Don't fall in love with your bride

Xuan Hao accompanied Mingmei in the evening to the home. They were standing on the bus stand waiting for the bus. A bus came to that terminal which was full of people. "Why is there so much crowd? Can't we travel by a car?," asked Xuan.

"No because I don't have that much money," said Mingmei and climbed on the bus along with many others.

"Climb up, hurry," said Mingmei. Xuan was pushed inside the bus by the people behind him. Mingmei held his hand tightly and they went further inside the bus.

"Ahhh my foot," said Xuan and glared at the man beside him.

"Let's get down. I can't be here. I'll die if I won't get down," said Xuan. Some people on the door side kept on pushing and because of this Xuan got close to Mingmei. He put his hands on his shoulder and they both looked at each other. "Sorry, people are giving a push," said Xuan. Mingmei smiled and said, "it's fine." They remained in that position for an hour when the rush was reduced. Mingmei found a seat for them and they both got seated there.

"Why are you saving money? We could've reached home by now if you had booked a taxi for us," said Xian looking at her.

"I've to buy a house for myself, then I've to buy some policies and also have some savings kept for myself," said Mingmei.

"That house is good too," said Xuan.

"I always wanted a big apartment. That house is of my elder brother. There are a lot of things humans have to worry about," said Mingmei and looked out of the window. Xuan looked at her and thought to do something for her but then he recalled Fei Ming Si's words to stay away from Mingmei.

"But it's not like I'm showing her my love. If there would be any human then I would've done the same thing. I think I should ask for some money from Ming Si and then in the demon world I'll return his money." Xuan was thinking about all these things when he felt Mingmei's head on his shoulder. He turned his face to her and saw she had fallen asleep.

"Hey human girl, wake up," said Xuan but she didn't wake up. "Let her sleep Xuan till we reach the home," murmured Xuan. He then fell to a deep thought. "What will happen to you once I'll disappear from this world. Will you be able to survive alone? Well you've done everything all by yourself but then you will miss me, I guess." Some hair came on Mingmei's face. Xuan carefully tucked them behind her hair when he happened to see a birthmark on her back neck. He looked at her and then tried to get a closer look at the mark when the bus got stopped with a geek which made Mingmei awake.

Xuan quickly turned his face away. Mingmei looked out of the window and said, "Why didn't you wake me up? Let's go, it's our stop." They got up and then got down off the bus. They were walking towards the house when Xuan asked from Mingmei about her birthmark.

Mingmei touched the back of her neck and said, "Ahhh this, I've had this since birth. But how did you find it?" Mingmei looked curiously at Xuan.

"Ahh, I've powers don't you know. I know about the things," said Xuan.

"Haha….But your powers are suspended for a while," said Mingmei. Xuan got irritated by her and started walking. Mingmei smiled and ran after him. "Do you wanna see my birthmark? I mean you can tell me how it looks," said Mingmei, looking at Xuan. He looked at her and then said, "Why would I look?"

"It's fine if you don't want to. I just got curious," said Mingmei and crossed her arms. "Her mark is identical to mine. I should check it once," thought Xuan in his mind. He looked at her and said, " if you want to then I can tell you."

"Eh..What?," mumbled Mingmei.

"Your mark," said Xuan with a raised brow. Mingmei nodded. They reached the house and got inside. Mingmei turned her back to Xuan and said, "take a quick look and tell me." Xuan nodded to her. He put aside her hair and then looked at her birthmark. "It's like mine. But why?" He then touched at the mark and it started glowing. Seeing this he immediately took back his hand and stepped back.

"Have you done watching?," asked Mingmei. Xuan said a yes and she turned to him. "What does it look like?," asked Mingmei with her glowing eyes.

"It's just a normal mark. Small black mark," lied Xuan. Mingmei smiled hearing this. "Let's have dinner. I've purchased dinner for us," said Mingmei and put her sling bag on the sofa. She walked towards the kitchen with the poly bag.

Xian went inside the washroom and immediately opened his shirt. He looked at his shoulder in the mirror and touched the mark. "Why are our marks identical? Why is she my bride out of all the demons out there?," mumbled Xuan. After awhile he came out of the washroom washing his face and went towards the dining table. Mingmei was already freshened up. He looked at the dinner and smiled. They both started eating dinner while talking with each other.

"Xuan, I won't be here for two days. The shooting is taking place in the Forbidden city so as a staff I have to also go," said Mingmei while eating the fried fish from the plate.

"I will also come," said Xuan.

"How can you come? I mean it's only for the staff," said Mingmei.

"I'll ask Fei Ming Si to take me there," said Xuan with a smile. Mingmei looked at him and said, "Yes, you can do that. Btw tomorrow there will be some kissing scenes between the lead actor and actress so don't throw some stupid thing on them."

"Hey, I won't do that. That day you both were almost….," Xuan stopped saying further. "Let's not talk about that thing," said Xuan and continued eating. After eating, Xuan went to his room and closed the door. He looked at his pendant and then thought to gain his true form but he wasn't able to get the demonic form.

"Why is this not working?," murmured Xuan and looked at the pendant. He called Fei Ming Si but then recalled he can't either call him. "Why on earth I kissed her?," mumbled Xuan and hit with his right knuckles on the wall. "Her mark, my powers, the immortal drink, everything is making me crazy," murmured Xuan and then sat on his bed.

"Wait, I can call Angel Bingbing," mumbled Xuan and called his name. But he didn't appear there. "No, this can't be true. I can't even call him," said Xuan and held his head when the room became lit.

"Young master you called me," said Bingbing. Xuan immediately got up seeing Bingbing. "I'm happy that I can call you actually," said Xuan and smiled.

"What happened?," asked Bingbing.

"Well I'm stuck in a big problem. My powers they're already suspended, then I can't call any demon and today I saw a similar Mark on Mingmei's back neck," said Xuan with a worried look.

Bingbing sat on the bed there. "Young master your destiny is playing its role. I can't tell you exactly what will happen but I can tell you a few things. Actually you should've picked that day the immortal drink first rather than saving the human girl so you've lost your chance. You won't be able to call any demon till you get back your powers which is possible only if you get the immortal drink. Moreover, you've kissed your bride so another way to get back your powers is when you'll fall in love with her.

The mark on her neck is because she's your bride. That's her fate."

"Why would I fall for a human? What if only she will fall for me? Can't this work?," asked Xuan.

Bingbing shook her head in refusal and said, "even if she will fall in love with you there's no way you get back your powers. Find the immortal drink so that you can return back."

Xuan looked at Bingbing with an irritated look and said, "haha I'll find the drink rather than playing with her."

"It has been a month still you can't be able to find the masked man," said Bingbing with a smile. "Without powers I can't find him," said Xuan.

"You're the invincible young master. Your name is famous in Angel world too. I would love to help you if you want," said Bingbing. Xuan looked at him and then said, "Thanks Angel. Now I know what I've to do. I'll find that man within two weeks because he has made me suffer a lot and I won't spare him."