Tribal Scroll

"Why the hell do you not tell me before?" Isobel yelled after Jay as he walked fast in front of her. She ran after him to make up for her shorter legs. She wasn't tall but she wasn't short either. This was one of the times she wished she had longer legs. Jayden was gaining on her and Isobel wasn't going to let this guy walk away before she understood why he was going to commit such blasphemy which will no doubt make his parents throw him out of the house.

Jayden smirked and kept on walking. He pulled out his phone and put in the location. He already saved it when he left his home. Putting it on the walk mode he looked at it. 850 meters. Smiling at it he increased his pace. It had little to do with winding Isobel up and more to do with his own insuppressible excitement that was buzzing through his body making the evening look a bit brighter.

Though winding her up was a plus. It filled him with delight at his best friend's misery.

He always wanted to do it and now he was going to. Just the thought made him want to squeal. He had a bounce in his step and he was doing everything he could to not start skipping for the rest of the way.

Isobel was now getting mad. The guy was soon going to start flouncing if he kept on going this way. Jayden was ignoring her readily and he was so bright with happiness that at this rate they were very soon going to get mugged.

She was going to cut someone. She didn't handle suspense well. She was going to yell after him but bit her tongue. It was getting dark. She didn't want to draw more attention than they already were. If he was to get mugged then she would interfere. Right now she let him do whatever he wanted to do.

Sometime later they stood in front of a medium-sized shop. 'Tribal Scroll' was written in front of it in big neon-lit yellow and blue letters. Both Isobel and Jayden made their way inside. Once inside she noticed that two more people were waiting for their turn and were sitting in the chair flipping through some drawings. Or probably just one of them was going to get a tattoo as they were making comments looking through the same book. The whole place was covered in designs.

She had huge respect for those who let others put a needle in them removing three layers of skin and filling it with ink. She could barely even suppress the shudder that went down her spine at the mere thought of it.

"Now are you telling me?" she asked.

Jayden grinned at her. "I wanted to get a piercing for like… well, forever. So I went to my dad and said, 'Can I ask you? I want to get something.'. The poor man redirected me to my mother saying the ever famous dialogue, 'Go ask your mom'." Isobel grinned. Her dad used to say the same. Every dad says the same. "So I knew that was going to happen and went to her and told her I want to get one. She couldn't deny it because she has 4 piercings on her ear. Now I had my mom's and dad's permission so I ran out of there before they could stop me. You know the rest." he finished with a cheeky grin on his face which Isobel returned.

"You are such a devil," she said fondly.

"You love it," he said, winking.

They both sat on the couch.

Moments after a blue-haired boy came out followed by a buff guy who was covered in tattoos. "You took the gel and wipes?" he asked the boy who nodded and made his way out waving.

The buff man looked at them "Jayden?" he asked. Jayden nodded. "Can you wait for a little more? Her tattoo has only a small segment of colouring today. She'll be done in half an hour." he asked. Jayden nodded once again saying it was no problem. The two got up and followed the man to the room. Maybe one was required for emotional support or something.

She laughed in her head.

One was required to clutch on as they went through excruciating pain and inflicting just as much pain on their friend as they squeezed the life out of them and gave the poor hand permanent tissue damage.

She was glad Jayden was only getting a piercing. She wasn't ready to die today.

True to the man's words the two girls who went before came out just seconds over half an hour. "Take care of it. Don't let it infect," he said and she smiled at the man and went out the door dinging after them.

Both Jayden and Isobel stood up and followed the guy.

Jayden looked around the place in awe. As Isobel looked at the needles in horror. Jayden was genuinely impressed with the artistic talent shown in the drawings. Isobel was genuinely terrified of someone stabbing her with the monstrous needle.

"Tattoos are just impressive," Jayden whispered. Isobel had to admit. They were beautiful. If they didn't hurt as much as they do she might even consider getting one.

And then get disowned.

"Tattoo comes from the Polynesians and the word tattoo, tattoo, tatu or ta-tau, meaning "to tap or mark something." The word was brought to England from Captain Cook during his voyages from Tahiti where he was introduced to tattoos." the man said, destroying the used needle in an electric box sort of thing which sparked as the needle went in and he kept his inks and everything away.

Isobel was impressed. The man certainly knew what he was doing and the history behind his work.

"What about piercings?" she asked. She was intrigued.

"Piercings have a confusing history. It was common in too many places. The first ear piercings arose amongst primitive tribes for magical purposes. Believing that demons and spirits were repelled by metal, the tribe's wore metallic ear piercings to prevent the penetration of bad spirits. While the oldest found were ancient Egyptians. An interesting fact is that only the pharaoh was allowed to have his navel pierced and anyone else who did so would be executed. Egyptians wore earrings to display their wealth and portray their beauty." he answered, leading Jayden to a leaning back chair. Jayden took his place there.

"Do you need to hold my hand, Jay?" Isobel asked.

Jayden scoffed at her. He wasn't a pansy. He was a big boy and he could do it. He turned to the man and saw him pulling out a needle and a ring. Jayden's eyes widened. "Please?" he asked.

The tattooed man threw his head back in laughter and Isobel snickered as well but she offered her hand. Jayden gripped on it as his life depended on it.

The guy took hold of Jayden's eyebrow and rubbed alcohol over it. Quickly he pinched the skin and put the needle right through it and Isobel didn't even see it when he put the ring as well.

The moment the needle touched Jayden's skin he winced and just for a second he gripped her hand so tight making her soul leave her body. There will surely be a dent in her bones now.

Ha! Denton dented her bones.

She didn't say anything though. After that pun, she deserved the pain.

She looked at Jayden and blinked.

She didn't know a piercing could make such a difference. Damn the guy looked hot. Making her wolf whistle at him.