Why did you give your kiss?

Xuan in the early morning left with Giyu as Giyu told him that he had found suspicious activities near the area where Giyu is residing.

They climbed on a bus and left for that region. After travelling for three hours they reached there. It was an isolated building which has undergone some construction in the past.

"Giyu stay here. I'll check the things inside," said Xuan while looking towards the building.

"Master you don't have powers so how will you…...Let me come," said Giyu with a concerned look.

"But I can call Ming Si for help. Stay here, act like a normal human...I'll go there and check the things there," said Xuan and walked inside the gate. There was a board inside the gate hanging on a pole in which "Restricted Area" was written. But Xuan didn't see it and kept on walking towards the under constructed building.

Xuan saw there were some construction machines and equipment placed outside the building. He kept on walking and went inside, looking around himself. The building was constructed for two storey. After roaming on the first floor he walked upstairs.

"What's this smell?," mumbled Xuan and quickened his steps in the stairs. As he reached at the top he walked ahead to follow the scent. He then saw two people but they were standing with their backs towards Xuan. He hid behind the huge pillar and listened to their talks.

"You think finding about that man who's living with that demon bride is easy?," said one of them.

"Wen Sunli he might be her lover," said the other one.

"Chao Li, let's think about that later but first we have to catch that girl. Let's go to the place where she works," said Wen Sunli. Wen Sunli nodded and they both disappeared from there. Xuan came upfront and said, "I've to reach her place first, only then I can know what they are planning. I should call Fei Ming Si because that way I can reach there faster." Xuan called for him but Ming Si didn't appear.

"What happened? Why am I not able to call him?," murmured Xuan. He tried again and again but failed to call Ming Si. He rushed out of that building and went out of the gate.

"Young master, young master what happened? Did you find someone inside?," asked Giyu, looking inside the gate.

"I can't call Ming Si. Let's go to Mingmei's workplace. Those two demons went there," said Xuan and they left from there. "Why can't I call him? What wrong had happened?" thought Xuan in his mind. After two hours they reached there. They were walking in the lobby of the second floor when Yang Dao saw him. He went towards him.

"Xuan why are you sweating so much?," asked Yang. He took out his handkerchief from the pocket and started wiping his face.

"Where's Mingmei?," asked Xuan.

"She's working. There's shooting ongoing in the nearby place so we've to leave there in an hour. Come with me ," said Yang and took both of them with him in a room.

"Feng Lui is with her so don't worry. But what has happened that you came here?," asked Yang and handed them water.

"I found the men of that masked man. They said that they're coming here so I've to come here," said Xuan.

"You should've called me or Ming Si," said Yang Dao and sat on the chair opposite to them.

"I can't be able to call him. I tried a lot, even I tried calling you and Feng Lui but I failed," said Xuan and put the glass on the table in front of them.

"How is this possible?," asked Yang Dao with a confused look.

"I don't know. My powers. Is something wrong with my powers??," mumbled Xuan and looked at his hands.

"Who told you to kiss that girl?," asked Fei Ming Si and came inside the room. Yang Dao and Giyu looked at Xuan. Xuan got up from her chair and asked," What do you mean?"

"You know what do I mean," said Fei Ming Si and stood in front of me.

"Giyu, go to the third floor. You will find Feng Lui and Mingmei there. Be with them," said Yang Dao. Giyu nodded and walked away from there.

"Xuan I told you not to fall for her in any situation," said Ming Si angrily.

"Ming Si, I'm not into her. I did that because…," Ming Si cut Xuan's words and said, "you did this because that stupid human girl told you about her sad life and you get melted just by hearing that. You should've known that your such act will create trouble for you."

"How could I know? You told me vaguely. Had you explained it to me in a better way I wouldn't have done that. Tell me what should I do now?," asked Xuan.

"Just stay away from her," said Ming Si.

"How am I supposed to do that? You know they are after her," said Xuan.

"Let them take her. This way at least you can have that immortal drink. Complete your mission and return back to the demon world," said Fei Ming Si with a concerned look.

"Ming Si, I can't let them take her. They will kill her. What if we fail to reach there? I can't take such a risk," said Xuan.

"Then what will you do? Tell me. Xuan if you keep on involving with her then one of you will die," said Ming Si. Yang Dao and Xuan looked at him in shock.

"What has father told you? Why are you here?," asked Xuan with a serious look.

"To check on you. In any case I can't let you fall in love with her. It's the prophecy Xuan. I mean in future a time will come when one of you has to die," said Ming Si with a worried look.

"We can't assume things based on a mere prophecy," said Xuan.

"You won't listen to me?," asked Ming Si looking into Xuan's eyes.

"Ming Si, it won't happen. No one knows the future. I don't like that girl even a bit. The kiss, I gave her that kiss because she has to suffer because of me, because she is a demon's bride," said Xuan.

"Xuan I trust you but I don't trust destiny," said Ming Si. Yang Dao too stepped in their conversation. "Xuan, we never get against you but here your life is at stake so the thing Ming Si is mentioning must be taken into account. Let them take that human girl then we can follow them and act accordingly," said Yang Dao.

"Do you both trust me?," asked Xuan.

"Yes we trust you," said Ming Si.

"Let destiny flow in its own way. Now I've to take my demon form. Father has hidden many things from me but after meeting someone I'm getting the things. I know my friends and family want my safety but I can't turn my face away from the girl who is always kind to me. I'll find that masked man in my own way now," said Xuan with a smile.

"Xuan and if in future only one can be saved then I'll save you even if I've to kill that human girl," said Ming Si with a grim look.

"That day will never come," said Xuan with a smile.

"I hope so because even if you beg me to let her live I won't listen to you," said Ming Si. Yang Dao looked at Ming Si and then at Xuan with a worried look.

"You are saying things as if I will really beg you. That won't happen. That day will never come and I won't ever beg you to save a mere human," said Xuan with a smile.

"I want to hear this only," said Ming Si with a smile and then hugged Xuan tightly. Yang Dao too hugged Xuan and the trio shared a warm hug. After a few minutes they released each other. "Well there's the third day of my shoot today and I'm going to kiss my actress," said Fei Ming Si.

"Hey, you can't kiss," said Xuan.

"It's in the script. You've to follow me to the set...Let's go from here. Xuan today I'll show you my acting skills," said Fei Ming Si with a smile.

"Hey, I'll throw a slipper at you if you kiss her," said Xuan and locked Ming Si's head between his arms.

"Ahh….The day you threw the slipper at Mingmei's lover I laughed till my stomach hurts," said Yang Dao. "If you will hit Ming Si at the time of the shoot, it will be fun," said Yang Dao and smiled. Xuan locked Yang Dao's neck in his other arm.

"You were looking inside the house of Mingmei. It's bad to sneak into other people's houses," said Xuan and kept his grip tightened on them.

"We won't do this ever again, now release me," said Ming Si. Xuan released them. The trio laughed looking at each other.