Here We Go Again


"You know what I think," Jayden started and everyone at the table turned towards the boy who was too busy to speak because he was stealing Isobel's fries. Stupid, nobody stole her fries.

"I think I'll make a very good Elsa."

The whole cafeteria came to a hush. Everyone was looking at the boy who said it.

A voice from a few tables away spoke.


"Damn right he will!" the boy spoke. "Watch him 'let it go'."

Jayden burst out into laughter and so did the whole room. "Oh man, I like you," Jayden said. Surprise surprise who was the boy in question you'd ask. It was the Asian dude, Tamaki Hisahsi, Japanese Isobel believed and he was Ansel's best friend.

"Oi! Come over to this table you lot," Jayden said and everyone made space for five newcomers. They all grabbed their trays. That was the moment Isobel realised that if they all came over then so would Ansel.

Ah, life hated her.

She was sure the gods were sitting there with salted caramel popcorn and laughing at her blunders as she made one after another. Isobel wasn't sure what she was to do. She just hoped nothing like last time happened.

"Introduce yourself, good sir," Jayden said and Tamaki grinned.

"Tamaki Hisashi," he said. "You are the new kid."

"Jayden Denton at your service,'' he said, bowing a little.

Isobel noticed that Jayden had that glint in his eyes. With a jolt, she realised he was planning something.

'What are you planning, Jay,'

Jayden fake gasped in his head. 'What are you talking about, I would never.'

Isobel wanted to laugh at how fake Jayden was sounding but she didn't. She knew whatever he was planning on doing can get her in trouble as well.

'Spill.' she ordered and Jayden turned towards her and grinned this made her feel more uneasy than before. Dammit, he was going to get her killed. Everyone at the table looked at them weirdly as they continued to have their silent conversation.

"What's your name?" Jayden asked the boy next to Tamaki.

"Ansel," he answered.

"Ansel, swap seats with me. I wanna sit next to Tamaki. My true love." Jayden said with a dramatic tone.

Isobel's head shot up, no no no no no no no no! NO! Absolutely not.

Isobel caught up on what he was doing and she was going to kill Jayden. Slowly and painfully. She hadn't talked to Ansel since that incident happened and was avoiding the boy like plague itself. The mission had taken so much time her mother had almost gone to the police because Isobel wasn't home and when she landed on the porch well she got a big ass lecture. She had lied she was with Ambre, the only friend whose number her mother didn't have and she finally calmed down.

And now this is happening. Truly the day has gone from bad to worse.

'You wouldn't dare, Jay.'

'Oh, but I would. This is for your own good.'

"Sure man," Ansel said, getting up. Jayden shot him a grin and stood up as well. Isobel was grasping upon her last strings of self-restraint to not kill Jayden at the spot. Maybe it was a good thing. Isobel thought, Maybe after this she can clear her last situation

Just as Jayden was going to take a step, the taste of blood filled their mouth. Isobel wasn't sure she should be grateful or she should burst into tears. But she was sure about one thing, that was that she should get out of here before they vanished into thin air in front of her friends.

Jayden turned to Isobel with wide eyes, the look was well returned. He quickly grabbed her wrist and they both ran out of there fast. Dashing through the cafeteria, where their friends were looking at them with wide eyes as they ran into the closest janitor closet.

The moment they entered they felt the same stretching feeling. All Isobel could think of was how it happened again when Ansel was there.

Both Isobel and Jayden landed in a sprawled position on the floor tangled together. Ry was there to guide them today because he was concerned about their situation. Both had left extremely broken and if they weren't alright he wasn't going to let Alasdair send them off. Alasdair could find someone else but he was not going to let him take those.

Looking at them he raised an eyebrow. "Were the two of you holding each other while you were teleporting?" he asked. This only happened when they were in contact. The system was confused and instead of pulling them one at a time it does both and once into one place and then... That happens.

Jayden grunted and Ry took that as a yes.

Isobel quickly got to her feet and looked at Jayden as if he was the dirt on her shoes. "The next time you pull something like this up with Ansel, I'm gonna chop off your dick and shove it down your throat and chop off your balls and shove it up your bloody arse." Ry winced at the statement and Jay grinned.

Ry was confused as to praise him for his commendable bravery or pity him for his despicable stupidity. But to save himself he quickly shifted his gender to save himself and his privates if he got caught up in a crossfire.

Ry quickly cleared her throat. Both Jayden and Isobel turned to look at her and she smiled. "I was going to guide you to the tube room today. But first, I want to know if both of you are okay and recovered."

Isobel and Jayden both nodded. The oncoming death of John had hit them hard, Jayden more than Isobel but they had come to grasps with it."

Ry sighed in relief. It was a good thing. She motioned for them to follow her and they quickly got to their feet.

Walking around the hallways they got to the tube room. The most important room of the ship.

There was Alasdair already waiting for them. He quickly raised his eyebrows in a silent question and received a nod. His posture relaxed a bit. He gave both Isobel and Jayden a small smile and they were returned.

Both of them quickly walked into the tubes awaiting them and got inside.

"Show me around the town tomorrow, would ya?" Jayden asked Isobel.

"Fuck off."

With that, they both vanished and traversed into the unknown world with the same squeezing and stretching feeling.

"What's up with them this time?" Alasdair asked.

"No idea," Ry said, shrugging her shoulders. "You might want to watch yourself in front of that fiery redhead. I heard her giving a descriptive threat to Jayden about his dick."

Alasdair's eyes widened and he quickly followed after Ry, asking her what she meant.