Cat’s Eyes.

As they reached Willis tower, Jayden quickly pressed the open button and got out of the baby pink capsule making it vapourize after him. Isobel followed slowly after him, still laughing. She has been doing it all the journey much to Jayden's dismay. Oh, the guy was considering throwing her off the building roof.

They high-tailed in and got into the elevator. Within a minute they were on the 99th floor. Their ears were not liking the abuse the elevator was putting them through.

On the floor, her group was packing up. Ready to go on a dinner that was organized in the mayor's house. "Where the hell were you both, a smoke doesn't take hours.?'' Abraham, a brown-skinned member of their group asked.

"We were-" Jayden trailed off.

"Having a walk." Isobel completed smiling.

Lucas rolled his eyes at both of them, "C'mon Az and Ty, grab your stuff we are going to the Lightfoots. I don't really want to keep the mayor waiting. Going down. Join us in the van.'' Lucas said, running away.

Isobel and Jayden both made a beeline to their stuff and praised both Tahlia and Arzen who thought it would be a good idea to pack before they left. They grabbed their stuff. Looking around once again to see if they were missing anything or not and rushed to the lift. Well, they can't help it. Their ears were going to bear one more abuse.

Walking out there was a black van hovering over the ground. Isobel and Jayden both sat in the last seats available at the very end.

The car zoomed and Isobel enjoyed the view. There was something about going to these different worlds. It was sort of freeing. Looking at the view around her showed her how different they were and how lucky they were to experience something this beautiful.

The Willis tower looked like a toy building from a distance. What used to be the tallest building is now nothing compared to those which stand three times taller. The orangish tone of the darkening sky casting shadows was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. The buildings were multicolour of green, blue and orange. The sight made her feel at ease.

The journey ended for her way too quickly. They had reached the mayor's house on Wrightwood avenue.

From the outside, the house looked very elegant, Isobel noted. It was simply breathtaking. It was built with tan stones and had tan brick decorations. Tall, wide windows added to the overall look of the house and had been added to the house in a very asymmetric way.

The building was shaped like a circle. The house was fully surrounded by wooden sunscreen structures.

The second floor was the same size as the first, but part of it hung over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other.

The house itself was surrounded by grass, a huge tree in the centre and bushes on the borders of the plot.

They went inside. The interior was luxurious. Everything was aesthetically pleasing with monotone yellow and brown shades. The beauty of the house was so attention-catching that she forgot where she was. She was dragged out of her thoughts by the mayor herself.

Standing in front of them was a short dark-skinned woman with short salt and pepper hair. She was wearing a black suit with a white top underneath. The pearl necklace in her neck was shining under the soft glow of the chandelier above them. She was welcoming them.

Lori lightfoot. The mayor of Chicago.

Behind her was a tall woman standing, she was fair and had a pixie cut. The woman was Amy Eshleman, Lori's wife.

Both of them welcomed them to the living room. They all went in and sat on the couches with their drinks. Tahlia loved pop, so that is what she was having. Tahlia better treats her like a god even though she won't remember much of it.

Over some time, Lori's daughter and son joined them as well. But there was a slight problem. Lori didn't have a son. In their world as well as in this world— if Tahlia's memory was to go by something— Lori didn't have a son. Of course, only Isobel and Jayden were confused. It felt like someone has suddenly put the fact of Lori's son in everyone's head as nobody seemed to mind.

Also along with the presence of a son who shouldn't be here, there was the feeling that just screamed wrong right now.

"-there was an intrusion on Milwaukee Avenue today afternoon. Everyone is losing their mind over it." Lori said sighing and taking a sip from her bottle.

"Why is everyone losing their mind over it?" Abraham asked.

"Well, the two people who were running out only had a lens glare in every camera. Not to mention they killed the robot. I mean I've been in the shop. Fibre was a little thing. People didn't get a good look either. We have no idea who they are." Lori told him, sadness shining in her voice. Amy wrapped her hand around her shoulder.

''Poor little thing' she said. That blasted thing made us run all the way across the city.' Isobel complained angrily to Jayden.

"Those people were just heartless." Abraham sympathized with her.

'Excuse you. I had to travel in a baby pink capsule sitting on a bright yellow flower that put pressure on things it shouldn't have. You're heartless!' Jayden snapped in her head.

Isobel was glad that they were good actors or she would've been rolling on the floor right now.

"The glare you mentioned. Why was there a glare?" Lucas asked. Curiosity getting the best of him.

"The clothes they were wearing seemed to be on the concept of tapetum lucidum. It's a sh-" Lori was cut off.

"Shining layer. On cat's eyes." Isobel completed.

'Oh for fuck's sake Izzy. Can you ever be quiet?'

'I'm sorry! I couldn't help it.'

Lori smiled at her. "Exactly."

"C'mon let's have dinner," Amy said smiling at them

Isobel lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She was glad that no one realized that she was the part of those two. In fact, she was the robot killer. But the main problem wasn't that. There was something way more troubling than a stupid robot.

Sorry fibre.

'Bitch how are we going to eliminate a son who shouldn't be there.' Jayde asked.

Isobel sighed. This mission was already too messed up and she didn't have any idea how they were going to deal with it.

Right now, dinner.