
The dinner was a pleasant experience for everyone other than Jayden and Isobel. They had a tough time mingling up considering they were 'murderers' and were considering eliminating Lori's son.

This doesn't exactly scream a good company or fun times.

After dinner, the whole group went to the hotel to sleep. They were going to enjoy a week in Chicago and then get to their next destination. Jayden and Isobel took the rooms adjacent to each other. Once everyone had retired to bed, Jayden opened the door connecting both rooms.

Isobel was wearing a hole in the rug with all the pacing. The son, as Lori introduced, was Deandre lightfoot. It didn't make her condition any better that they both looked happy. And so did Vivian. She couldn't just go there and say, 'Hi, Mrs. lightfoot. Your son shouldn't exist.'.

"If you keep on going this way soon you'll be pacing in the room beneath us,'' Jayden said, interrupting her thoughts.

Isobel sighed. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. They have already created enough mayhem in the city.

"What do you think we are going to do, Jay?" Isobel asked, biting her nail. A habit that Tahlia had.

"I don't know," he said, flopping down on the bed. Isobel sat next to him.

"Maybe we should tell them…" Isobel trailed off. She wasn't certain how to do it but that seemed like the best hope.

Jayden sat up abruptly. "Jay are you okay?" Isobel asked, alarmed.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You're right. We should tell them." Jayden said.

"What!?" Isobel exclaimed. Is this guy for real? They will put them in jail.

"We should make them realize that he isn't their son,'' Jayden said.

"How will they do that?" Isobel asked.

"I have a plan," he said.


"Just so we are on the same page, this is stupid," Isobel stated.

"I know."

"We don't even know it will work and we can make them angry."

"I know.��

"The chances of success are lower than Anderson's IQ."

"I. Know," Jayden said, sighing. "Let's do it now shall we?" he asked.

"Yeah," Isobel said. Both of them stood in front of the gates and asked the guard if he could confirm with Lori that they could meet or not. A few moments later they were being ushered in. they were told to wait in the living room and they agreed.

After a minute, Lori herself came down the stairs. She took a seat in front of them and asked if they wanted anything to drink or eat. Both of them said no.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

Isobel's hands were getting clammy because of nervousness she refused to let show. She subtly wiped her hands on her pants. Jayden decided to speak first. "We were wondering how the adoption policies are in Chicago. You see Ty and I have been planning on getting a kid adopted.'' Jayden said, smiling and wrapping an arm around Isobel's waist. Isobel smiled and played along. This wasn��t part of the plan and she was going to kill Jay when they got out of here. "Who else better than the woman to ask about it is the mayor and has herself adopted kids."

Lori was confused, to say the least. "I thought you were gay?" she asked Jayden.

Oh, they forgot about that. Arzen was bent.

Isobel laughed as Jayden's arms tightened around her. Lord bless actors. "He's bi actually," she said.

Lori smiled and nodded.

"Well with Vivian we-" she was cut.

"Can you tell us about Deandre?" Isobel interrupted her.

"Deandre?" she asked. Isobel nodded.

"Well, dai was- umm, well." Lori looked confused. She couldn't form the words.

"I don't know what just happened. Can I just tell you guys about Vivian?" Lori asked chuckling to play off her confusion.

"No, we are more interested in Dai," Jayden stated.

Lori's face scrunched up in anger and annoyance. She tried to remember anything about her son but she was coming off short.

"Can you tell us when his birthday is?" Isobel asked. Lori opened her mouth to answer but no sound came. She closed her mouth. She didn't know when her son's birthday was.

"Do you know what adoption centre it was?"

"Do you remember the year you adopted him?" Jayden said joining in.

"What is his age?"

"What does he like to eat?"

"What does he like to watch?"

"Where does he go to school?"

Lori was overwhelmed, to say the least. The onslaught of questions was making her head spin. Her eyes filled with tears as with every question her brain drew up a blank. There was nothing about her son there.

"I don't know, okay!?" Lori yelled as she sobbed. Her breathing was heavy. She didn't know anything and it felt so awful, so wrong. She couldn't help but cry more.

Isobel and Jayden snapped their mouths shut. It worked. Their goal was to overwhelm Lori. But now sheathing a helplessly crying mother they felt disgusted in themselves.

"He is not real, Lori. He's not there and he's not supposed to," Isobel whispered. She kneeled in front of her and took her in her arms. Lori froze and then cried even harder. Isobel's eyes watered as well but she desperately tried to push them back and concentrate on comforting Lori. Even with trying a few escaped. Those traitors.

"Mom?" Deandre asked softly. The brown-skinned boy walked towards her.

Isobel got up and stood on the side.

"Dai," she said. The boy ran to her and she hugged him with all her might. She hugged him for the last time.

"You're not real," she whispered into his hair and the boy disappeared. He disappeared and left no trace of him and this made Lori get into a crying fit again.

Isobel and Jayden looked at each other. Their work was done here. They left Lori to mourn for something that was never actually there, something that was never hers. Lori needed space and they were happy to provide her of that.

They walked out and Isobel almost didn't notice the bat in the corner.


But alas she did notice. And this made her even more confused than before.

Why the hell was there a bat in the house?