
With the same stretching and squeezing feeling added with just a tad bit of feeling infinite, Jayden and Isobel landed again in a different universe. The moment they landed, Jayden almost hurled down but Isobel pulled him backwards. Jayden let out a shaky breath and stood up again. His legs were shaking.

They looked at each other, they didn't look very weird. Well, at least they weren't wearing very weird clothes. Both of them were brunettes. Jay had a man bun while her hair was buzzed at one side and the other side was long.

Jayden and she, both were wearing a pair of jeans with a sap green jacket for Jayden and a brown coat for Isobel. He was wearing a pair of old skool vans while she was wearing a knee-length boots

Both Isobel and Jayden peered down at ant-like people and cars. Everything was so small. They could barely make anything out.

"Is that you? The mark?" Isobel asked.

Jayden quickly unzipped his jacked pulled his t-shirt off his shoulder showing his mark. Isobel did the same.

Suddenly something zoomed past them making both of them fall on their asses. Groaning they stood up and saw what it was. In the distance, there was a car… flying. There was a flying car. Isobel's head spun with the possibilities to understand what was happening but she was coming short.

There was a flying car.

In the sky.

A car flying in the sky.

Isobel's head was going round and round trying to compute what the hell was going on. They couldn't have been too far in the future. Alasdair had said that mostly the travels were to the past or sometimes in present. Call her what you want but she was pretty sure this wasn't past, they don't have any flying cars.

Isobel turned to Jayden to say something but she noticed the boy was deathly pale and shaking a bit. His eyes were darting around.

"Jay, are you alright?" she asked, concern shining in her voice.

"Yeah." he said, "I'm just slightly afraid of heights. It's not a phobia or something. It's just that we are more than a thousand foot above the ground level."

"Let's get inside. I'm freezing and the winds are too strong," she said guiding jay inside.

"You know where we are?" Isobel asked.

"Looks like Willis tower. We were here a few years ago on a trip." Jayden answered. Now inside he didn't hell like he was going to fall to his death. "There were these two huge antennae behind us when we landed."

"Let me confirm," she said nodding her head. They both started Alex and Eli.

[Good morning host, welcome to your second mission]

'Alex where are we?'

[you are on top of the Willis tower, in chicago]

"Well, you are right jay." Jayden smiled at her.

'What time is it?'

[It's 2020. Date month and time is for the host to find out. Identity and memory to be revealed then.]

Well, not much they got.

"Let's get down on the ground."

"Absolutely! Jayden said. Quickly climbing down the stairs they reached the shiny doors of the lift. Once inside they pressed the button for the ground floor. Within a minute they were on the ground floor. They could feel the pressure change as they descended. Yeah, it was that fast.

"Woah that was quick," Isobel said. Pulling and shaking her ears which were now hearing everything like she was underwater. Everything was muffled. One look at Jay who looked like he was slapping his ears told her that he was feeling the same.

"Alright, so we need to know the date. You sure you've checked you have no phone?"

"I told you a gazillion times. I don't have anything on me. Hundred American dollars in my pocket, weird colours, they look like they have been printed on plastic instead of paper, anyway, that's it. No identity proof." Jayden said. Isobel sighed they were meeting dead ends.

"Let's look for a newspaper stall or something. Once we know the date maybe the system will at least tell us our names."

"Why can't we just ask someone?" Jayden said.

"Because what if we are someone who should not be drawing attention to themselves. We could get in trouble Jay." Isobel said. Even though the chances of that were really less she still didn't want to take any chances. Fates have a way of laughing at her.

"And where the hell do you think we'll get that?"

True that. Isobel thought. There were high tech cars on the road and even above her. There were some people in the weird wheeled capsule-like thing and they were going around. She didn't know what they were to do.

"You got some ideas, Jay? Cause some ideas will be really good," Isobel asked, looking around. Everyone and everything was moving so fast she was probably going to get a migraine. The roads, she didn't notice before, were pristine white. With grey steel running over it. That was also the time she noticed that the car didn't have wheels. Or drivers.


How were they supposed to look for something wrong when it already looked like everything was wrong. At least in the last mission, they had an idea about what was happening, this was just too weird and different. They didn't know what was what here. The only pleasant news they had was that they spoke English because the dollars had English written on it.

Looking down at herself and Jayden again and then looking at her surrounding she realized they looked like peasants. Royal to plebian real quick. Jayden caught her drift. He looked down at himself and then the man passing them in a weird capsule. "Oh man, life is so not fair."

"You tell me about it buddy," she said, sighing. Turns out they were attracting attention looking like a bunch of people from a different era standing on the gates of Willis tower. She quickly pulled Jay along with her to an alley.

"How are we even going to travel around Izzy?" Jayden asked. And gestured at himself and her. 'Looking like this' was not added but understood. They had no mode of transport and they looked weird in here.

Isobel sighed and looked Jayden in the eye.

She spoke with conviction.

"We are going to steal."