Funeral and History

The crimson drawing-room was well… crimson.

Let it not be said that she didn't describe.

Isobel Ferguson, queen of descriptions. You're welcome.

So, going back to the topic. The crimson drawing-room was crimson. It was dominated by the ornate gilded ceiling and large bow window. The windows boasted spectacular views across the Berkshire countryside The floor was covered in various carpets laid over the original parquet wooden floor. It contains many pieces of furniture, including matching settees and chairs, covered in striped silk velvet material. The same pattern was on the wall hangings. In the foreground were a fine circular table and a grand piano in the window. Portraits lined the walls and a beautiful chandelier was hanging from the ceiling.

Now, this was descriptive enough.

It was sad that the poor thing gets burned in the future.

Oh well. But they do raise it even more beautiful when they remake it. Or maybe it was the shine of being more new than anything else.

She looked around and everyone was looking at Jayden and her. Well, it was Mary and David to them. After seeing who entered they all turned back.

In the corner was a photograph being taken. A historical moment was being captured right in front of her eyes and she could barely contain herself.

She nudged Jayden and pointed towards the group in the corner.

"I mean the third from the left one is alright and I guess the last dude is fine as well. Not my type but I guess I can do them. One at a time or both?" He asked.



Jayden then turns and looks at a man sitting in the chair near the window. He had his side hair buzzed and He was drinking wine. "Now, that's more my type." He said, pointing at the guy.

"Oh my god, Jay! No. No that's not what I was talking about!" She said, shaking her head furiously.

"Oh." He said. "Then what? He is kinda hot though. The woman next to him is also cute."

"I was pointing out at the history being made. The photo you see is one of the rare things in history. That's a photo of nine kings together." She gushed.

Jayden raised an eyebrow. He didn't really see the point of being so excited. 'Maybe she gets off on it.' He thought. He wasn't going to kink shame, anyone. Everyone had their own preferences and apparently, Isobel's was royals. But she was British so it made sense.

Blighty's are all about the Queen.

"The person you pointed at is Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia. He doesn't look very good in the future, you know." She said, eyeing the man that Jayden said was his type.

Jayden didn't know that.

"Let me tell you about the one in the photo. Standing, from left to right is King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians, King Manuel II of Portugal and the Algarve, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia, King George I of the Hellenes and King Albert I of the Belgians.

Seated, from left to right is King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom and King Frederick VIII of Denmark." She finished with pride and a smug grin.

Jayden just stared at her blankly. 'What the actual fuck?', the whole thing came through one ear and went out of the other.

"Even though I know their names it still isn't sticking, you know," Jayden said wryly and it was true. He knew the names because of David, making him feel utterly stupid and he also knew that it wasn't Mary's knowledge. Isobel knew the names by heart.

Isobel promptly ignored him. "You know everyone in the picture is actually related one way or another. Can you believe that? Let me tell you how you s-"

"NO!" Jayden yelled. Everyone turned towards them and they gave them a nervous smile. "You will not tell me anything." He hissed. "We will complete this mission and go back. So history freak, Tell me have you felt something wrong yet?"

She huffed and shook her head. Honestly, she was just explaining. Then she paused. Well, maybe she was getting a bit annoying but- nevermind. She was being a lot annoying. She let it slide. Just because she liked history didn't mean everyone did.

Jayden gave Isobel a sad smile. He knew she was probably guilt-tripping herself. It was strange how quickly Isobel could go from an annoying witch to a kicked puppy making the person who yelled at her feel like they committed a big crime. He hugged her, "Let's just focus yeah?" He whispered and she nodded.

They spent hours walking around and mingling up just to see if anything or anyone felt out of place but they were out of luck. Things were boring, yes, but nothing that screamed wrong.

Finally, they were called into the chapel. Saint George's Chapel to be exact. Isobel's nerves were skyrocketing now but she was glad for Mary's training that nothing showed on her face.

The chapel was beautiful. High ceilings and beautiful art. The chapel was built in high-medieval Gothic style. The banners and decorations adorned it. It was truly a place right for their grandfather. A peacemaker.

The ceremony started. "Who in the Realm to-day lays down dear life for the sake of a land more dear? And, unconcerned for his own estate, toils till the last grudged sands have run?

For to him above all was Life good, above all he commanded

Her abundance full-handed…" she zoned out. She was having a feeling as if something was going to happen. She just didn't know what or when exactly.

She didn't understand what was happening but she was trying to. She looked forward. "God gave him great works to fulfil, and to us the behoof of them…" well nothing interesting here. She nudged Jayden and asked him to keep his eyes and ears open. He nodded. He was feeling the same thing. He just couldn't point it out.

It was another half an hour until she saw her 5-year-old brother get up from his chair and move towards the aisle. She gave him a look asking where he was going and he mouthed 'washroom' at her.

She nodded and he made his way out. She furrowed her eyebrows. Nobody in the UK says washroom, especially not at this time. She was tempted to follow John but she stayed seated. She didn't want to miss if something was to gro wrong now. She then thought that maybe something could go wrong with John. She discarded that thought. There was a lot of staff around the castle they could manage if something were to go wrong.

"...All that Kings covet was his, and he flung it aside for us. Simply as any that die in his service, he died for us!..." With that, it ended and everyone was told to file out for the carriages awaiting them. She walked but halfway through she realised someone was missing.

"Where is John?" She asked. When she was met with silence and everyone looking near them. She looked around frantically. This felt so wrong. She should have followed him. She asked louder, "Where is my brother!?"


No one answered her as everyone stood silent.

No one knew where he was.

Isobel's face paled with shock and fear.