
Four horses stood in front of them and she could tell Jay was physically restraining himself from running over to them to pet them. Horses were his favourite.

Sitting on top of those horses were four buff guys. They were wearing a red tunic, black dress pants, and those ridiculous bearskin caps. She would have laughed had it not been for the shotgun they were carrying. Even after they stopped, their posture was so stiff it felt as if they had been tied to a stick.

The guy on the brown horse spoke, "Mary, Princess Royal. Prince Edward." the four guards bowed and they nodded at them. "May we ask, what brings you out here? The funeral procession is to be started in a couple of hours."


Oh, gods.

She looked at the Windsor castle in the distance and blinked a couple of times in the hope that the view would change. Nothing happened. Isobel gripped Jayden's arm so tight he almost winced. She didn't need the memories to know who she was.

Princess royal.

Windsor castle.

Funeral procession.

She mentally groaned. The day has gone from bad to worse. Her dad had been from Windsor and was proud of it. She had heard the stories of Windsor castle a few too many times.

She was Princess Mary. Standing next to her was her brother prince Edward VIII, the future Duke of Windsor. According to her age, she was here to attend her grandfather's funeral. Fantastic. This meant she was in 1910. Just what she needed in her life.

"We both needed a bit of time away from grieving," she answered. They nodded and hung their head in respect to her dead grandfather. King Edward VII. The guard sent two ahead for patrolling and the two guards stayed ahead for escorting the children of the royal family.

As much as history interested her, it didn't mean she wanted to be in Mary's body. Especially not when she lived in Windsor Castle, known as House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1910, is the place where Mary's father, King George V dies.

The thought of it made her sick. She didn't want to go in there. After her father's death, she was a bit panicky at the thought of attending funerals. Not only was being she made to do that but also she was also going in somewhere, where someone close to the body she was residing in, dies.

"Let's open the mind link for safety sake," Jayden whispered from her side. She nodded in agreement. Quickly she ordered Alex to connect them.

'Okay, so you, apparently, have some idea what's going on. Wanna share?'

Isobel sighed. She wished that she didn't have an idea about what was happening.

'We are in 1910. Attending our grandfather's funeral in Windsor castle where years later our father dies.'

Jayden masks his surprise with a cough. Isobel realised she could have worded herself a bit better, but the truth is the truth.

'Damn, going all out are we now, Izzy?' Jayden asked and Isobel grinned. She knew she was a bit too blunt but… whatever.

'What could possibly about a dead guy's funeral set off the end of the world.'

Isobel grunted. Anything. That was the problem. Time was flexible. A bit too flexible for her liking. It just flowed. The smallest thing could change the flow and lead them to destruction. Nothing is insignificant in the world. Even the ant that was crushed under someone's shoes and wasn't supposed to be can set off a chain reaction. A very deadly chain reaction.

'I don't know Jay. That's why we are here. We need to find out exactly what sets it off and stop it from happening,' she answered. 'If we can.' she added as an afterthought.

Jayden pressed his lips in a thin line. He knew that but being told again it felt more real. He didn't want anything to be real. Alas, they didn't live in a fantasy world. He wouldn't mind if they did though.

'Who the hell is our grandfather anyway?'

'King Edward VII. The late king of England.' she said.

¿Qué? This knocked the breath out of Jayden. He was no royal. He most of the time sat on the couch upside-down. Throwing his legs over the headrest.

'You can't be serious.'

'Oh, I am. Our dad is the king right now, well, actually he will be soon. You become the duke of this place, Windsor, in the future. Our brother George VI becomes the future king. You also become a king but you leave it for your mistress.' she informed him.

Isobel knew exactly what the information was doing to Jayden and she was thoroughly enjoying it. What else can compete with giving your friends existential crises?

Nothing, she says.

She mentally smirked at her handiwork.

Jayden thought he was going to stop working any moment now. Soon it would be jayden.exe has stopped working. In his defence, it's not every day you go in a parallel universe, land up in the past and get informed that you are royal. Jayden was tempted to pluck a few hair strands and pawn them in England. It would be good money. But of course, he didn't do it. He wasn't that far gone.

He was nearly there though.

'Can you not do that?'

'Do what?' Isobel asked innocently.

'Make me want to throw myself off a cliff!' he said, mentally yelling.

Isobel just gave him a cheeky grin that made him roll his eyes. She could be a right bitch when she wanted to be.

They finally reached the castle. It was huge and luxurious and screamed of money and royalty. The two guards who were behind them inclined their heads in a bow and Jayden dismissed them. They reached the back door and Isobel tightened her grip on Jayden's arms again. There was a funeral going in there. There was a dead body lying in there in a coffin just like her father did years ago.

Jayden could feel Isobel gripping his arm tightly. Her hands were shaking as she was holding onto him. Jayden gave her a concerned glance and taking in a deep breath she nodded.

They have to do it.

Jayden reached out to open the gigantic gate but it flew open without him even touching. On the other side stood a slightly plum, tanned woman. She glared at both of them.

"In you go dears, before someone other than your brother and I to realizes of your absence," she said in a stern voice. They both nodded and entered the gates. She just huffed after them.

[Required position reached. Initiating memory and skill transferring program.]

[Status: Completed.]

And with those words, their entire lives flashed in front of their eyes making them both stumble backwards.