. The cool air and shadow of tree made them asleep for sometime. Their sleep got broken when someone hits Xuan Hao at his shoulder and he opened his eyes.

An old woman wearing a plain white shirt with loose pants and a hat to cover her face from the heat. "Who are you? What's with your strange clothes?", asked the woman. By then Giyu's sleep too get broken.

Xian looked at his clothes and found that his clothes are indeed different from her. The clothes that woman is wearing us different from the clothes that her world's woman wear. No long robes, No long sleeves.

"Stay away from my young master. Why are you talking to him so rudely?", asked Giyu stepping forward. The old woman hit him on his shoulder with her stick and said, "Young master? There's no young master more thing talk to older people with respect". She started walking away when Xuan stopped her and asked, "where is this place?"

"It's outside the city. You've to take bus to reach tge city",said the woman and walked away.

"Young master something strange has happened to us. How will you find him now when you've no powers", said Giyu. Xian looked at him and then started walking. They reached the road when a strange looking thing came before him that frightened him.

"Master's a vehicle", said Giyu and pulled his arm. "Master that's a transporting vehicle. It's like horses in our world but has more speed than them".

"Then we can get into it and reach the city", said Xuan with a happy face.

"We can't. We don't have money", said Giyu and sighed.

"Don't be discouraged. I'm here", said Xuan Hao with a smile and started walking on the road. Gui ran after him and walked behind him.

They were walking on the roadside when a car stopped before them. They both looked at the car when the window get opened up. A girl in her 20s asked from them, "Is there a restaurant nearby?"

"What?", mumbled Xuan.

"Miss we're new to this place so we don't know", said Giyu. She looked at them. Xuan felt weird so he also looked at himself.

"Are you in some drama?", asked the girl.

"No we're from demon...", before Xuan could say Giyu interrupted him and said, "Yes we were acting as the side role". Xian looked at Giyu confusingly.

"Miss can I ask for a favour?", asked Giyu.

"Hm say", said the girl.

"Can you drop us to the city?", asked Giyu.

"What? No I can't", saying this the girl drove away. Xuan looked at the moving vehicle and then at Giyu. "Why didn't she help us?"

"Because here humans can't trust anyone easily", said Giyu.


In the demon world Fei Ming Si, Yang Dao and Feng Lui were in the great mountains flower valley.

"What do you think Xuan will be doing there?", asked Yang Dao looking at Fei Ming.

"He's lucky that he wasn't imposed with so many restrictions like us", said Feng Lui.

"But he's in more trouble", said Fei Ming crossing his arms. He plucked the white flowers and said, "His magic has been taken".

"What?", mumbled Feng Lui and Yang Dao in unison with shocked faces. "But then he won't be able to survive there", said Feng Lui.

"Actaully none of us can. But since he's more powerful, smart and intelligent than us that's why Lord Haya sent him for this mission. Angel Yaixi was here yesterday and because immortal drink is being taken from our world so angels have decided this.

"But then why didn't you tell Xuan Hao earlier?", asked Yang Dao and looked at him confusingly.

"Had I told her than he would've never agreed to go there and this can work has to be done only by him", said Fei Ming Si and looked at the flowers.

"That's why you told him that he should call you if he'll be in danger", said Feng Lui and looked at Fei Ming Si. He turned to them and said, "But he will never call me because it will hurt his ego" and smiled.

"Hey then you should go now instead for waiting for his call", said Yang Dao putting his hands on his waist.

"I can't until I'm called by the other demon. I'm willing to see how will he tackle the things there..... ", said Fei Ming Si and smiled looking at them.

"Brother Fei, brother Fei", called a girl and came running towards them. The trio turned towards the voice and found it was none other than Lim Jao.

"Oh no she must be here to ask about Xian", whispered Yang Dao. Fei Ming Si disappeared in the thin air leaving behind Feng Lui and Yang Dao. They both looked at each other and then ran away from there while Lim Jao was chasing then.