"I can't believe you got me to steal!" Isobel hissed at Jayden

"I got you to steal? You stole! And where the hell did you learn to pick a lock like that?'' Jayden hissed back, making her growl. She didn't deem him important enough to warrant him a response. She huffed and stalked forward, making Jayden gape at her.

"You'd think with all this advancement they'd have a better security system," Jayden said absently.

"They thought what is someone going to steal from a laundromat and just left it with a lock," Isobel said. "Well how wrong were they," she said, smirking, making Jayden laugh.

"Now what do we do for a ride?" Jayden asked.

Isobel stood on the edge of the road. She put her fingers to her mouth and whistled and held her arm out. Nothing happened.

"Well it was worth a try," she said, making the brunette roll his eyes.

They walked down the path. Looking around to see where they can go. They stopped in front of a shop. 'DeciBel Audio Inc.' it read.

"C'mon let's buy the cheapest pair of earphones,'' Jayden said. Isobel followed.

They went into the shop and there was a robot. It was so sweet. It was small and looked like an egg. It had small crab pincer-like hands.

"Okay. so Robo-" Jayden cut himself off. It had a sticker.

'Hi! I am Fiber.'

Isobel was going to gush and coo about how cute Fiber was but Jayden spoke. "Okay. Fiber can you show us a pair of the cheapest earphones." Fiber nodded and led them to an aisle. The earphones were small. They were very small. In fact, she took a good look at it and it looked like a netted sticker with a diameter of half a centimetre. It had instructions on the back. It was to be put on the eustachian tube that was under the eyes and on the cheekbone. She gave Jayden an incredulous look and showed him the instructions.

"We have Stiel, the cheapest. And it is on discount today." Fiber said.

Isobel smiled at the cute robot. It was so sweet. Jayden looked at the robot suspiciously, "How much is it?" he asked.


Isobel's smile immediately slipped and Jayden almost choked on his spit and went into a coughing fit.

"We asked for the cheapest," Isobel said slowly as if Fiber won't understand if she said it even a bit faster.

"I heard you the first time. this is the cheapest you will get in Chicago," it said in a matter of fact way.

'Well, they were going to starve in Chicago.' Jayden thought.

"Wait, you said not to ask a person. We can ask a robot, yeah?" Jayden asked Isobel hopefully.

Isobel for a moment was confused as to what Jayden was referring to but then realized. Date. Yes, they needed to know the time and date. The only reason they were getting a bill.

"I'm not entirely sure. I have a bad feeling about asking anyone about date and time but we can try. I don't know, Jay." Isobel said, running a hand down her face.

"Well, Fiber can you tell me the date and time," Jayden asked.

"It's 15:24. January 12th, 2020."

At the ending of the words both Jayden and Isobel experienced the onslaught of memories. It hit them like a truck.

[Required data procured. Initiating memory and skill transferring program.]

[Status: Completed.]

Isobel was Tahlia Irwin. A girl from Manhattan. Jayden was Arzen Pllana, an Albanian gymnast. Both were a part of the group called Reminiscing. They all travelled around the world performing acts to remind people where they came from. To remind people of their history. She experienced thousands of events around the world. Their life was nice, it was without any worries. Today they had an event in the Willis Tower and were dressed like people from the '50s. The group was to meet the mayor of Chicago for dinner today.

Both gasped the moment the attack of memories ended. Well, at least they were going alright.

"Intruder alert! Presence of two systems but no physical proof." Fiber said. The sirens all around the building went off. Jayden and Isobel quickly made a run for it. They were being chased by Fiber. The robot was not looking cute to Isobel any more.

The moment they ran out of the store with Fiber hot on trails was the moment the shutters of the shop snapped shut with such force that Isobel almost stumbled. If they were under they wouldn't even have bones one could identify.

Isobel and Jayden were running in the city dodging capsules. Never did Isobel think she'd think of such a ridiculous-sounding sentence. It was the most terrifying experience though. Running, they reached the older part of the city. Jayden saw a fire exit and he thanked all the gods above for Arzen's father who pushed him to do gymnastics. He had one more burst of energy for his burning calves with which he picked up more speed. He quickly put a leg on the wall and jumped on the platform which was too high for them to reach. He put a hand down for Isobel who jumped with all her might and grabbed it. Jayden quickly pulled her up.

Once Isobel was on the platform as well they pushed themselves to run even more. They climbed it up quickly and on the fifth level, Jayden decided to use the dead plant pot to break the window. 'Who the hell keeps a plant on the fire exit?' But Jayden had more pressing matters to tend to. He quickly threw the pot and broke the window. Isobel quickly used the weird jacket of her stolen clothes to clear the glass shards around the hole and they both went in the small window landing inside the apartment.

Jayden looked down and Fiber was still circling around the fire exit that they just climbed. Isobel picked up the half-broken pot and threw it at Fiber. When the pot hit the robot on it's supposed to be head it fell on the ground seizing all of its motion.

Both Isobel and Jayden walked in a few steps inside the room away from the glass and slump against a wall. Both were gasping for air they didn't receive while running and wincing at the pain in their legs as a result of wild chase around the city.

"Maybe we should have paid $1,200. I told you I didn't have a nice feeling about asking someone about the time."