
Isobel pushed the doors to their cafeteria open. They had just landed on the back of the school after almost a day. It was good that they made it to the school on time just as the first bell rang or their parents would not only be concerned but also suspicious. Before they had vanished into oblivion she messaged her mother to not wait up for her as she will be at Cara's house. Jayden in his moment of pressure had a blank moment and typed Cara as well.

So creative and original…

Just like the author.

But now both of them were wearing the same clothes as yesterday. It was at least a bit better that Alasdair had let them use the bathroom and laundered their clothes. It was safe to say that they loved technology now. The quickness of the performance of the tasks was mind-blowing and now they were feeling fresh instead of being disgusted. Though they were still very tired seeing that it was over a day since they last slept and the mission had kept them on their feet.

Now, about the mission. It was simply ridiculous, to be honest. The mission was very simple. They went to Russia in November. It was so cold she thought she was going to lose all of her limbs to frostbite. The snow was thick enough for them to swim in it. Imagine people from 65 degrees directly to -23 degrees. From a hot place to the coldest inhabited town on earth. Now the main point other than their almost death was that they didn't have to do anything ridiculous to get access to their memory. What was actually absurd was the smallest thing had been the cause to start the chain reaction for the apocalypse. One might hit their head through the wall after hearing it.

It was the presence of a motorbike helmet in a skateboard shop.

And they had to steal it and take it somewhere far away.

Isobel and Jayden didn't know what the future held for them but they just might become criminals by the end. Became a fugitive from a shop, killed a robot and added shoplifting to the list. Isobel did not have a perfect 5.0 GPA to become a criminal. And of course, there was the fact that she was having suspicions.

"We should confirm it one more time, Izzy."

Isobel shook her head. 'What if it was too late? She wasn't having a really good feeling about it.' "I told you, Jay. One time's an accident, twice is a coincidence and third is a pattern," she said.

Jayden signed and raked a hand through his hair. "Well then fourth time will be a proof." he countered. "Anyway, it was just a bat, what's the big deal? It can just be a coincidence."

"It was -23 Fahrenheit outside Jay what kind of a bat is even alive in that cold. It should have frozen to death." she reasoned. "Also I don't think it is a coincidence that a nocturnal creature is out there in the daylight at the end of every single mission. I think…" her eyes suddenly fell on Cara. "Let's talk about it later." she murmured and stalked off to the table.

"Yeah, hello! Excuse me. Can we just talk about not leaving people in suspense?" Jayden yelled after her but followed her when he realized that she was just going to ignore him. 'Asshole' he metally thought but carried on.

She sat beside Ambre. "Okay what is happening?" she motioned towards Cara. Ambre smirked, "I told you there would be some serious development on Wednesday."

Yeah, she was definitely a sibyl or psychic.

Nevermind, she was probably a banshee with some extra talent.

"Yes, but I didn't think I'd see my best-friend—" Ambre and Jayden sharply turned their heads towards her, daring her to continue. Isobel looked at them and gulped under their hostile stares. "I didn't think I'd see one of my best friends..." she corrected herself, "snogging the life out of some poor girl like a punter." Both nodded at her correction but looked confused at her end word.

[Host, can be too British sometimes]

'Nobody asked you, bro.'

[Would you like a cuppa?]

'Ta, Alex.' She immediately replied.

She could hear the soft snickering in her head. With the weeks, Alex had turned into a sarcastic little shit who loved to get a rise out of her. She rolled her eyes at her system. What she didn't realize was that people around her couldn't hear Alex and they thought the eye-roll was meant to be towards them. They scrunched up their faces as they thought that they were being made fun of.

"You know, punter, the person who hires a prostitute," she explained. Both of them looked at Cara and nodded.

Isobel grabbed hold of Cara's shoulder and pulled her away. 'Was she even breathing?'

[I wonder why you are still breathing.] Alex muttered.

Isobel of course heard it but decided to ignore. The green-eyed brunette that was latched to Cara like leech turned to face her and glared. 'Woah okay. Maybe the poor girl was more of a vixen than her very own skank.' Isobel followed the brunette's hand down and saw where it actually was.

'Yep, she definitely called the wrong person punter.'

Cara after being separated panted and took some huge gulps of air. Her head felt fuzzy. After those two calmed down they promptly connected their swollen and bruised lips again in a fiery kiss.

Isobel's eyes widened and she waved her hand in front of them. They both didn't even seem to notice where they were let alone her person. She just hoped they didn't start taking off each other's clothes in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Okay…" she trailed off. "Someone wants to fill me up on some really important information that I seemed to be lacking?"

"So I told you about the twins that were supposed to be joining us on Wednesday?" Ambre asked. Isobel nodded, of course, she did. "Yeah you twit, today is Wednesday," Ambre said sipping iced tea. 'Where the hell does she get her tea from out of nowhere?' Isobel thought. She looked back and saw Russell was making his way towards their table. 'Why the hell does this guy just get tea for her? Why not for all of them?' but at least she was a bit in the clear now.

"So in the morning, when both of you were late by the way. Cara and I were standing and then the twins entered. Of course, two hot girls and twins. This got like everyone's attention. So they enter and Cara is like, 'I want one.' I also decided to humour her and asked 'which one?' and she looked at me as if I was an idiot and said, 'the gay one, obviously.' Then she went up to her and they said five lines to each other and started making out." Ambre completed the story sipping her tea.

Literally and practically.

Just then a blonde girl, slim long legs, perfect figure and way too much hair product girl came in stalking. She walked in the cafeteria like she owned the place. 'Where the hell have these two girls been during her classes this morning?'

[School is not cool enough for them, host.]

And Alex was probably right.

She strutted to the table on which Ansel and his friends were sitting and leaned over it. This gave people a full view of her strawberry creams. Yeah, she was one of the people who got up the duff every month. Her tight clothes left very little to the imagination anyway with the skirt that was barely past her arse, this left nothing. "Mind if I sit here?" she said in her American accent and fake giggle.